Game of Thrones Season 6

Some of them I don't mind.

I don't know that we need a Lady Stoneheart in the series. I mean it was cool in the book but what purpose would it really serve other than to show someone can come back from the dead and we already have seen that enough. Also in the books IIRC Lady Stoneheart has Brienne killed. I think Brienne has been a bit of a surprise to the writers in that many like her they even started a Brienne and Tormund flirtation to get the female fans more interested in the two.

I think she survived the encounter with Stoneheart and the Brotherhood in the books.
Could you see her screaming burn them all over and over in some crazy mad glee ala the mad king and Jamie having to go back and do what he did to the Mad King.

...maybe they showed us that vision of the mad king as a forewarding
Look at what they did from episode 6, 7, and 8 with Arya.

you can't even compare how illogical the Umbers secretly fighting for the Starks would be, to what Arya did. yea, she was very casual, walking around town, throwing gold purses every where, which is not what one would want to do when hiding. but you can at least rationalize that she wanted to draw the waif out, so she could lead her to her hiding space. that was clearly Arya's plan all along, now was she a bit too cavalier and nearly got herself killed, yes, but Ramsey Bolton is an unpredictable maniac. turning Rikon over to him, when you can't guarantee his safety or even have a reasonable expectation that he'll be safe, makes no sense. you would need Ramsey to act in a far different way than he has thus far for this to work. If they turned him over to Roose, sure, you'd have a case, but Ramsey, no.
Could you see her screaming burn them all over and over in some crazy mad glee ala the mad king and Jamie having to go back and do what he did to the Mad King.

...maybe they showed us that vision of the mad king as a forewarding

I think Jamie chooses love this time and helps Cersei...Jamie was mocked his whole life the last time he saved the city.....his speech to Edmure was compelling.....he didn't mention Tommen only Cersei....he even said she will 'burn cities down'......Cleyburn knows where all the wildfire is stored and she has nothing to lose.....he and Jamie are pariahs and have been betrayed by Tommen, Kevan, Pycell and the Sparrow....they just didn't think he would end the River Run situation so quickly....they expected a long seige....Jamie with an army and Cersei with the wildfire is dangerous....
This is very different from the books.


Asha (her name in the books) is up north and she and Theon are both with Stannis (I think both are captive - Asha for sure is) as he is caught in the snow on his way to Winterfell. She was reluctantly doing what Euron asked of her while at Deepwood Motte I think. He sent his brother, Victarion (who is not on the show) to win over Dany.

But considering, on the show, they were already in Volantis last week, I'd say it's very likely they would beat Euron to Mereen.

The greyjoys will show up prior to the battle of Mareen being over. afterall, Danereys took the city by land, so the fact that the slavers are arriving by sea means something. just not sure why an alliance between the two makes any sense besides the obvious they have ships, I need ships. She will not be okay with their way of raping and pillaging coast cities, that's why she wanted the Unsully to begin with, no collateral damage. House Greyjoy joined in rebellion against her family, and while I think she can forgive that, there's not the same loyalty she would show a house Martel or Tyrell. It just seems cheap and convenient.
I was just thinking about the Prophecy of the Valonqar. Baring them changing the story more, Jamie will kill Cersei. Jamie just said he would do anything for Cersei. (this is after she tossed him a side too) My bet is his new full blown dedication is a twist to throw us of. When in fact, he will fulfill the Prophecy of the Valonqar given to her (Cersei) by Maggy the Frog.

Jamie is on his way back to King's Landing. Cersei will likely set fire to King's Landing and for whatever reason. Jamie will slay her AFTER Tommen dies. (from the Prophecy)

Link to Maggy's Wikipedia page where the text of the prophecy can be read.

KILL HER JAMIE! DIE KING TOMMEN! (Tyrion isn't even in Westeros to kill her, so it has to be Jamie)

Jamie is technically her little brother...but it would have to be an accident....their love is too strong
The greyjoys will show up prior to the battle of Mareen being over. afterall, Danereys took the city by land, so the fact that the slavers are arriving by sea means something. just not sure why an alliance between the two makes any sense besides the obvious they have ships, I need ships. She will not be okay with their way of raping and pillaging coast cities, that's why she wanted the Unsully to begin with, no collateral damage. House Greyjoy joined in rebellion against her family, and while I think she can forgive that, there's not the same loyalty she would show a house Martel or Tyrell. It just seems cheap and convenient.

