Game of Thrones Season 7 thread

Bran never said the word raped to Sansa.

He said he was sorry for all that happened to her and happened to her at home aka winterfell (which could include the rape but he never said she was raped). When he said he saw her that night...He was talking about him seeing her come down at night to be wedded in her white wedding dress and if you recall she was married outside near the Wyrwood (sp?) tree that he was sitting next to when he was talking to her. So he was not talking about her being beautiful the night she was raped even though she was raped later that night. He was talking about her being beautiful in her wedding dress as she came down to be married. However he did say prior to that again, that he was sorry for all that had happened to her ( which could also include Joffery's treatment of her and killing their father, making her marry tyrion, her losing other family, her having to be played as someone else with little finger initially, her marrying Bolton and what he did to her as well.). But I have read else where on the net where people are thinking he was just talking about the Rape and that was just not the case. He was talking about all things that happened to her and he was not saying she was beautiful the night she got raped, even though that happened that night, he was saying she was beautiful in her dress going to her wedding.

However he was acting a little odd. I take it that was they way the director or writers wanted it. I mean he did not even hug her back when she hugged him. Most would think he would have more important information to share with her at that moment than just what he did. I mean the whole idea that he knows Jon is Targarean AND Stark is pretty important information.
Bran's character is somewhat dehumanized now ( dont know if that is the proper word) and I thought considering that the scene was touching. I saw it as him telling Sansa that despite his new persona (again dont know if that is the proper word), he still loves her, cares deeply for her and is hurt by what she has had to endure. Maybe telling her beautiful she was that night is his way of telling her that he is proud she has remained a good person given all she has endured. And to not let what she has "learned" from Cersei influence her

Typical Starbucks. Getting the names wrong. It's Jon.
I'm looking forward to book 6.

I don't necessarily mind that they jump from place to place like it's nothing but at times I do think it does get a little sloppy.

Game of Thrones is about enjoying the journey and I think they should've added another season or had more episodes so we can savor every bit of the story.

As far as episode 3.

Jon and Daenerys was great. I think Jon has more leverage then he thinks with the unsullied, Greyjoys, and Tyrells all getting hit hard or demolished all together.

I thought it was strange that Jon was able to walk right up to Danny with no guards around her but whatever.

I thought they dropped the ball with Bran coming back to Winterfell and it was just weird. I thought Brans return and how they decided to make him distant was just horrible.

I'm enjoying all of the Euron stuff.. It will be interesting to see who takes him out first between Jamie and Theon. Theon's character surely has to redeem himself and save his sister.

Tyrion telling the story of how he controlled the sewers and left himself a secret way into the castle was awesome.

The Queen of thorns went out like a BA.

Does anyone else have a problem with Sansa and Cersei always doing dumb stuff then all of a sudden in 1 episode they are somehow Tywin and Ned Stark? Cersei being a great battle commander making smart moves and Sansa knowing all of the small details of how to take care of the kingdom?
Dang I like this season so far. I wonder how many of those weapons were built for cersei?
I'm looking forward to book 6.

I don't necessarily mind that they jump from place to place like it's nothing but at times I do think it does get a little sloppy.

Game of Thrones is about enjoying the journey and I think they should've added another season or had more episodes so we can savor every bit of the story.

As far as episode 3.

Jon and Daenerys was great. I think Jon has more leverage then he thinks with the unsullied, Greyjoys, and Tyrells all getting hit hard or demolished all together.

I thought it was strange that Jon was able to walk right up to Danny with no guards around her but whatever.

I thought they dropped the ball with Bran coming back to Winterfell and it was just weird. I thought Brans return and how they decided to make him distant was just horrible.

I'm enjoying all of the Euron stuff.. It will be interesting to see who takes him out first between Jamie and Theon. Theon's character surely has to redeem himself and save his sister.

Tyrion telling the story of how he controlled the sewers and left himself a secret way into the castle was awesome.

The Queen of thorns went out like a BA.

