Game of Thrones Season 7 thread

We just had a lot thrown at us haha.

I'll be honest.. I didn't enjoy the Sansa & Arya stuff that tried to fool the audience then to later on just take out little finger.

The actor who played little finger was great and we wouldn't have the show without that character. Awesome job and it took a 3 eyed raven and faceless man to take him down.

Jon and Danny together finally..

Full confirmation that R + L does equal J. Kinda weird that Sam all of a sudden knew that Rhaegar and Lyanna did have a wedding after he stopped Gilly mid sentence.

When they showed Rhaegar I really did think there was a chance Rhaegar was going to be Jaqen Hagar.

What did they say Jons real name was?

The Hound confronting his brother... Does the Hound want to fight his brother?

Did anyone else think Cersei gave The Mountain a nod to kill Jamie?

Why was Jamie looking at his hand as he left Kings landing?

Also, I couldn't help but think of the Snow inside the Throne Room in Daenarys Prophecy at the house of the undying as we watched it snowing in Kings Landing.

I'm done with the whole Theon thing but it was cool of Jon to talk to him and tell him that he was a Stark.

The Wall came down.. Kind of sad to see.

What the ice dragon spitting fire or ice?

Guy did a great job of little finger being surprised. First the blink that was like a second take and then the smile he had on his face then the side look and understanding...great job in that 1-2 second scene.

R+L=J actually now is R+L=A
He is no longer Jon Snow, He is no longer Jon Sand...he is now...Aegon Targaryen.

Yes I thought she was giving the nod for the Mountain to kill Jamie as he initially started to draw his sword but jamie just walked on by. So who knows.

I think Jamie was looking at his hand as a reminder of what he used to be vs what he is now.

The ice dragon was spitting ICE....I was trying to look it up again but could not find it but there was some story within the books that said that an Ice Dragon is more powerful than a Fire Dragon. So maybe two vs one is more equal.
Also read that one of the reasons Jon did not get on the dragon with danny and the others is that only ONE dragon rider can mount a specific dragon. Meaning Danny can mount and control Drogon but Jon could not and She could not mount and control another of her dragons if someone else has taken control and with the other dragon being named after Jon Snow's real father...he is the one who will probably mount Rhaegaon.
Guy did a great job of little finger being surprised. First the blink that was like a second take and then the smile he had on his face then the side look and understanding...great job in that 1-2 second scene.

R+L=J actually now is R+L=A
He is no longer Jon Snow, He is no longer Jon Sand...he is now...Aegon Targaryen.

Yes I thought she was giving the nod for the Mountain to kill Jamie as he initially started to draw his sword but jamie just walked on by. So who knows.

I think Jamie was looking at his hand as a reminder of what he used to be vs what he is now.

The ice dragon was spitting ICE....I was trying to look it up again but could not find it but there was some story within the books that said that an Ice Dragon is more powerful than a Fire Dragon. So maybe two vs one is more equal.
Also read that one of the reasons Jon did not get on the dragon with danny and the others is that only ONE dragon rider can mount a specific dragon. Meaning Danny can mount and control Drogon but Jon could not and She could not mount and control another of her dragons if someone else has taken control and with the other dragon being named after Jon Snow's real father...he is the one who will probably mount Rhaegaon.

Viserion isn't actually an Ice Dragon. He is a wight dragon. (Undead Dragon) Ice Dragons are a completely different species based on what GRRM said.

George R. R. Martin speaking about Ice Dragons

"These colossal beasts, many times larger than the dragons of Valyria, are said to be made of living ice, with eyes of pale blue crystal and vast translucent wings through which the moon and stars can be glimpsed as they wheel across the sky.

Whereas common dragons (if any dragon can truly be said to be common) breathe flame, ice dragons supposedly breathe cold, a chill so terrible that it can freeze a man solid in half a heartbeat [...] As ice dragons supposedly melt when slain, no actual proof of their existence has ever been found."
So, he would need to become MUCH larger if he were to become an ice dragon and he was spitting blue fire to melt the wall. Ice Dragons spit extreme cold.

Though I'm still not clear how an undead which is killed by fire can spit fire.

Nuff said for now

Yes, that whole scene was easily the best.

I started thinking that now Arya has Littlefinger's face and could use it against the Lannister's except that it's known that he took his army to support Jon at the battle of the *******s. So, he wouldn't be welcome in Kings Landing anyhow. So, I can't think of any use for his face.
We just had a lot thrown at us haha.

