Game of Thrones: Season 2

I love the show. I have decided to not read the books until much later because I do not want to know what is missing , different or out of sequence.
viman96;4567465 said:
I love the show. I have decided to not read the books until much later because I do not want to know what is missing , different or out of sequence.

Let me screw it up for you. The finding of the dragon glass in the last episode is out of sequence. :laugh2:

Actually, if I remember correctly. It was found by Ghost and dug up by Jon and Samwell before Jon was separated from the Night Watch. (before Ygritte came into the picture)
Sam I Am;4567477 said:
Let me screw it up for you. The finding of the dragon glass in the last episode is out of sequence. :laugh2:

Actually, if I remember correctly. It was found by Ghost and dug up by Jon and Samwell before Jon was separated from the Night Watch. (before Ygritte came into the picture)

Jon was never separated from the Night's Watch in the book. He let Ygritte go.
a_minimalist;4567567 said:
Jon was never separated from the Night's Watch in the book. He let Ygritte go.

:confused: Yes he did. Hell, even the show is portraying that part now. (even if it isnt' following the book's script)
Sam I Am;4567575 said:
:confused: Yes he did. Hell, even the show is portraying that part now. (even if it isnt' following the book's script)

The fact that they haven't forgotten about Qhorin made me very happy. There will be a very important scene between Jon and Qhorin coming up(you know what I'm talking about) that, if left out, would have completely destroyed the story beyond the wall.
a_minimalist;4567623 said:
The fact that they haven't forgotten about Qhorin made me very happy. There will be a very important scene between Jon and Qhorin coming up(you know what I'm talking about) that, if left out, would have completely destroyed the story beyond the wall.

It's why he was allowed to live.
Sam I Am;4567691 said:
It's why he was allowed to live.

Yup, that's why my original post on here had me so frustrated. I thought they were killing that story by leaving that out.
a_minimalist;4567782 said:
Yup, that's why my original post on here had me so frustrated. I thought they were killing that story by leaving that out.
Not sure why you thought that part was going away. I think the way they did it in the show makes much more sense than the books. Now there's actual motivation for him having to prove himself.
theogt;4567793 said:
Not sure why you thought that part was going away. I think the way they did it in the show makes much more sense than the books. Now there's actual motivation for him having to prove himself.

That's pretty easy to say now that they've showed him. I'm not sure why you think it's such a far fetched idea to think they would leave that out considering how they set it up. I mean they have left out Jojen an Meera Reed who play a pretty large part in book 3.

And, I completely disagree, the way in the book was much more appealing. I won't talk about why since I don't want to ruin it for other people.
a_minimalist;4567850 said:
That's pretty easy to say now that they've showed him. I'm not sure why you think it's such a far fetched idea to think they would leave that out considering how they set it up. I mean they have left out Jojen an Meera Reed who play a pretty large part in book 3.

And, I completely disagree, the way in the book was much more appealing. I won't talk about why since I don't want to ruin it for other people.
They simply hadn't gotten to the point chronologically yet.
a_minimalist;4567623 said:
The fact that they haven't forgotten about Qhorin made me very happy. There will be a very important scene between Jon and Qhorin coming up(you know what I'm talking about) that, if left out, would have completely destroyed the story beyond the wall.

I'm still annoyed though. In the book Jon's lets Ygritte go, It's a building point for his character. Qhorin didn't need Ygritte to die, and left Jon to do it to learn more about who Jon is. He isn't upset with Jon when Jon returns and says he couldn't do it, he simply tells him "well I know more about you now then I did this morning", and tells him if he needed her dead he would have let someone else do it.

In the TV show, Jon comes off as a complete newb who got all of his brothers caught and killed. Now the upcoming situation is losing some of it's meaning any way you slice it because the entire context is different.

Hopefully they'll add some dialogue to soften things up.
Teren_Kanan;4568178 said:
I'm still annoyed though. In the book Jon's lets Ygritte go, It's a building point for his character. Qhorin didn't need Ygritte to die, and left Jon to do it to learn more about who Jon is. He isn't upset with Jon when Jon returns and says he couldn't do it, he simply tells him "well I know more about you now then I did this morning", and tells him if he needed her dead he would have let someone else do it.

In the TV show, Jon comes off as a complete newb who got all of his brothers caught and killed. Now the upcoming situation is losing some of it's meaning any way you slice it because the entire context is different.

Hopefully they'll add some dialogue to soften things up.