Does anyone else have a problem with Sansa and Cersei always doing dumb stuff then all of a sudden in 1 episode they are somehow Tywin and Ned Stark? Cersei being a great battle commander making smart moves and Sansa knowing all of the small details of how to take care of the kingdom?
I found it pretty amusing that he had a 'ho'door. :)
The conversation where she told Jon what her dragons were named for was pretty cool as well. They were named after my brothers, Viserys and Rhaegar was a pretty neat little moment.
Don't forget Drogon for Khal Drogo.....who is the biggest and meanest
The Queen of thorns went out like a BA.
i get that people liked he character for her sharp tongue but she got owned

She lost her home, her fortune, her legacy, her son, her grandchildren and her dignity

Great she got in a couple one liners to the guy killing her..... but the act of mercy was his strength not hers.....Cersei already got her revenge

She should have told Jamie about Littlefingers role in Joffrey's death

ps- I also love that the The Rains of Castamere was playing the whole time...... it has become the theme song for the Lannisters and it tells the story of the House of Reyne that went up against Tywin Lannister and was completely the Terrells and Highgarden are gone forever
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i get that people liked he character for her sharp tongue but she got owned

She lost her home, her fortune, her legacy, her son, her grandchildren and her dignity

Great she got in a couple one liners to the guy killing her..... but the act of mercy was his strength not hers.....Cersei already got her revenge

She should have told Jamie about Littlefingers role in Joffrey's death

Good point when you put it that way.

I just thought it was a good way for her to go out.

Like BP said, I wonder if Jamie will tell Cersei. I don't see why he wouldn't tell her but lack of communication is a staple for TV shows.

Also, I don't believe Littlefinger ever betrayed her so there is no reason for her to sell him out.
The main interesting thing from the Dany/Jon highly anticipated meeting was how different they are. I know both of them are hugely popular both within the show and among fans. But it was hard not to kinda get annoyed by Dany during their meeting. It all started with the exchanging of titles. It took 10 minutes to introduce Dany with all her "breaker of chains, mother of dragons" talk, and then Jon had a simple "This is Jon Snow. He's the King of the North." Dany really came off as entitled and self-centered. She even admitted the only thing that drove her all this time was her belief in herself. Now, you can take that as confidence or the fact that she was so enamored by her own name that she felt entitled to the throne. She definitely has done good things for people and has won the trust of a lot of people, but her differences with Jon were striking. Jon never had a name, he never wanted any of this, but he was born for it and everyone could notice he was special. He even admitted he doesn't like any of this but he has no choice. All that being said, I think fans are gonna be disappointed if they expect Dany to "win" the game of thrones. I don't think she was made for this. She convinced herself and everyone else that she was, but I don't think she's gonna make it till the end.
She definitely came off weak and desperate

No one in the Seven Kingdoms respects her claim to the Throne.... she has listened to men like her brother and Varys too long....... she acts like she will be loved but they just see her as the daughter of the Mad King with a foreign army.....she will only ever rule through sheer terror with her dragons and Dothraki horde, which defeats her whole promise....... her council looks like High School kids playing government.......Missandei, Grey Worm, Tyrion and Varys and the Red Priest and Lady Oleana....blah blah blah...... she is too green to lead as seen in Mereen and Slaver's Bay
Also, I don't believe Littlefinger ever betrayed her so there is no reason for her to sell him out.
Just because he is a devious c$%t and she doesn't suffer them lightly

Picking a fight with the Lannister's was a fools errand and listening to Littlefinger cost her everything
Just because he is a devious c$%t and she doesn't suffer them lightly

Picking a fight with the Lannister's was a fools errand and listening to Littlefinger cost her everything

I disagree.

The QOT was a smart woman and she got killed for something completely different than Joffreys death.

Her granddaughter wanted to be the Queen. I'm sure she wanted her to be the Queen and she agreed to what Littlefinger did.

If she has anyone to blame it is herself for agreeing to let her Granddaughter be wed to a Lannister.

2 of the 3 girls that were sent off in the show to make peaceful alliances died and Sansa didn't get off much better then the other 2.

Littlefinger will die though.

I was expecting him to make a move on Jon when he was going to or coming back from Dragon Stone leaving Sansa as the Queen of the North and somehow getting her hand in marriage.

Of course Jon would overcome whatever Littlefinger threw at him and he would kill Littlefinger.
Can't wait for Daenerys to get the rude awaking that Jon Snow is actually the heir apparent to the Iron Throne and not her. :laugh:

The reason being is Rhaegar was the heir to King Aerys II throne. His brothers and sisters are not heirs if he has male children. He did. Two of them! Aegon and Jon Snow. Aegon was killed by order of Tywin Lannister and Jon Snow was taken by Ned Stark. Jon Snow was the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen.

