Game of Thrones Season 7 thread

Ayra theory from Reddit (pretty good)

The Game of Faces - why Arya DOESN'T suck

· Foreshadowing: We have quotes from as far back as S6 suggesting that Arya will protect Sansa.

· “No one can protect me." – Sansa, S6E9

· “You need better guards.” – Arya to Sansa, S7E4


· Protecting each other: After LF suggests Sansa use Brienne to intervene in the Arya-Sansa catfight, Sansa sends Brienne away and says that she has trusted guards here already. Sansa is not afraid of Arya, nor Littlefinger, and she doesn’t want the honorable Brienne involved in their lying and schemes.


· Arya is trained in stealth: Arya was trained by assassins. She is far too stealthy to let LF know that he is being followed, unless she did this deliberately. In S7E4, Arya walks onto Brienne and Pod sparring just as Brienne says, “Don’t go where your enemy leads you.” In S7E6, the directors deliberately show us Sansa opening and closing a very squeaky door as she goes into Arya’s bedchamber. Yet Arya is able to sneak up on Sansa without a single noise.


· Staged fights: When Arya confronts Sansa about the Northern lords talking badly about Jon in S7E5, the door is wide open. Similarly, when Arya confronts Sansa about the letter from S1, Arya projects her voice just as she is reading the letter. It’s almost as if they want someone to hear their fights.


· The Game of Faces: In what seems to be the most psychotic Arya scene, Arya basically threatens to cut off Sansa’s face and pretend to be her. The entire scene is Arya playing the Game of Faces, presenting lies as truths. She even says that they are playing! She plays this game when she tells Sansa that she remembers Sansa standing on Ned’s execution stage – Sansa fought and screamed, and Arya knows this. Arya played the game when she told Sansa she would never serve the Lannisters – Arya served as Tywin’s cupbearer. Arya tells Sansa she wonders what it would be like to wear her face and her pretty dresses, to be Lady of Winterfell – we are beaten over the head since S1 that Arya HAS NEVER WANTED ANY OF THESE THINGS. Arya is playing the game of faces, and when she realizes Sansa hasn’t caught on to her lies, she hands her Littlefinger’s dagger, symbolically saying, “I trust you and want you to protect yourself from LF’s lies.”


· The third eye: Do we really think there hasn't been a single off-script scene where Bran tells them, "Hey, uh, LF kinda started the war of the Five Kings by lying about this dagger, betrayed our father, and is essentially the reason our whole family is dead." We hear crows when LF comes out of the crypts with Jon, when Arya enters LF's bedchambers, and again when LF and Sansa are talking in S7E6. These noises are very deliberate.

I actually don't think Bran would tell them anything. He knows a lot and has said very little. He explicitly says he's not Bran Stark anymore, meaning he doesn't care about the things Bran Stark would care about because he's seen so much more. He gives the dagger to Arya because he knows it has a role to play, probably by killing LF.

I think it's been pretty obvious that Arya is going to wear Littlefinger's face, because just killing him means the north loses the Knights of the Vale, and they need them.
I think it's been pretty obvious that Arya is going to wear Littlefinger's face, because just killing him means the north loses the Knights of the Vale, and they need them.

Yep, if you notice they're not in the same scene together for a while we'll know what going on.
Honestly, I'm still trying to figure out why the Night King walks up to Drogon on the ground. All the characters are climbing on his back and Drogon is clearly the most dangerous dragon. Instead of throwing the spear at Drogon and wiping out all those heroes with his gigantic army... he decides to pass up the game winning lay up and spear Vicerion flying around 300 yards away?

I think there were too many people in the way ........ including Hero Jon doing dumb things..... what I found interesting was the way Jon was knocked into the water just like Jamie Lannister...... with Dany and Drogon in harms way...... even after the close call with Bronn and Jamie, Dany was willing to risk it all for Jon and the cause
Anyone think Bran is the Night King?
Not Bran but I think he has similar powers........ it was almost like the whole thing was a trap after the NK saw all of Bran's ravens...... he definitely has some super powers and a cannon for an arm
Our new backup QB

We just had a lot thrown at us haha.

I'll be honest.. I didn't enjoy the Sansa & Arya stuff that tried to fool the audience then to later on just take out little finger.

