Game of Thrones Season 7 thread

I was wondering about Tyrion's look at the end. He looked truly upset that Jon and Dany were hooking up. Is he jealous? I know he convinced Dany to leave Dario behind in Essos. He told Dany she would need to make alliances through marriage.

Isn't Jon a good alliance? Perhaps Tyrion was hoping to wed Dany and Jamie? I don't know....I was hoping someone would have other insight on this scene. Maybe Tyrion wasn't upset?


Maybe he left his last bottle of wine in that room and he knew there was no chance he could get it...

I thought it was very odd too though.
The small little lines and stories within the story are what make this show the best show ever.

Yup. Last season (well, now year before last) Tyrion picked up a glass of wine and called it, "The Imp's Delight".

So, when I bottled my 2016 Shiraz, guess what I named it? :)


btw @BrAinPaiNt the image above is hosted on my Google Photos account. Easy breezy.
Maybe he left his last bottle of wine in that room and he knew there was no chance he could get it...

I thought it was very odd too though.

Maybe he can sense they are all family and got a weird feeling about what was happening. Like a family foreboding of sort.
Some of my thoughts:

- I think theorist are making more of The Tyrion Shot, then is really there. I think it was more out of frustration and concern with Jon. That his that this honest to a fault individual will have alot of sway over Daenerys now. I dont know of there is enough time for the show to really flesh out a double cross or Tyrion/Jon/Daenerys struggle with all thats going on. But I could very well be wrong.

- I am really looking forward to the first interactions between Daenerys and the Stark sisters. I think her and Arya will hit it off immediately, but Sansa may take some time. Also this old Marine just may cry when Arya and Jon reunite.

- Jaime potentially heading to Winterfell will be another interesting and highly emotional moment. If there is a scene where Jaime and Bran meet again face to face, it has potential to be one of the best of the series. I thought the scene with Cercei, the Mountain and himself was excellent.

- Cleganebowl just may happen!
I was wondering about Tyrion's look at the end. He looked truly upset that Jon and Dany were hooking up. Is he jealous? I know he convinced Dany to leave Dario behind in Essos. He told Dany she would need to make alliances through marriage.

Isn't Jon a good alliance? Perhaps Tyrion was hoping to wed Dany and Jamie? I don't know....I was hoping someone would have other insight on this scene. Maybe Tyrion wasn't upset?


I had the same issue. He looked upset... But I couldn't figure out a reason why.
Good catch, though CATCH could be right in his thinking. hah Especially if Jamie chokes her out as expected based on Maggy the Frog's prophecy.
Could also be the Hound that chocks her. Ive seen that in some Cleganebowl theories. "The little brother"

However I do feel its more likely to be Jaime
Speaking of which....Edmure Tully he still alive? Do the Lannisters have him. The Freys had him for a long time and now we know the Freys are dead but I can't remember if Jamie Took Edmure with him after he got the castle from the black fish.

Edmure is related to the Catelin and Lysa and maybe he takes over the Vale if they don't want robin in charge. I think the only thing Robin likes is throwing people out the moon door.
Walder Frey said Edmure was back in the cells after Jaime used him to take back RiverRun.... there was no mention from Arya whether she freed her Uncle when she killed everyone..... the Lannisters have control of The Twins so he is probably still in jail or dead
I was wondering about Tyrion's look at the end. He looked truly upset that Jon and Dany were hooking up. Is he jealous? I know he convinced Dany to leave Dario behind in Essos. He told Dany she would need to make alliances through marriage.

Isn't Jon a good alliance? Perhaps Tyrion was hoping to wed Dany and Jamie? I don't know....I was hoping someone would have other insight on this scene. Maybe Tyrion wasn't upset?

It looked like a mix of jealousy and worry but I saw it as someone had to witness the union so when she gets preggers they know it was King Jon or King Aegon's in case he dies in the Great War

They could always ask Bran-O-max to pull up the tape later but he is a creepster
That's why I've always said that the journey is the best part about this show.

Tyrion sitting at the camp fire telling Jon why he reads books.

The Hound teaching Arya where to stick the pointy end of a sword.

The small little lines and stories within the story are what make this show the best show ever.
They could have stretched the season out to 10 and filled it with chatter to save money..... I;m sure they filmed enough scenes for 10 episodes without all the CGI.... the talks are the best parts and you learn a lot
Yup. Last season (well, now year before last) Tyrion picked up a glass of wine and called it, "The Imp's Delight".

So, when I bottled my 2016 Shiraz, guess what I named it? :)


btw @BrAinPaiNt the image above is hosted on my Google Photos account. Easy breezy.
I bought a bottle of Dornish Red and a Westeros White

A side note on CleganeBowl:

I saw a comment in the subreddit say Arya wouldnt be able to beat Gregor. That Sandor may be the only one. Are they serious? Did they not watch Obryn pretty much rag doll him before succumbing to his own hubris.

