Game of Thrones Season 5 ***spoilers***


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I think Jon Snow will be back. I think Melisandre will bring him back. There was a reason she left Stannis and returned to Castle Black. We have already seen people healed by the "lord of light". At least I hope that is what happens:confused:.


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Those last two episodes had so e brutal deaths.
Really disturbing....bummed me out in a big way.


Hold The Door!
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I'm not sure who is Azor Ahai but it makes sense that Jon Snow reincarnates as someone else on this show. Snow witnessed the White Walkers, whose power was far beyond that of mortal men or him. To me, it would take someone else who was more than mortal to stop them. I thought that duty would fall to Daenerys Targaryen, she who survived her dead husband's cremation unharmed and became the Mother of Dragons. Guess I was wrong.

Personally, I'll remain a fan of the show up until if-and-when they kill off Dany.

mind, body, spirit...
three headed dragon...
And a man crucified, & persecuted who looks like the western perception jesus christ.....

"Don't worry Olly, he'll be back.... He always comes back...."

I know GRR Martin likes to do things differently, but every good writer leaves breadcrumbs.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I think Jon Snow will be back. I think Melisandre will bring him back. There was a reason she left Stannis and returned to Castle Black. We have already seen people healed by the "lord of light". At least I hope that is what happens:confused:.
Melisandre is a fanatic but she's not stupid. She left Stannis knowing he had no chance of winning after half his remaining fighting force mutinied. It would not surprise me that she witnessed the slaughter from a safe distance before retreating to The Wall where she knew Davos had been sent. However, the more I think of it, I believe theogt is correct. The "Lord of Light" had a different plan all along and Melisandre will only see it clearly after discovering Jon Snow's dead body.
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Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Jon might be dead...but not for long.


The show, especially this season, has laid too many clues and lines down for it not to happen.


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1. Blow all your budget on one episode in which what has become the main character over multiple seasons showcases he's become a great leader and can kick *** in combat, then reveal his ultimate enemy.
2. Spend all season (not to mention books) dropping hints of R + L = J, and the potential greatness of Jon.
3. Have a priestess with the power to revive the dead uncharacteristically abandon her position with her king to show up moments before the main character dies.
4. Make his ultimate fate a cliffhanger.

At this point, almost literally no one in Westeros knows or cares about Jon Snow. There is no plot reason to have him die. It doesn't serve any purpose. No one would learn from it. It doesn't set off any chain of events. It doesn't even serve as shock value, since everyone is just assuming he's coming back somehow.

This is either the dumbest story of all time. Or he comes back.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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1. Blow all your budget on one episode in which what has become the main character over multiple seasons showcases he's become a great leader and can kick *** in combat, then reveal his ultimate enemy.
2. Spend all season (not to mention books) dropping hints of R + L = J, and the potential greatness of Jon.
3. Have a priestess with the power to revive the dead uncharacteristically abandon her position with her king to show up moments before the main character dies.
4. Make his ultimate fate a cliffhanger.

At this point, almost literally no one in Westeros knows or cares about Jon Snow. There is no plot reason to have him die. It doesn't serve any purpose. No one would learn from it. It doesn't set off any chain of events. It doesn't even serve as shock value, since everyone is just assuming he's coming back somehow.

This is either the dumbest story of all time. Or he comes back.

Also...Since they did not bother with Lady Stoneheart (aka Cat Stark) coming back in the show like they did in the book...hmmmm


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1. Blow all your budget on one episode in which what has become the main character over multiple seasons showcases he's become a great leader and can kick *** in combat, then reveal his ultimate enemy.
2. Spend all season (not to mention books) dropping hints of R + L = J, and the potential greatness of Jon.
3. Have a priestess with the power to revive the dead uncharacteristically abandon her position with her king to show up moments before the main character dies.
4. Make his ultimate fate a cliffhanger.

At this point, almost literally no one in Westeros knows or cares about Jon Snow. There is no plot reason to have him die. It doesn't serve any purpose. No one would learn from it. It doesn't set off any chain of events. It doesn't even serve as shock value, since everyone is just assuming he's coming back somehow.

This is either the dumbest story of all time. Or he comes back.

I think his death(Snow), along with the burning of a child(yes I know this is fiction), I don't know if I care any more about this show.


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Martin has said that Jon Snow may live in some form in the books, but Snow is dead on the show. From every indication the actor is ready to move on as well. It may not be popular , but that is just the way it is.


Hold The Door!
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According to the actor that plays him, he is dead and not coming back.

Both are dead from what the HBO staff is saying. There was a lot of killing in the finale . Kit Harrington said that he won't be back. Stannis is gone as well.

Martin has said that Jon Snow may live in some form in the books, but Snow is dead on the show. From every indication the actor is ready to move on as well. It may not be popular , but that is just the way it is.

stop trying to sell us your bridge...o_O:D:cool:
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Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Martin has said that Jon Snow may live in some form in the books, but Snow is dead on the show. From every indication the actor is ready to move on as well. It may not be popular , but that is just the way it is.


Jon Snow might be dead.
However Jon Stark or Jon T. is about to be born.

That is the easy way for anyone to say...Jon Snow is dead on the show (whether that be the actor, book author or show writers) and they can be honest when saying it.

Pretty Simple really.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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There is a story out there about how the writers were kind of being auditioned with GRR Martin.

He asked them who was Jon Snow's mother.

The current group got it right and this was before the last book was published in other words this was asked before they made the first season on HBO.

There is a very distinct reason why Jon Snow's mother is very important to the whole story line especially the end and nothing in the show or books have deviated from that end point.

Everything still points towards the importance of Jon Snow's Mother.

Snow is a ******* name. Ramsay Bolton had a ******* name, his father changed it to make him a Bolton. Stannis was willing to make Snow a Stark if he would fight with him.

Last names can change and with the humdinger of who Jon's real mother is and even more his REAL father's name, his name will change later down the road.


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Martin has said that Jon Snow may live in some form in the books, but Snow is dead on the show. From every indication the actor is ready to move on as well. It may not be popular , but that is just the way it is.
So, let's play this out. There are now really only three scenarios:

1. Dany rallies to the Dothraki and Unsullied and whoever else joins her, defeats the White Walkers and rules everything.
2. Some other completely unforshawdowed and unknown plot line emerges.
3. Nothing. The White Walkers kill everyone.

Each of these makes all or substantially all of the stories told in the series to date pointless. It's just a snapshot of a short period of time for a bunch of random people within this intricately crafted world. If that is the case, I'd rather not have wasted my time.