I'll be honest.. I didn't enjoy the Sansa & Arya stuff that tried to fool the audience then to later on just take out little finger.

The actor who played little finger was great and we wouldn't have the show without that character. Awesome job and it took a 3 eyed raven and faceless man to take him down.

My favorite scene! ...and yes! Littlefinger was an incredible character for the show. One of the best ones.

What did they say Jons real name was?

Aegon Targaryen

The Hound confronting his brother... Does the Hound want to fight his brother?
Yes, Clegane Bowl has finally been scheduled.

Did anyone else think Cersei gave The Mountain a nod to kill Jamie?
That's what I thought too when it happen, but Jamie will be the one who kills Cersei based on Maggy the Frog's prophecy.

Why was Jamie looking at his hand as he left Kings landing?
No idea.

I'm done with the whole Theon thing but it was cool of Jon to talk to him and tell him that he was a Stark.

No, I'm betting Theon is the one who kills Euron.

What the ice dragon spitting fire or ice?

Has to be blue fire as it was melting the wall. Not sure how a wight can spit fire. He isn't an Ice Dragon based on GRRM's description.
Is Jon being the rightful heir to the Iron Throne going to cause a rift between him and Dany? Even the dragons know he's the man... Bran getting word to Jon on who he really is will happen pretty fast, just hope Dany is okay with bending the knee.
It was a matter of necessity but Jon/Aegon left Sansa in charge of the North because he accepted it was the right thing to do. He gave his oath to Daenerys out of respect and love for her. He is a straight shooter, honest ot a fault and unselfish. It would not surprise me if he would accept his heirship under the condition that he would share it equally with Dany.
It was a matter of necessity but Jon/Aegon left Sansa in charge of the North because he accepted it was the right thing to do. He gave his oath to Daenerys out of respect and love for her. He is a straight shooter, honest ot a fault and unselfish. It would not surprise me if he would accept his heirship under the condition that he would share it equally with Dany.

Part of me thinks it would be a relief to Danny. She has fought hard for this whole thing and has done so many things and lost people along the way to get where she is going.

I think although she might be mad at first, I think she would see that she now has someone to love, someone to share the burden with and someone to help...I think she will be relieved in the end.

And I don't know if anyone caught it or not....Cerscei was told at one time by a witch that she would only have so many children. She is not pregnant.
Danny was told by a witch that she can not have children now. When she told Jon she could not have children he asked who said she could not.

I imagine they did not have this stuff being told without it meaning something down the road. GOT is very heavy into foreshadowing. So I expect Danny to become pregnant by Jon Snow aka Aegon.
Part of me thinks it would be a relief to Danny. She has fought hard for this whole thing and has done so many things and lost people along the way to get where she is going.

I think although she might be mad at first, I think she would see that she now has someone to love, someone to share the burden with and someone to help...I think she will be relieved in the end.

And I don't know if anyone caught it or not....Cerscei was told at one time by a witch that she would only have so many children. She is not pregnant.
Danny was told by a witch that she can not have children now. When she told Jon she could not have children he asked who said she could not.

I imagine they did not have this stuff being told without it meaning something down the road. GOT is very heavy into foreshadowing. So I expect Danny to become pregnant by Jon Snow aka Aegon.

Cersei could still be pregnant but her child might not ever be born.
And I don't know if anyone caught it or not....Cerscei was told at one time by a witch that she would only have so many children. She is not pregnant.

Good catch, though CATCH could be right in his thinking. hah Especially if Jamie chokes her out as expected based on Maggy the Frog's prophecy.

Cersei could still be pregnant but her child might not ever be born.
Why was Jamie looking at his hand as he left Kings landing?
I believe Jaime was reflecting back on his extended time away from Kings Landing and his sister, when he lost his hand to the one of Bolton's men. House Bolton is part of the North, which is where Jaime is headed.
I believe Jaime was reflecting back on his extended time away from Kings Landing and his sister, when he lost his hand to the one of Bolton's men. House Bolton is part of the North, which is where Jaime is headed.

I want them to figure out how to get a sword back on his right arm so bad.

