Galloway reporting players yelling at Dennis

BrAinPaiNt;3131557 said:
No...I don't need reading lessons...I can read your ego and agenda from a mile away.

Your act is old, tiresome and you have turned into nothing more than a media sheep wanting attention with your trolling ways.

Yes...that's right, you are the sheep just like the media.

Furthermore if you don't like it here, move on.

Whoa...brain throwing down. You know **** has gone too far when BP starts tugging on his chain.
tomson75;3131538 said:
Lmao....the "sheep" comment right on cue.

You're unbelievably predictable.

I didn't ask you to care. Never suggested you did.

You don't know if I'm happy with this team or not....but that won't stop you from telling other people that I am.

...and that's how you do your business. You try and get people to see things the way you do.

If you had asked, you'd know that I'm very unhappy with this team, but you didn't. You just developed your own little (and very stupid) theory. Just like you always do.

You're worried about everything...perceptions, reactions, etc....but sometimes your not so worried about what's really important. Results. I wonder why that is...

Sue me if I don't choose to whine about everything this team does that I don't agree with. I have better things to do....and it seems like you and your buddies have that market saturated anyways.

You are on a Cowboys message board.

You honesly think the entire Cowboys fan base thinks like the 20 people on here who will never act like this team does anything wrong.

Try checking out the rest of the world once in a while.

You are such a minority. But because you get to speak on here and then you can find a small group to agree you guys think you are on to something.


It's comical.
Doomsday101;3131369 said:
Why they are defending one of their own it is not player on player. Nothing like 2008

Some people will never get the difference.
JBond;3131561 said:
Just deleted DC fanatic's site from my favorites list. It was not horrible at first, but has grow steadily worse. Now that I understand a typical run of the mill hack is running it, I understand why.
Agreed. Early his site and the information was great even with the subtle agenda laced statements at the beginning of the content he posted. Now, since he has taken the less then subtle approach with pushing his agenda, I can barely stomach it any more.

Thank God for the Zone.
JBond;3131561 said:
Just deleted DC fanatic's site from my favorites list. It was not horrible at first, but has grow steadily worse. Now that I understand a typical run of the mill hack is running it, I understand why.


He's the Cowboys and I am Steve Dennis.

dcfanatic;3131567 said:
You are such a minority. But because you get to speak on here and then you can find a small group to agree you guys think you are on to something.
Oh, the irony.
dcfanatic;3131567 said:
You are on a Cowboys message board.

You honesly think the entire Cowboys fan base thinks like the 20 people on here who will never act like this team does anything wrong.

Try checking out the rest of the world once in a while.

You are such a minority. But because you get to speak on here and then you can find a small group to agree you guys think you are on to something.


It's comical.

Lmao...coming from the guy with a website, blog, and radio show dedicated to the very same thing I'm "not whining enough" about.

This post is pure awesome DC. Congrats on your laughing stock status.
adbutcher;3131574 said:
Agreed. Early his site and the information was great even with the subtle agenda laced statements at the beginning of the content he posted. Now, since he has taken the less then subtle approach with pushing his agenda, I can barely stomach it any more.

Thank God for the Zone.

Yeah. Thank God you can find some people to constantly agree with you and your way of thinking.

Makes you feel great huh.

Hypnotoad;3131577 said:
LoL media think they are part of the team.

If you're labelling DCF as part of the "media" I think you're giving him too much credit.
superpunk;3131584 said:
If you're labelling DCF as part of the "media" I think you're giving him too much credit.

He just like to pretend he is part of the media. :lmao2:
dcfanatic;3131575 said:

He's the Cowboys and I am Steve Dennis.


Think what you want but I used to check your site out on a semi regular basis. But the poor quality of writing combined with the same mindless drivel I can find anywhere has left me no choice but to cross you off the list. I try to steer clear of agenda driven garbage journalism.
dcfanatic;3131583 said:
Yeah. Thank God you can find some people to constantly agree with you and your way of thinking.

Makes you feel great huh.


I read most of the post here those who I agree with and those who I don't agree with.

I think you mean well but in my opinion you have let your hatred for Wade make you jump the shark.
tomson75;3131579 said:
Lmao...coming from the guy with a website, blog, and radio show dedicated to the very same thing I'm "not whining enough" about.

This post is pure awesome DC. Congrats on your laughing stock status.

It's all encompassing.

Good or bad you will get it on there.

But for you the only good threads are the ones that are 'positive'.

As if everyday is sunny in real life.

Keep fooling yourself.
adbutcher;3131591 said:
I read most of the post here those who I agree with and those who I don't agree with.

I think you mean well but in my opinion you have let your hatred for Wade make you jump the shark.

This can not be...he is not bias, he told us that already.:D
tomson75;3131489 said:
That about sums up the way I see it as well. It almost seems as if he started with the best feels slighted...and is exacting his little measure of revenge on the Cowboys by whining about everything he perceives to be a mistake and being LOUD about it. Lame.

What ever happened to people just renting billboards and getting on with their lives?

superpunk;3131584 said:
If you're labelling DCF as part of the "media" I think you're giving him too much credit.

Media lapdog work for you? :D

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