Game of Thrones Season 5 ***spoilers***


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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The books definitely implied that something significant happened there.

Yeah, but my point is they didn't follow the feel that JRR Martin has set. They did what ever reality TV show does. Go way overboard in attempts to keep people's interest. My only issue is the feel of the story seems to have changed and IMO not for the better.

In other words, I do not believe that is the way JRR Martin would have done it.


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Yeah, but my point is they didn't follow the feel that JRR Martin has set. They did what ever reality TV show does. Go way overboard in attempts to keep people's interest. My only issue is the feel of the story seems to have changed and IMO not for the better.

In other words, I do not believe that is the way JRR Martin would have done it.

It can't be done the way it would be done for a book. And a lot of people have some major problems with the way GRRM has done things in the last 2 books. I think it very much fits his style though. In the books he described the attack at the fist of the first men, but the show glossed over it. In the books he glossed over the Hardhome stuff (for now), but the show presented it to the audience, and they did it quite well (ie. Not overboard).


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Cute Dragon Queen Chick: I'm not going to stop the wheel. I'm going to BREAK it. (or something thereabouts) :eek::omg:

What's up with the dude that has the rock stuff going on on his arm? That got banished outside the city by Dragon Queen Chick? Is he transforming into Rock Man or is he dying?


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Cute Dragon Queen Chick: I'm not going to stop the wheel. I'm going to BREAK it. (or something thereabouts) :eek::omg:

What's up with the dude that has the rock stuff going on on his arm? That got banished outside the city by Dragon Queen Chick? Is he transforming into Rock Man or is he dying?
Daenerys Targaryen is my pick to eventually sit on the Iron Throne. I've gotten into the series late after watching a marathon of the first four seasons. I haven't read the books and don't know how she will be treated but I'm rooting for her. She is intelligent, compromising, bold when necessary, and compassionate with enough ruthlessness to become ruler of the kingdoms. She has a large loyal army and looks like she may even consolidate the will of the people in her part of the world. She reminds me of a cross between Cleopatra and Xena the Warrior Princess with a little Gabrielle mixed in. :)

The guy is suffering from an infectious disease called dragonscale I think. From what I have learned from the series, dragonscale is usually fatal and eventually drives the sufferer insane. Some survive the disease but seem to lose all their humanity and become crazed animals. I think Stannis Baratheon daughter was cured of the insanity through sorcery and medicine but the dragonscale left some of her body (including her face) permanently scarred.

For the thread: Do any of you think Qyburn may send his Frankenstein monster (that's what I'm calling the guy laying under the sheet in Qyburn's lab) to free Cersei from the religious fanatics? I would think the monster would make an appearence during the final two episodes.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Daenerys Targaryen is my pick to eventually sit on the Iron Throne. I've gotten into the series late after watching a marathon of the first four seasons. I haven't read the books and don't know how she will be treated but I'm rooting for her. She is intelligent, compromising, bold when necessary, and compassionate with enough ruthlessness to become ruler of the kingdoms. She has a large loyal army and looks like she may even consolidate the will of the people in her part of the world. She reminds me of a cross between Cleopatra and Xena the Warrior Princess with a little Gabrielle mixed in. :)

The guy is suffering from an infectious disease called dragonscale I think. From what I have learned from the series, dragonscale is usually fatal and eventually drives the sufferer insane. Some survive the disease but seem to lose all their humanity and become crazed animals. I think Stannis Baratheon daughter was cured of the insanity through sorcery and medicine but the dragonscale left some of her body (including her face) permanently scarred.

For the thread: Do any of you think Qyburn may send his Frankenstein monster (that's what I'm calling the guy laying under the sheet in Qyburn's lab) to free Cersei from the religious fanatics? I would think the monster would make an appearence during the final two episodes.

Keep in mind what happened to the last septon. How he was punished after getting caught in Little Fingers establishment.

You will see something similar but the visuals will be MUCH better. :D


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Daenerys Targaryen is my pick to eventually sit on the Iron Throne. I've gotten into the series late after watching a marathon of the first four seasons. I haven't read the books and don't know how she will be treated but I'm rooting for her. She is intelligent, compromising, bold when necessary, and compassionate with enough ruthlessness to become ruler of the kingdoms. She has a large loyal army and looks like she may even consolidate the will of the people in her part of the world. She reminds me of a cross between Cleopatra and Xena the Warrior Princess with a little Gabrielle mixed in. :)

The guy is suffering from an infectious disease called dragonscale I think. From what I have learned from the series, dragonscale is usually fatal and eventually drives the sufferer insane. Some survive the disease but seem to lose all their humanity and become crazed animals. I think Stannis Baratheon daughter was cured of the insanity through sorcery and medicine but the dragonscale left some of her body (including her face) permanently scarred.

For the thread: Do any of you think Qyburn may send his Frankenstein monster (that's what I'm calling the guy laying under the sheet in Qyburn's lab) to free Cersei from the religious fanatics? I would think the monster would make an appearence during the final two episodes.

I hope the Mountain goes in there and just slaughters those fanatics left and right. Cersei is a moron for empowering them..but she's a villain I want to stay around for a while.

Jora one way or another has to go out in an emotional way. I didn't care for grey worm or Selmy tbo...but Jora needs something special.