The Greyjoys are in Slavers Bay for a reason.....they will show their skill and win Daenerys over....back in Westeros they will reclaim the Iron Islands with Danys help and they will be allies...
I think Jamie chooses love this time and helps Cersei...Jamie was mocked his whole life the last time he saved the city.....his speech to Edmure was compelling.....he didn't mention Tommen only Cersei....he even said she will 'burn cities down'......Cleyburn knows where all the wildfire is stored and she has nothing to lose.....he and Jamie are pariahs and have been betrayed by Tommen, Kevan, Pycell and the Sparrow....they just didn't think he would end the River Run situation so quickly....they expected a long seige....Jamie with an army and Cersei with the wildfire is dangerous....

Also, he hasn't done or really said anything about getting revenge for the Dornish lady killing Marcella so why would he just kill Cersei.
The Greyjoys are in Slavers Bay for a reason.....they will show their skill and win Daenerys over....back in Westeros they will reclaim the Iron Islands with Danys help and they will be allies...

I agree that will happen, but it's cheap imo. Kinda makes Euron's introduction pointless. Ok, he shows up, which makes Yara and Theon flee to Esos, to partner up with Daenerys. Why not just have Daenerys build ships, or conquer some city and take their ships. Guess we'll see, but it's cheap imo.
If the Umbers do, I would consider that extremely poor writing. They turned Rikon over to Ramsey, who could've killed/mutilated him on the spot. To be honest, Rikon could be dead now. Now if they never showed Rikon, you could argue that they sacrificed Shaggy Dog to make this plan work (at the time Jon hadn't even decided to march South to Winterfel) and they never turned over Rikon, but no plan that allies you with the Starks can include turning Rikon over to Ramsey.

Except for a plan that involves a heavy risk/sacrifice to be convincing. If little finger is behind convincing the Umbers. It's not out of the question. Or course, I am biased since the Umbers were made out to be very loyal allies in the books.
So it was what it was and there all these awesome theories were for nothing.

Arya just got stupid all of a sudden and got herself stabbed.

I think the books will be much better about wrapping up this whole faceless man thing. I can't believe we set through all of the faceless men stuff for that.

Turns out she wasn't Tyler Durden, but more like Jason Bourne running through the streets.
Oh...It would appear there is no Lady Stoneheart

Yeah. looks that way. Having there be a rogue element within the Brothers without Banners was a satisfying explanation at least. Slaughtering that settlement was too out of character for Do Adrian and Thoros.
I agree that will happen, but it's cheap imo. Kinda makes Euron's introduction pointless. Ok, he shows up, which makes Yara and Theon flee to Esos, to partner up with Daenerys. Why not just have Daenerys build ships, or conquer some city and take their ships. Guess we'll see, but it's cheap imo.

I agree...... I thought Yara and Theon would wants a piece of Ramsey Bolton, but once Euron won the crown they were on the hit list and had to scatter....
Arya's storyline is a hot mess. This episode was SO BAD in Braavos. Good lord.

So much I disliked about this episode. Definitely the worst of the season. It seems like so many characters have regressed. SO MUCH TIME is spent on filler scenes? Did we really need so much time spent with Tyrion/Greywurm/Missandei about stupid jokes? so much time on this season spent on the "Play" of westeros. Meh.

Next 2 episodes should be money though.
Arya's storyline is a hot mess. This episode was SO BAD in Braavos. Good lord.

So much I disliked about this episode. Definitely the worst of the season. It seems like so many characters have regressed. SO MUCH TIME is spent on filler scenes? Did we really need so much time spent with Tyrion/Greywurm/Missandei about stupid jokes? so much time on this season spent on the "Play" of westeros. Meh.

Next 2 episodes should be money though.

Its TV now, and it embodies all of the elements of lowest common denominator TV... its no longer a complex story like the original song of ice and fire.

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