The actor who played little finger was great and we wouldn't have the show without that character. Awesome job and it took a 3 eyed raven and faceless man to take him down.

Jon and Danny together finally..

Full confirmation that R + L does equal J. Kinda weird that Sam all of a sudden knew that Rhaegar and Lyanna did have a wedding after he stopped Gilly mid sentence.

When they showed Rhaegar I really did think there was a chance Rhaegar was going to be Jaqen Hagar.

What did they say Jons real name was?

The Hound confronting his brother... Does the Hound want to fight his brother?

Did anyone else think Cersei gave The Mountain a nod to kill Jamie?

Why was Jamie looking at his hand as he left Kings landing?

Also, I couldn't help but think of the Snow inside the Throne Room in Daenarys Prophecy at the house of the undying as we watched it snowing in Kings Landing.

I'm done with the whole Theon thing but it was cool of Jon to talk to him and tell him that he was a Stark.

The Wall came down.. Kind of sad to see.

What the ice dragon spitting fire or ice?
We just had a lot thrown at us haha.

I'll be honest.. I didn't enjoy the Sansa & Arya stuff that tried to fool the audience then to later on just take out little finger.

The actor who played little finger was great and we wouldn't have the show without that character. Awesome job and it took a 3 eyed raven and faceless man to take him down.

Jon and Danny together finally..

Full confirmation that R + L does equal J. Kinda weird that Sam all of a sudden knew that Rhaegar and Lyanna did have a wedding after he stopped Gilly mid sentence.

When they showed Rhaegar I really did think there was a chance Rhaegar was going to be Jaqen Hagar.

What did they say Jons real name was?

The Hound confronting his brother... Does the Hound want to fight his brother?

Did anyone else think Cersei gave The Mountain a nod to kill Jamie?

Why was Jamie looking at his hand as he left Kings landing?

Also, I couldn't help but think of the Snow inside the Throne Room in Daenarys Prophecy at the house of the undying as we watched it snowing in Kings Landing.

I'm done with the whole Theon thing but it was cool of Jon to talk to him and tell him that he was a Stark.

The Wall came down.. Kind of sad to see.

What the ice dragon spitting fire or ice?

Good questions. I agree with you on some of them. The Cersei nod threw me off for the rest of the show. Did I miss something? Jamie asked if she was gonna kill him. Pretty much de ja vu for the earlier scene with Tyrion. Cersei sighed and turned her head when Tyrion asked if she wanted the Mountain to kill him, but she did the opposite and nodded at the Mountain with Jamie. Doesn't that mean to kill Jamie? Wasn't that why they built up the tension for those minutes? So why didn't they kill him? It was confusing.

I'm also bored by the Theon storyline. Kinda like how I was with the Sansa/Arya/Littlefinger thing. There are bigger stories going on and only 6 episodes remaining. Why are we wasting any time on Theon trying to save his sister? Seems like something they should've done in season 3.
Good questions. I agree with you on some of them. The Cersei nod threw me off for the rest of the show. Did I miss something? Jamie asked if she was gonna kill him. Pretty much de ja vu for the earlier scene with Tyrion. Cersei sighed and turned her head when Tyrion asked if she wanted the Mountain to kill him, but she did the opposite and nodded at the Mountain with Jamie. Doesn't that mean to kill Jamie? Wasn't that why they built up the tension for those minutes? So why didn't they kill him? It was confusing.

I'm also bored by the Theon storyline. Kinda like how I was with the Sansa/Arya/Littlefinger thing. There are bigger stories going on and only 6 episodes remaining. Why are we wasting any time on Theon trying to save his sister? Seems like something they should've done in season 3.

I feel like we are going to get shortchanged on this show a bit.

The best part about Game Of Thrones is the journey and I just hope when the show is over we feel satisfied with its ending.

They have to do a lot in 6 episodes and I hope this show gets the ending it deserves.

The books may really give us the ultimate ending that we all are hoping for.
Is Jon being the rightful heir to the Iron Throne going to cause a rift between him and Dany? Even the dragons know he's the man. The Wall had to fall, just didn't expect it to happen so easily. Littlefoot fell hook line and sinker for the trap that was set by the sisters Stark + Bran. Bran getting word to Jon on who he really is will happen pretty fast, just hope Dany is okay with bending the knee.

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