Exactly, not to mention when Jon does what he does it is under pressing circumstances making it that much more intriguing. It's something that was never discussed, he just had to act, and quickly. You're confused and you question it and really don't know what to think when it happens. The shows version is boring compared to the books. You see it coming. They dumb it down and spell it out for you.
Teren_Kanan;4568178 said:
I'm still annoyed though. In the book Jon's lets Ygritte go, It's a building point for his character. Qhorin didn't need Ygritte to die, and left Jon to do it to learn more about who Jon is. He isn't upset with Jon when Jon returns and says he couldn't do it, he simply tells him "well I know more about you now then I did this morning", and tells him if he needed her dead he would have let someone else do it.

In the TV show, Jon comes off as a complete newb who got all of his brothers caught and killed. Now the upcoming situation is losing some of it's meaning any way you slice it because the entire context is different.

Hopefully they'll add some dialogue to soften things up.
No, they needed to give him a reason for doing what he's about to do. The "push" in last night's episode makes what he's about to do more believable now. In the book it wasn't really believable.
theogt;4568368 said:
No, they needed to give him a reason for doing what he's about to do. The "push" in last night's episode makes what he's about to do more believable now. In the book it wasn't really believable.

It's believable in the episode. It's different from the book. I don't want to get into spoilers of things that haven't happened yet, so I'll discuss it after viewers have seen it, but I disagree with it not being believable in the books.

It's all just different. They'll putting a whole new spin on Jon's characters and imo taking a few too many liberties, but this goes back for several episodes now. It's still good TV, there is no flaw with what happened in that light.

All the little changes add up imo. You have Jon act a fool at Crasters by disobeying orders, something his character is not prone to doing in the books. You then have Jon VOLUNTEER to go on a sneaking assassination mission, something Jon would not have done in the books. Jon snow tries to model the honor of his father. Ned is not the type to sneak through the night and slit throats, neither is Jon. In the books Qhorin requests Jon go due to his Stark Heritage having meaning beyond the wall, and the mission is to gather as much information as possible and return.

Then the Ygritte situation happens very differently in the books, which also results in more change to his character. He declines killing her against the suggestions of the guy with him, and takes her to Qhorin. He is then left to "Do what needs to be done" on Qhorin's orders. It was simply Qhorin testing Jon's character. He didn't need Ygritte dead, and he didn't know if Jon was the type to kill an unarmed girl. Jon lets her live, and Qhorin is ok with it. They get caught later for another reason which I won't mention due to possible spoilers.

In the TV show we have a Jon who volunteers to be the man to actually kill Ygritte, instead of Qhorin doing it, and Qhorin clearly leaves Jon with the assumption that Jon is going to kill her. His command is "leave him to it" as opposed to the more ambiguous "Do what needs to be done". Then Jon can't do it, goes on a merry chase, and gets his entire party save Qhorin killed in the process? Jon is completely at fault in the TV show's version. He made a huge (and foolish) mistake, and others died because of it.

Good TV, bad conversion.
Zordon;4567391 said:
I love this show. Pretty much addicted to the storyline. I don't know how I'll cope once the season ends. I might have to give in and finally buy the books. The preview for the next episode looks epic.

Cat really ticked me off this episode. Most of the starks annoy me for some reason with the exception of Arya and Bran. Tyrion is simply an amazing actor. His scenes with his bodyguard and Cersei and Varys are amazing.

I'm with you, man. It's painstaking having to wait a week to watch each episode after having watched the first season on demand in 2 days. I started reading the books, so hopefully I should be finished with them all by the 3rd season...that should cut down on the withdrawals some. Arya is me and my fiancée's favorite character...we've decided that's what we're going to name our first daughter.
RamziD;4575698 said:
I'm with you, man. It's painstaking having to wait a week to watch each episode after having watched the first season on demand in 2 days. I started reading the books, so hopefully I should be finished with them all by the 3rd season...that should cut down on the withdrawals some. Arya is me and my fiancée's favorite character...we've decided that's what we're going to name our first daughter.

Oh you poor poor fool. The wait in between each week is bad? The year wait in between seasons?
You will read the books. THEN YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUE HORROR OF WAITING! As you wait 3+ years for the next book, and I'm being generous with the 3 year assumption!

RamziD;4575698 said:
I'm with you, man. It's painstaking having to wait a week to watch each episode after having watched the first season on demand in 2 days. I started reading the books, so hopefully I should be finished with them all by the 3rd season...that should cut down on the withdrawals some. Arya is me and my fiancée's favorite character...we've decided that's what we're going to name our first daughter.

Last night's episode was one of the finest hours of television I've ever witnessed. The exposion was epic, Stannis leading his men was epic, Joffrey deserting his men was pathetic, Cersei and Sansa's interactions was amazing, and Tyrion...better not be dead.

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