Game of Thrones Season 7 thread

Don't forget Drogon for Khal Drogo.....who is the biggest and meanest
Well, just meant she's telling Jon one is named after Rhaegar, who is unknowingly to both his dad. It was a cool moment/nugget is all.
Can't wait for Daenerys to get the rude awaking that Jon Snow is actually the heir apparent to the Iron Throne and not her. :laugh:

The reason being is Rhaegar was the heir to King Aerys II throne. His brothers and sisters are not heirs if he has male children. He did. Two of them! Aegon and Jon Snow. Aegon was killed by order of Tywin Lannister and Jon Snow was taken by Ned Stark. Jon Snow was the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen.

It's believed that a bastiage son cannot be King, but the Targaryen's where known to harbor multiple wives and it's believed that Rhaegar wed Lyanna Stark and he loved her more than Elia Martell (his first wife) Therefore Jon Snow is not only NOT a bastige, but the actual heir apparent, not Daenerys Targaryen by birthright!

As for the 3rd dragon rider, rumor says it's Tyrion, but heh. That's a bit tough to accept, though it was referenced in season 2 episode 10 that the three dragon riders (dream sequence in the House of the Undying) that he dragons have three heads. The three locations shown were the Wall (Jon), Khal Drogo's tent (Daenerys), and the throne room. (Tyrion) Tywin said on a few occasions that Tyrion was not a true Lannister, but he carried the name and that HAD to be protected.

All three are now together and the end of the show. :)

Since the Targaryens were known to marry their own family. I suspect Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen will marry because lets face it. Daenerys won't give up the crown hah. She is becoming selfish in her old age hah.
Yeah, it hasn't been talked about much on here, but it was speculated that Tyrion wasn't a Lannister at all, but actually Targaryen. The line where Tywin said he couldn't prove he wasn't his was the one the speculation was based on. I'm not sure I believe it, because Jon had lots of clues dropped in and there's only been a couple you could speculate about with Tyrion.
Yeah, it hasn't been talked about much on here, but it was speculated that Tyrion wasn't a Lannister at all, but actually Targaryen. The line where Tywin said he couldn't prove he wasn't his was the one the speculation was based on. I'm not sure I believe it, because Jon had lots of clues dropped in and there's only been a couple you could speculate about with Tyrion.
Ive read alot of people believe Tyrion is a Targaryen because he has shown the ability to tame dragons
Ive read alot of people believe Tyrion is a Targaryen because he has shown the ability to tame dragons
I could see it, but I just haven't noticed/heard enough clues dropped like they did for Jon. It would be way more out of left field than Jons lineage.
I don't think anyone respects the Targaryen claim to the throne died with the Mad King

After the Baratheons line was ended it reverted back to the was taken by force

It will be interesting to see Danys and Jon's reaction but we all know Jon doesn't want the Throne...... he will only become a dragon rider if he can use it against the WW

Given the dragons and what they can do. Pretty much everyone will accept the Targaryen's if they are dragon riders. The Lannisters will all die, so...

I believe there is no question that the dragons are required to defeat the white walkers. I mean there are only two things that can kill them. Dragon glass and fire...Dragonsfire.
Euron is kicking butt but even with his snarky quips and his destructive navy...the guy playing him does nothing for me. I mean the guy pretty much wiped out a good portion of her navy, took control of the dorn and greyjoy threat, gaining the love of people in Kings Landing, pissing off Jamie and all but the guy playing him just does not do much for me. Heck I think Theon is more of a punchable person and we were supposed to like him early on. Usually they do a good job of casting characters that you love to hate however I think they dropped the ball on Euron. Heck even The grey joy father, and Euron's older brother, was more a guy you wanted to choke than Euron.

I thought he went along with Cersei's proposal to give him what he wants after she won the war far too easily--to the point where it really wasn't believable. After the war is won, she's a lot more likely to have Gregor crush his skull than to marry him.
I thought he went along with Cersei's proposal to give him what he wants after she won the war far too easily--to the point where it really wasn't believable. After the war is won, she's a lot more likely to have Gregor crush his skull than to marry him.
IDK...she got all jazzed up after they talked and practically raped Jamie

I think Euron's mix of bravado and power does it for her
IDK...she got all jazzed up after they talked and practically raped Jamie

I think Euron's mix of bravado and power does it for her

Nahh, she is way to much of a control freak to accept someone as unpredictable, dangerous, and of extreme selfishness as Euron.

Cersei marrying him would be her (and her entire families, not that there is much left) death sentence if she didn't murder him first and she would know this.

She would just lead him on and then straight into a trap and most likely at their royal wedding.

She isn't the type to share power. Even if it were Jamie, she would have him at arms length and she would force him to march to her orders even though he would become King if they married.
Some speculation going around the interwebs that Arya is going to kill Littlefinger this week
Some speculation going around the interwebs that Arya is going to kill Littlefinger this week

If this happens I am done with this thread and done with all GOT reviews until the show is over.

I don't get the need for people to try and spoil this show.

Discussing the show from week to week is one of the best parts about the show but I refuse to let it be ruined like this.
Speaking of Arya, was that the first time we have seen her pet Dire Wolf (Lumeria? Numeria? Something like that?) since she threw a rock at him (her?) in S1 E2 or E3 to scare it off and save its life from Joffrey's soldiers after the wolf bit his arm?
If this happens I am done with this thread and done with all GOT reviews until the show is over.

I don't get the need for people to try and spoil this show.

Discussing the show from week to week is one of the best parts about the show but I refuse to let it be ruined like this.
Wasnt spoiler or any leak. Its a theory that has been circling the internet
HBO got hacked and Game of Thrones scripts were allegedly stolen (possibly even whole episodes). Be careful with spoilers for a while.
I dont know why people put themselves in a position to go to jail just to leak an episode of a TV show. And I dont know why people who watch the show read it.
Speaking of Arya, was that the first time we have seen her pet Dire Wolf (Lumeria? Numeria? Something like that?) since she threw a rock at him (her?) in S1 E2 or E3 to scare it off and save its life from Joffrey's soldiers after the wolf bit his arm?


The book gives hints about her being alive though.

It says something about a large wolf leading a pack of wolfs that has no fear of men.

The pack that we saw in the show may not be the full pack of Wolves that Nymeria is leading.

Arya at some point could control an army of Wolves which would be awesome.
I dont know why people put themselves in a position to go to jail just to leak an episode of a TV show.

It's a lot bigger than that. These are usually extortion attempts. This one is evidently 7 times lager than the Sony hack. They allegedly have taken 1.5 terabytes of data.
Wasnt spoiler or any leak. Its a theory that has been circling the internet

A lot of those are leaks disguised as theories.

The details of this season have been leaked for awhile. Some people seem to enjoy being spoiled. Some of them like to look clever by throwing out "theories" they know are true.

If I see one guy posit a theory, it doesn't really make me worried, but when I hear "a lot of people are speculating," knowing about the leaks, it gives me pause.
I dont know why people put themselves in a position to go to jail just to leak an episode of a TV show. And I dont know why people who watch the show read it.

Idiot script kiddies or extortionist, though that isn't likely to fly with HBO. (high risk no reward) In half sane real hacker would save those events for things that really matter.

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