Game of Thrones Season 5 ***spoilers***


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So, let's play this out. There are now really only three scenarios:

1. Dany rallies to the Dothraki and Unsullied and whoever else joins her, defeats the White Walkers and rules everything.
2. Some other completely unforshawdowed and unknown plot line emerges.
3. Nothing. The White Walkers kill everyone.

Each of these makes all or substantially all of the stories told in the series to date pointless. It's just a snapshot of a short period of time for a bunch of random people within this intricately crafted world. If that is the case, I'd rather not have wasted my time.

Lost 2.0, I bet JJ is behind GoT.


Hold The Door!
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"The toughest man with no b***s I've ever met....


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There is a story out there about how the writers were kind of being auditioned with GRR Martin.

He asked them who was Jon Snow's mother.

The current group got it right and this was before the last book was published in other words this was asked before they made the first season on HBO.

There is a very distinct reason why Jon Snow's mother is very important to the whole story line especially the end and nothing in the show or books have deviated from that end point.

Everything still points towards the importance of Jon Snow's Mother.

Snow is a ******* name. Ramsay Bolton had a ******* name, his father changed it to make him a Bolton. Stannis was willing to make Snow a Stark if he would fight with him.

Last names can change and with the humdinger of who Jon's real mother is and even more his REAL father's name, his name will change later down the road.

Yea, if Jon Snow is dead, then not knowing his mother's identity was a complete waste of time. Even if we found out posthumously, it would be irrelevant at this point and take away from the series. Jon Snow can die, but it has to be when his arc is done, and quite frankly, there are several loose ends with his arc.


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Did anyone else think that Jamie's daughter was gonna try and bang him for a minute there?


Hold The Door!
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Yea, if Jon Snow is dead, then not knowing his mother's identity was a complete waste of time. Even if we found out posthumously, it would be irrelevant at this point and take away from the series. Jon Snow can die, but it has to be when his arc is done, and quite frankly, there are several loose ends with his arc.
but, but, they say he's dead, and not coming back! they wouldn't lie to us..o_O;)


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
but, but, they say he's dead, and not coming back! they wouldn't lie to us..o_O;)

Like I said...they can claim semantics later and say...Well Jon Snow did die and he is not coming back..>But Jon Stark is here now or Jon T. is here or some other name the Red Priestess gives him.


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Jon Snow is dead and Kit Harrington and the show producers all say he's not coming back. I'll buy it when I see it. I can't believe Grrm would waste a character like that... I would imagine the red woman is going to revive him. If not then I just witnessed the most underwhelming character death to date. I get the fascination with killing major characters off but this is border line idiotic.

Stannis Baratheon is a joke. ..was this what his story line was like in the books? I seriously feel like they ruined his character in 2 episodes and for what? What purpose was there for Stannis all a long? Now some annoyances of mine...So he lost half his army in the middle of the night and they wait till morning to tell Stannis, That makes sense. Then the Red Woman I suppose finds a horse and leaves, yet nobody decides to stop her, and over night becomes an expert rider and gets to castle black over night... Ridiculous. Won't even talk about the battle, it was pathetic.

The walk of shame was well done and most of the Dany bits were good. I'm sure she'll get out of it when they see her dragon. She'll most likely get their support and get an even bigger army. I mean, they can't kill her off too right?

I'm glad Grey Worm wakes up from his slumber but how is he respected by the people? And the unsullied are the only thing keeping the city together was mean the same unsullied that get stabbed by common folk in masks left and right? .

book readers please tell me this is just a bad dream.


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Jon Snow is dead and Kit Harrington and the show producers all say he's not coming back. I'll buy it when I see it. I can't believe Grrm would waste a character like that... I would imagine the red woman is going to revive him. If not then I just witnessed the most underwhelming character death to date. I get the fascination with killing major characters off but this is border line idiotic.

Stannis Baratheon is a joke. ..was this what his story line was like in the books? I seriously feel like they ruined his character in 2 episodes and for what? What purpose was there for Stannis all a long?

He took out Renly which had huge implications on the war.

Melissandre's magic possibly (though it can't really be proven) took out other "kings".

He saved Jon and the Night's Watch at the wall.

While not the most enjoyable character IMO, he has greatly influenced the world of Westeros.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Jon Snow is dead and Kit Harrington and the show producers all say he's not coming back. I'll buy it when I see it. I can't believe Grrm would waste a character like that... I would imagine the red woman is going to revive him. If not then I just witnessed the most underwhelming character death to date. I get the fascination with killing major characters off but this is border line idiotic.

Stannis Baratheon is a joke. ..was this what his story line was like in the books? I seriously feel like they ruined his character in 2 episodes and for what? What purpose was there for Stannis all a long? Now some annoyances of mine...So he lost half his army in the middle of the night and they wait till morning to tell Stannis, That makes sense. Then the Red Woman I suppose finds a horse and leaves, yet nobody decides to stop her, and over night becomes an expert rider and gets to castle black over night... Ridiculous. Won't even talk about the battle, it was pathetic.

The walk of shame was well done and most of the Dany bits were good. I'm sure she'll get out of it when they see her dragon. She'll most likely get their support and get an even bigger army. I mean, they can't kill her off too right?

I'm glad Grey Worm wakes up from his slumber but how is he respected by the people? And the unsullied are the only thing keeping the city together was mean the same unsullied that get stabbed by common folk in masks left and right? .

book readers please tell me this is just a bad dream.

We are getting to the point where the show is passing the books so we really are just as in venturing into the same dark as the viewers.

Not only that some things have changed a great deal from the book and in the show.

Sansa Stark in the book never marries Bolton. They send someone else to marry him and call her Sansa Stark. I guess they decided to change that up.

In the book Mance Rader does not really die. They make it look like him but it was not him. Mance also had a wife (making her queen beyond the wall) and a child and the Red Priestess wanted to take his child and do the sacrifice in which the others had a feeling it would happen so they switched Mance's child with little Sam and shipped Sam and Gilly (with an alive maester Aemon) to the citidel to save the child and to have same become a maester.

So far in the books They did not sacrafice Stannis daughter. Stannis IIRC is still alive in the book so we did not know he was going to die, if he did, and if so by Brienne's hand or not.

So those are just a few things that are different in the books vs the show.


Slanje Va
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In what way? They spent the whole season with Orell, mance gave an overview, and we've seen Bran's powers...
anything in specific?

Ok, poorly phrased. I'm surprised they didn't go into the depth they did in the book specifically relating to Jon


This is a house of learned doctors
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So, let's play this out. There are now really only three scenarios:

1. Dany rallies to the Dothraki and Unsullied and whoever else joins her, defeats the White Walkers and rules everything.
2. Some other completely unforshawdowed and unknown plot line emerges.
3. Nothing. The White Walkers kill everyone.

Each of these makes all or substantially all of the stories told in the series to date pointless. It's just a snapshot of a short period of time for a bunch of random people within this intricately crafted world. If that is the case, I'd rather not have wasted my time.

If Jon Snow is dead, then I am pretty cool with the third scenario.