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Daenerys Targaryen is my pick to eventually sit on the Iron Throne. I've gotten into the series late after watching a marathon of the first four seasons. I haven't read the books and don't know how she will be treated but I'm rooting for her. She is intelligent, compromising, bold when necessary, and compassionate with enough ruthlessness to become ruler of the kingdoms. She has a large loyal army and looks like she may even consolidate the will of the people in her part of the world. She reminds me of a cross between Cleopatra and Xena the Warrior Princess with a little Gabrielle mixed in. :)

The guy is suffering from an infectious disease called dragonscale I think. From what I have learned from the series, dragonscale is usually fatal and eventually drives the sufferer insane. Some survive the disease but seem to lose all their humanity and become crazed animals. I think Stannis Baratheon daughter was cured of the insanity through sorcery and medicine but the dragonscale left some of her body (including her face) permanently scarred.

For the thread: Do any of you think Qyburn may send his Frankenstein monster (that's what I'm calling the guy laying under the sheet in Qyburn's lab) to free Cersei from the religious fanatics? I would think the monster would make an appearence during the final two episodes.

It's actually called greyscale.


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Knowing how twisted the book writer is, it would be weird to have it end with Dany on the throne. I would think Tyrion somehow manages it as an ally of Dany.

If a book reader reads my quote, don't spoil it for me if I am blatantly wrong lol.


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George R R. Martin is a giants fan.... Wun Wun the giant was named in honor of phil simms 11 o_O

Oh man thats really disappointing. I am going to pretend I never read that and he was actually a Danny White fan so I can keep watching the show without a bad taste in my mouth.


Fattening up
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Oh man thats really disappointing. I am going to pretend I never read that and he was actually a Danny White fan so I can keep watching the show without a bad taste in my mouth.

Danny White wasn't a Giant, though.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Just some random ideas, thoughts, and speculations. Not really spoilers as the books are not done and the shows are not done but speculations.

Although there are many speculations and rumors of who is going to be who and who will rule and all of that. One thing we can pretty much agree on (or we should) is that there will be a battle of good vs Evil.
Man vs White Walkers and their wright minions. (Man can be evil and we have seen that on this show but for arguments sake Men are the good in this battle).

Now if the battle happens and Man (man includes any humans and in the case of this book, dragons) win out they will pretty much have to kill the White Walkers and their minions or come to an agreement that they will go away forever.

Point being when the battle is over and Man wins (do we really think they will lose). Pretty good chance there will no longer be a need for the Wall or at least the Nights Watch. Which could be "one" way for Jon Snow to leave the nights watch without renouncing his oath to persue other "jobs or titles".

We also have the wildings being able to farm the lands south of the wall...

EXCEPT the Thenns. This is speculation again. The wildings pretty much don't like the Thenns...We had Jon's woman say she hated them, we had the female clan member in the last episode say she don't like Thenns and I think we had Tormund say the same thing at one time or another.
The Thenns prefer Human meat for their dinner. I am sure other humans would not be too keen on that. The wildings can let it slide when they are fighting because it would just be the enemies...the Thenns can not eat the White Walkers or Wrights and that is the only enemy other than the crows and southern people. So if they move south of the wall who will they kill and eat? Don't seem like the type to compromise and only eat deer or other game. So...My thought is all the wildings will move south of the wall except the Thenns who will be killed out or something else happens to them.


Jon has Valeryian steel he got from Lord Mormont.
Jon's father, Lord Stark had Valeryian Steel (probably not a coincidence it was named ICE).
That Sword, Ice, was later used to cut off Ned's head and they melted it down to make two Swords.
Geoffery had one (widows wail) who should be passed on to Tommen.
The king slayer received one but he gave it to Brienne who named it Oathkeeper.
You have the dagger that was going to be used to kill Brandon.
Samwell Tarly's (sp?) Father also has one but I don't recall if they named the sword.
Look for Sam's father to be part of the cast and story next year. Stannis made mention that he was the only man to
best Robert in battle and word is that there is a casting call for two major characters for next season one seems to be Euron Greyjoy the other Tarly.
Tyrion at one time or another, or maybe it was Sam, has said there are more Valeryian steel swords out there but they are somewhat rare.

So we know that Valeryian steel can kill the white walkers and Obsidian and Dragon glass.


As in the books, at this point, and as in the show series....It seems that Rickon Stark, Osha (the wilding woman) and ShaggyDog seem to have pretty much vanished like Richie Cunningham's Brother who was on happy days the first season, went to his room and was never seen again.


Something else to wonder about. Sansa's Direwolf is dead. Rob's Direwolf is dead, Jon's Direwolf is at the wall, Rickons Direwolf is with him and Osha, Brandon's dire wolf is with him at the tree....Where is Arya's direwolf? Remember she told it to get away from here because she thought Geoffery would want it killed. In the books it at times writes about a large wolf running with a pack but nothing in the show about it. I wonder if we ever see Nymeria (arya's direwolf) again.

Just some rambling thoughts.


Hold The Door!
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Although there are many speculations and rumors of who is going to be who and who will rule and all of that. One thing we can pretty much agree on (or we should) is that there will be a battle of good vs Evil.
Man vs White Walkers and their wright minions. (Man can be evil and we have seen that on this show but for arguments sake Men are the good in this battle).

I don't know if I believe its this straight forward... I would like to think that where was an upset of balance between fire and Ice, and john will be the one to strike the balance because he embodies both... he is the "christ" of the series. The way Melisandre and The Night's King look at John is the same. I guess good and evil relative to their actions... but I don't think one will conquer the other, more so... peace will will be made.... In other words I don't know if total destruction is the only solution..(as bob marley would say :D)

Oh, and on Arya's wolf... running wild just like her!