Game of Thrones Season 7 thread

Littlefinger started this whole mess. He's the one (along with Lysa Arryn) that poisoned Jon Arryn. That's what made Robert go up North in the first place. So it will be interesting to see how/if Littlefinger will die.
Arya should get a mask of Ned Stark and come up behind Littlefinger with a knife and say, "i told you not to trust me" like he did to Ned Stark in Season 1.

I believe the only way you can get someone's face is to kill them. All the masks that Arya had are who she killed. That is how she got Walder Frey's face. She killed him, then used his face to kill off his entire family.
Next battle Jon is involved in he should just remain quiet and in the corner. Give someone else his sword.

This was another annoying thing, why did the writers let Jon get so far from the wall before offering Jorah his sword? What was Jon going to use to defend himself? The talk between Jon and Jorah was needed by why did they wait until then? Not to mention tha
I believe the only way you can get someone's face is to kill them. All the masks that Arya had are who she killed. That is how she got Walder Frey's face. She killed him, then used his face to kill off his entire family.

If that is the case, where did arya get the face of the girl who killed walter frey???
If that is the case, where did arya get the face of the girl who killed walter frey???

Braavos? Can't recall the scene leading up to it. Was it someone that Frey knew? Maybe she killed her first. I can't recall the exact scene and how / who it went down with. I should go back and watch that one again. Do you remember the exact episode? Was it episode two?
Braavos? Can't recall the scene leading up to it. Was it someone that Frey knew? Maybe she killed her first. I can't recall the exact scene and how / who it went down with. I should go back and watch that one again. Do you remember the exact episode? Was it episode two?

She was just dressed up as a serving girl. It was a face that Frey was not familiar with. I think he asked something along the lines of...are you one of mine and when she nodded no he said something like...didn't think so you are too pretty or I would have noticed you before.
She was just dressed up as a serving girl. It was a face that Frey was not familiar with. I think he asked something along the lines of...are you one of mine and when she nodded no he said something like...didn't think so you are too pretty or I would have noticed you before.

Ah yes, that's right. Well, there is your answer. It was a face he was unfamiliar with, so she hadn't killed anyone at the Crossing.....yet. :)

Thanks BP.
I get why it makes sense for the story (Jon & Dany), I just don't get why it makes sense for the characters to be falling in love.

Jon & Ygritte made sense because Jon was beyond the wall and it was someone that humanized the people he'd spent his whole life being told were irredeemable barbarians.

Jon and Dany have no reason to be falling in love, even if they have plenty of reasons to be trying to recruit each other.

Dany says her dragons are her children and one of them goes down, she doesn't seem nearly as worried about that as she does about potentially losing Jon Snow?

I'm not sure what Littlefinger thinks Marrying Sansa will get him at this point, unless he's on a secret mission from Cersei or something.

I think the main issue is the accelerated timeline, as opposed to how the other seasons played out.
This was another annoying thing, why did the writers let Jon get so far from the wall before offering Jorah his sword? What was Jon going to use to defend himself? The talk between Jon and Jorah was needed by why did they wait until then? Not to mention tha
Why didn't they bring any horses?......more Dragon Glass...... more Valaryian steel.....more nobodies????

Where did the Night King get the chains????? HardHome Depot....... Wall Mart ......Bed, Bath and Beyond the Wall

How come Viserion and Rhaegal didn't need Dragon Riders?? Is that why Viserion was hit???

No way that Lake wasn't frozen solid...... what was it a hot spring???....... Jon only survived the cold water because he is already dead

OK....turn off brain and just enjoy but this and plot armor for favorite characters is what ruined the Walking Dead...... I just think they rushed things way too much to fit 7 episodes...... sad that money is such a limiting factor at this point
I think the main issue is the accelerated timeline, as opposed to how the other seasons played out.

You're probably right.

Jon and Denaryus have known each other for like 4 episodes and now they have to speed up this romance. I think Jaime and Brienne had more episodes than that just to get to a place of mutual respect, much less love.
Why didn't they bring any horses?......more Dragon Glass...... more Valaryian steel.....more nobodies????

Where did the Night King get the chains????? HardHome Depot....... Wall Mart ......Bed, Bath and Beyond the Wall

How come Viserion and Rhaegal didn't need Dragon Riders?? Is that why Viserion was hit???

No way that Lake wasn't frozen solid...... what was it a hot spring???....... Jon only survived the cold water because he is already dead

OK....turn off brain and just enjoy but this and plot armor for favorite characters is what ruined the Walking Dead...... I just think they rushed things way too much to fit 7 episodes...... sad that money is such a limiting factor at this point

lol, my wife had the same question about the chains. Maybe they've been dragging that chain around hoping for just such an occasion. Would explain what's been taking them so long.

Your statement about Viserion being hurt without a rider is an interesting one. I can't remember if Dany's reaction was what saved her and Drogon?
Why didn't they bring any horses?......more Dragon Glass...... more Valaryian steel.....more nobodies????

