Did the Dothraki bring their women and where have they been camping and eating? Are there any civilians or women on Dragonstone?
Now that Sansa is the true Lady of Winterfell will the Knights of the Vale stay or will they return to Lord Robin? Does she keep the North unified once word gets out Jon bent the knee?
Did Tormound and Beric die? We didn't see it.....Is anyone going to tell Ghost at Castle Black that his Daddy needs him?
The Wall is irrelevent at this point so is Sam relieved of his vows and heir to the Reach as Lord Tarley?
Will Bronn get his Fookin Castle? Will Podrick ever learn to fight? What is Jamie going to accomplish besides pissing Cersei off?
Will the Night King and his dragon Vanilla Ice- spitting fire fly ahead and destroy Winterfell?
Tune in next season.............dun dun dun
Don't know about the Dothraki. They sure show up in force everywhere but I don't see them all hiding out in Dragonstone either...good question.
I was wondering about the Knights of the Vale as well. I know that Robin is still the lord there but I would have to imagine the other guy takes over in his place as they all know that Robin is not really fit to be a lord. I can;t remember the guys name but I am sure someone else will. I imagine he will take over for Little Fingers's role and Be the head of the Vale and although Robin will have the official title of lord of the vale..it will really be ruled by the other guy.
Once Bran tells everyone who Jon really is...it MIGHT not matter about him bending the knee or not.
I imagine Tormond is still alive. Kind of find it hard to believe that they dragged him all through this mess only to be dead now. Frankly I thought they would show him or some others in the foreground and some of the dead walked by in the background. As far as Ghost...been wondering where he has been as well.
Sam should be, at the end of it all, Lord of Tarly House and his, and other's, oaths to the wall be fullfilled. Problem is right now...that nobody has told sam about his father and brothers death yet.
Bronn will hopefully get a good pay off in one form or another...after all he has two lannisters that are always saying..the Lannisters always pay their debts. Now I would love to see Arya and Bronn together...no not in a romantic type of situation...just those two together would be similar to when her and the hound were together. She could probably learn a great deal from him just as she did the hound.
Podrick seems like a wasted character but maybe he winds up being a hero of sorts before it is all done. Maybe he kills or saves someone famous at the end and they write songs about him.