It's believed that a bastiage son cannot be King, but the Targaryen's where known to harbor multiple wives and it's believed that Rhaegar wed Lyanna Stark and he loved her more than Elia Martell (his first wife) Therefore Jon Snow is not only NOT a bastige, but the actual heir apparent, not Daenerys Targaryen by birthright!

As for the 3rd dragon rider, rumor says it's Tyrion, but heh. That's a bit tough to accept, though it was referenced in season 2 episode 10 that the three dragon riders (dream sequence in the House of the Undying) that he dragons have three heads. The three locations shown were the Wall (Jon), Khal Drogo's tent (Daenerys), and the throne room. (Tyrion) Tywin said on a few occasions that Tyrion was not a true Lannister, but he carried the name and that HAD to be protected.

All three are now together and the end of the show. :)

Since the Targaryens were known to marry their own family. I suspect Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen will marry because lets face it. Daenerys won't give up the crown hah. She is becoming selfish in her old age hah.
I disagree.

The QOT was a smart woman and she got killed for something completely different than Joffreys death.

Her granddaughter wanted to be the Queen. I'm sure she wanted her to be the Queen and she agreed to what Littlefinger did.

If she has anyone to blame it is herself for agreeing to let her Granddaughter be wed to a Lannister.

2 of the 3 girls that were sent off in the show to make peaceful alliances died and Sansa didn't get off much better then the other 2.
Still she was too smart for her own good...... she killed Joffrey because she wanted Margery to be Queen without being married to a monster..... she thought she could use her granddaughter's beauty to gain power but she underestimated Cersei's reaction when Margery stole Tommen away from her

But Littlefinger was just using LO for his own plans and she fell for it.... they were not allies and they were both to blame but the deathbed confession should have been 100%...... LO, Margery, Sansa(unknowingly) and Littlefinger conspired to kill Joffrey

I don't see Cersei having a huge reaction to the news.... she still hates Tyrion and he is still with Danerys and she still believes he killed both her parents
Can't wait for Daenerys to get the rude awaking that Jon Snow is actually the heir apparent to the Iron Throne and not her. :laugh:

The reason being is Rhaegar was the heir to King Aerys II throne. His brothers and sisters are not heirs if he has male children. He did. Two of them! Aegon and Jon Snow. Aegon was killed by order of Tywin Lannister and Jon Snow was taken by Ned Stark. Jon Snow was the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen.

It's believed that a bastiage son cannot be King, but the Targaryen's where known to harbor multiple wives and it's believed that Rhaegar wed Lyanna Stark and he loved her more than Elia Martell (his first wife) Therefore Jon Snow is not only NOT a bastige, but the actual heir apparent, not Daenerys Targaryen by birthright!

As for the 3rd dragon rider, rumor says it's Tyrion, but heh. That's a bit tough to accept, though it was referenced in season 2 episode 10 that the three dragon riders (dream sequence in the House of the Undying) that he dragons have three heads. The three locations shown were the Wall (Jon), Khal Drogo's tent (Daenerys), and the throne room. (Tyrion) Tywin said on a few occasions that Tyrion was not a true Lannister, but he carried the name and that HAD to be protected.

All three are now together and the end of the show. :)

Since the Targaryens were known to marry their own family. I suspect Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen will marry because lets face it. Daenerys won't give up the crown hah. She is becoming selfish in her old age hah.
I don't think anyone respects the Targaryen claim to the throne died with the Mad King

After the Baratheons line was ended it reverted back to the was taken by force

It will be interesting to see Danys and Jon's reaction but we all know Jon doesn't want the Throne...... he will only become a dragon rider if he can use it against the WW
Still she was too smart for her own good...... she killed Joffrey because she wanted Margery to be Queen without being married to a monster..... she thought she could use her granddaughter's beauty to gain power but she underestimated Cersei's reaction when Margery stole Tommen away from her

But Littlefinger was just using LO for his own plans and she fell for it.... they were not allies and they were both to blame but the deathbed confession should have been 100%...... LO, Margery, Sansa(unknowingly) and Littlefinger conspired to kill Joffrey

I don't see Cersei having a huge reaction to the news.... she still hates Tyrion and he is still with Danerys and she still believes he killed both her parents

Cersei can always blame what happened to Myrcella on Tyrion anyways but I hope she finds out that it wasn't Tyrion.

I want to see if she is upset with herself at all for being so wrong.

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