I feel like George RR really robbed us of getting to see a great warrior. He was supposedly the best well known swordsman in Westeros at that time.
I believe Jaime was reflecting back on his extended time away from Kings Landing and his sister, when he lost his hand to the one of Bolton's men. House Bolton is part of the North, which is where Jaime is headed.
Except House Bolton doesn't exist anymore. My half-baked guess for Jaime is that he heads north to fight the dead (note that he removed his Lannister armor, btw). He's captured at some point, tried for treason and tries for trial by combat. Since he still can't fight well enough with a missing hand, the Hound champion's him. Cleganebowl.

Half baked idea 2, he swaps out his gold hand for a dragonglass one. (Yeah, I know. Kinda dumb)
I want them to figure out how to get a sword back on his right arm so bad.

I feel like George RR really robbed us of getting to see a great warrior. He was supposedly the best well known swordsman in Westeros at that time.
Maybe Melisandre can take a severed White Walker hand and attach it to Jaime's wrist? Perhaps that is too much to ask for with only a half dozen episodes remaining.
Except House Bolton doesn't exist anymore. My half-baked guess for Jaime is that he heads north to fight the dead (note that he removed his Lannister armor, btw). He's captured at some point, tried for treason and tries for trial by combat. Since he still can't fight well enough with a missing hand, the Hound champion's him. Cleganebowl.

Half baked idea 2, he swaps out his gold hand for a dragonglass one. (Yeah, I know. Kinda dumb)
I kinda like idea #2. :p
Read the link to the theory posted. It explains how it could be possible.

I have no doubt Bran is a pivotal to the White Walkers, but that comes off as completely harebrained. It's like someone went through the bits and pieces of GoT history and invented their own story-line with absolutely no evidence. First and foremost. The three eyed raven (the body of Bran) would know the real Bran is stuck, but says nothing?

I will say this. It sort of fits together, and the direction things are going. It's possible, but that's a lot of tie-ins with absolutely nothing physically in the show that actually ties any of the events (mad king, Bron the builder, etc) together except a rumor created by someone that doesn't know.
I have no doubt Bran is a pivotal to the White Walkers, but that comes off as completely harebrained. It's like someone went through the bits and pieces of GoT history and invented their own story-line with absolutely no evidence. First and foremost. The three eyed raven (the body of Bran) would know the real Bran is stuck, but says nothing?

I will say this. It sort of fits together, and the direction things are going. It's possible, but that's a lot of tie-ins with absolutely nothing physically in the show that actually ties any of the events (mad king, Bron the builder, etc) together except a rumor created by someone that doesn't know.

I think they took the whole Hodor thing and ran with it to say Bran is the night king.

Could be a possiblity and it could play into the old three eyed raven said not to stay in worg (sp?) too long...who knows but like you it seems like it might be a stretch.

I could it being an older stark or someone else that turns out to be the night king.

On another note...where is Jon Snow's wolf?
I think King Aegon will have no problem Power Sharing with Queen Daenerys if they win the Great War

They are both benevolent leaders that want to leave the World a better place...... their child would be future of the family and legacy of breaking the Wheel

If Cersei was smart she would help the North and then retire to Castlery Rock with her child and try to save her family's lineage..... she hate Kings Landing anyways............. but she is ruled by hate and revenge....... I will say her play with Euron and the Gold Coats was brilliant
You know, the R’hllor (the Lord of Light) and Melisandre still has a part to play. She did say she was coming back to Westeros where she would die. R’hllor is supposed to be the polar opposite of the dark, cold, evil that is the White Walkers.

Followers of the Lord of Light, R’hllor—especially those of Asshai where Melisandre is from—believe the Others are the “cold children” of the Great Other, the god who can not be named, who battles with R’hollor for all eternity over the world. The Great Other is thought to be the god of cold, darkness, and death.
I think King Aegon will have no problem Power Sharing with Queen Daenerys if they win the Great War

They are both benevolent leaders that want to leave the World a better place...... their child would be future of the family and legacy of breaking the Wheel

If Cersei was smart she would help the North and then retire to Castlery Rock with her child and try to save her family's lineage..... she hate Kings Landing anyways............. but she is ruled by hate and revenge....... I will say her play with Euron and the Gold Coats was brilliant

I'm sure. I mean, she is a part of the royal family. Aegon will be king and she will be an adviser if they don't go back into marrying their own family again which would make her Queen. (yet still an advise and not the ultimate ruler)

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