Where did the Night King get the chains????? HardHome Depot....... Wall Mart ......Bed, Bath and Beyond the Wall

How come Viserion and Rhaegal didn't need Dragon Riders?? Is that why Viserion was hit???

No way that Lake wasn't frozen solid...... what was it a hot spring???....... Jon only survived the cold water because he is already dead

OK....turn off brain and just enjoy but this and plot armor for favorite characters is what ruined the Walking Dead...... I just think they rushed things way too much to fit 7 episodes...... sad that money is such a limiting factor at this point

Not sure what happened to my original post that just cut off, but ALL OF THIS....ticked me off. The writers no longer have the books to go by so it just seems really lazy and they are trying to ruin the last season(s). They shouldve just made this a full season and called it good, but of course they have got to milk it. Like you said in the final sentence, the episode was great on the long as you dont start thinking.... No horses, they werent even dressed for the cold, not one of them had something on their head...

Why didnt Jon bring ravens with them on their mission? This wouldve helped the unreasonable timeline of Gendry running back, sending ravens, and Dany showing up in time...Why have the dead dragon go in the icy water that the WW wouldnt go in just before? Why not just have him land on the ground, then no reason for chains or the need to get in the water to get him out...why was Jon still fighting after everyone loaded up on the dragon? Just to create (non)suspense....did anyone really worry Jon wouldnt make it back? Why did Dany take off or not go fly around and look for him afterward if she was so worried? Why were the WW too stupid to know they are getting hit in the face with rocks by the Hound, but smart enough to realize the water has refrozen? The only good reason to go get a white walker was so they could put these 10-12 guys that had never had screen time together and to give the NK a dragon...

Are Sansa & Arya the dumbest people on the planet? Sansa knows exactly what LF is capable of but all the sudden is confiding in him? She asks Arya how she got the letter but when Arya doesn't answer that's it? No more thought is given to where it came from? It would take very little thought for Sansa to figure out it came from LF. Where the heck was Bran and why is he not helping his sisters? Why couldnt he send ravens to Dany way earlier? There were several ways to make it all more believable... Im guessing LF gets killed this coming week....
Ayra theory from Reddit (pretty good)

The Game of Faces - why Arya DOESN'T suck

· Foreshadowing: We have quotes from as far back as S6 suggesting that Arya will protect Sansa.

· “No one can protect me." – Sansa, S6E9

· “You need better guards.” – Arya to Sansa, S7E4


· Protecting each other: After LF suggests Sansa use Brienne to intervene in the Arya-Sansa catfight, Sansa sends Brienne away and says that she has trusted guards here already. Sansa is not afraid of Arya, nor Littlefinger, and she doesn’t want the honorable Brienne involved in their lying and schemes.


· Arya is trained in stealth: Arya was trained by assassins. She is far too stealthy to let LF know that he is being followed, unless she did this deliberately. In S7E4, Arya walks onto Brienne and Pod sparring just as Brienne says, “Don’t go where your enemy leads you.” In S7E6, the directors deliberately show us Sansa opening and closing a very squeaky door as she goes into Arya’s bedchamber. Yet Arya is able to sneak up on Sansa without a single noise.


· Staged fights: When Arya confronts Sansa about the Northern lords talking badly about Jon in S7E5, the door is wide open. Similarly, when Arya confronts Sansa about the letter from S1, Arya projects her voice just as she is reading the letter. It’s almost as if they want someone to hear their fights.


· The Game of Faces: In what seems to be the most psychotic Arya scene, Arya basically threatens to cut off Sansa’s face and pretend to be her. The entire scene is Arya playing the Game of Faces, presenting lies as truths. She even says that they are playing! She plays this game when she tells Sansa that she remembers Sansa standing on Ned’s execution stage – Sansa fought and screamed, and Arya knows this. Arya played the game when she told Sansa she would never serve the Lannisters – Arya served as Tywin’s cupbearer. Arya tells Sansa she wonders what it would be like to wear her face and her pretty dresses, to be Lady of Winterfell – we are beaten over the head since S1 that Arya HAS NEVER WANTED ANY OF THESE THINGS. Arya is playing the game of faces, and when she realizes Sansa hasn’t caught on to her lies, she hands her Littlefinger’s dagger, symbolically saying, “I trust you and want you to protect yourself from LF’s lies.”


· The third eye: Do we really think there hasn't been a single off-script scene where Bran tells them, "Hey, uh, LF kinda started the war of the Five Kings by lying about this dagger, betrayed our father, and is essentially the reason our whole family is dead." We hear crows when LF comes out of the crypts with Jon, when Arya enters LF's bedchambers, and again when LF and Sansa are talking in S7E6. These noises are very deliberate.
Honestly, I'm still trying to figure out why the Night King walks up to Drogon on the ground. All the characters are climbing on his back and Drogon is clearly the most dangerous dragon. Instead of throwing the spear at Drogon and wiping out all those heroes with his gigantic army... he decides to pass up the game winning lay up and spear Vicerion flying around 300 yards away?


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