The appeal of the Mountain isnt that he is unbeatable. Its is both intimidating, has immense power and utter savage. I think Season 1 Jaime had more of an "unbeatable" mystique then the Mountain.

In terms of martial skills, I think most of the shows known warriors could possibly beat the Mountain in a sword fight. If you had any one of Hound, Arya, Jon, Brieanne, and maybe even Bronn best him in a trial by combat I would find it somewhat believable
I bought a bottle of Dornish Red and a Westeros White


hah I saw those (or something similar) at the local wine shop. I've kind of afraid to try them as these types of wines (pop culture branded wines) have usually been filled with crap wine. It's always been more about the bottle that the contents.

Now, fill them with say a Joel Gott wine (about a $16-$17 wine) that is actually very good. Then I would definitely buy them if they didn't way overcharge for it.
A side note on CleganeBowl:

I saw a comment in the subreddit say Arya wouldnt be able to beat Gregor. That Sandor may be the only one. Are they serious? Did they not watch Obryn pretty much rag doll him before succumbing to his own hubris.

The appeal of the Mountain isnt that he is unbeatable. Its is both intimidating, has immense power and utter savage. I think Season 1 Jaime had more of an "unbeatable" mystique then the Mountain.

In terms of martial skills, I think most of the shows known warriors could possibly beat the Mountain in a sword fight. If you had any one of Hound, Arya, Jon, Brieanne, and maybe even Bronn best him in a trial by combat I would find it somewhat believable

They are just talking out of their butts. If she killed Cersei, she could walk right up to his face and slit his throat before he knew what happen.
I think the death of the Mountain will come down to wheather they want an an emotional payoff ( which would be the Hound) or if the want a pure spectacle (which IMO would be Arya)

Considering the amount of spectacle season 8 promises, Im guessing they will go with the emotional payoff of the former
They are just talking out of their butts. If she killed Cersei, she could walk right up to his face and slit his throat before he knew what happen.
The post (or comment) came off like the person cant seperate storytelling from things like table top fantasy or MMO fantasy.

Ill see if I can dig it up
The post (or comment) came off like the person cant seperate storytelling from things like table top fantasy or MMO fantasy.

Ill see if I can dig it up

Are you saying life isn't a roleplaying game? I keep my dice in my pocket at all times just in case I need to make a savings throw!
They are just talking out of their butts. If she killed Cersei, she could walk right up to his face and slit his throat before he knew what happen.
Here is is

I laugh so hard at questions like this. How is Arya such a ******* badass all of a sudden that she’s got the skills to straight up murder one of the most feared and vicious men in all of Westeros? Because…she slit a 90 year old man’s throat or because she baked 2 idiots with limited fighting skills into pies? Or because she killed Meryn Trant? Fat chance she gets that lucky again (and she didn't even kill any of these people in the books). I’m not saying Arya isn’t a little skilled and isn’t a cool character. I’m just saying, if someone nicknamed the ******* Red Viper couldn’t survive a battle with Gregor what would make anyone think 13 year old Arya Stark could?

Here’s the answer: Arya could never kill Gregor Clegane; who by the way, and I think everyone misses this point because it still walks around…IS ALREADY DEAD. That thing wearing armor is.not.gregor.clegane. He’s dead. Or undead. But that thing is not Gregor Clegane…not anymore.

But whatever that thing is, Sandor still hates him. And Sandor is the only one with any right to kill whatever the hell that thing is that used to be Gregor. And he's one of the only fighters skilled enough to kill him. And he was his brother. He probably knows that thing better than anyone in Westeros. Sandor knows it’s weaknesses and has been playing Gregor’s death on a loop in his head since he was a child.

Arya is not such a badass. She’s not nearly as skilled as people like to think she is. Actual knights that have seen combat and war piss themselves when near the thing that used to be Gregor. Arya is not more special or skilled than knights with 100x and many years more experience than her.
Viserion isn't actually an Ice Dragon. He is a wight dragon. (Undead Dragon) Ice Dragons are a completely different species based on what GRRM said.

George R. R. Martin speaking about Ice Dragons

"These colossal beasts, many times larger than the dragons of Valyria, are said to be made of living ice, with eyes of pale blue crystal and vast translucent wings through which the moon and stars can be glimpsed as they wheel across the sky.

Whereas common dragons (if any dragon can truly be said to be common) breathe flame, ice dragons supposedly breathe cold, a chill so terrible that it can freeze a man solid in half a heartbeat [...] As ice dragons supposedly melt when slain, no actual proof of their existence has ever been found."
So, he would need to become MUCH larger if he were to become an ice dragon and he was spitting blue fire to melt the wall. Ice Dragons spit extreme cold.

Though I'm still not clear how an undead which is killed by fire can spit fire.
i don't think there's ever been an undead dragon before to see how it would work.

given the speed of sparrows and travel this last season, i'm ok with the dragon thing overall. :)

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