Game of Thrones

ChldsPlay;3974831 said:
Was it Ice that was used on the show? I'd have to go back and watch the first episode to see if it was the same.

It was Ice they used on the show too. I think that was the part that made me so upset when it happened in the book, heh. Using the man's own sword against him. :banghead:
nyc;3975196 said:
Quit spoiling jerk! :laugh2:

Well as far as spoilers go, it's pretty mild. Sorry nonetheless if it did spoil anything.

I should probably stop typing now. :D

Besides I'm surprised that killing a mad king to you is of less honor than pushing a boy out of a tower while screwing your sister. haha
Temo;3975269 said:
Well as far as spoilers go, it's pretty mild. Sorry nonetheless if it did spoil anything.

I should probably stop typing now. :D

Besides I'm surprised that killing a mad king to you is of less honor than pushing a boy out of a tower while screwing your sister. haha

I didn't say that was honorable. I just didn't name that. Besides, it wasn't just that he killed the Mad King, it was that he stabbed him in the back both figuratively and literally.
Temo;3975269 said:
Well as far as spoilers go, it's pretty mild. Sorry nonetheless if it did spoil anything.

I should probably stop typing now. :D

Besides I'm surprised that killing a mad king to you is of less honor than pushing a boy out of a tower while screwing your sister. haha

Good point. There is no disputing Jaime is dishonorable.
BrAinPaiNt;3975085 said:
Well the boy and the girl he seemed to have good relationships with in the show. He was the one that she seemed to like as well. Remember he was the one that had the Needle sword made for her.

I don't know if it is foreshadowing but I noticed that right after Jon first meets Tyrion (sp?) that the imp walks into the great hall and the chapter ends with something along the lines of....when he walked in and the light cast the shadow of the imp, his shadow made him look regular size or kingly...something along those lines.

I don't want anyone to spoil it for us but just as someone starting out in the books and not knowing how things play out down the seems like they might be playing it out that Tyrion may wind up being king. I doubt that happens but it seems there are signs pointing towards that.

I won't spoil anything, but will say this week's episode should offer some answers along the lines of what you're talking about.
The Ominous;3976232 said:
What a phenomenally amazing finale. Wolves, Dragons, THE OTHERS OH MY!

I gotta say they sure don't mind killing off main characters lol
Yeagermeister;3976243 said:
I gotta say they sure don't mind killing off main characters lol

They aren't main characters, they were just pawns in the game of thrones. :laugh2:
BrAinPaiNt;3976254 said:
That was a pretty wicked episode.

That was the first episode where I had actually knew what was going to happen before it happen. I wanted to key you in on your earlier comment about Tyrion, but I held my tongue until you watched the episode. Though I must say, Tyrion took it much worse in the book than it showed in the show.

That said, for those who read the book. The book ended and then there was an index, etc. Then at the end there was another chapter that has to do with Theon. What is with that? (good chapter btw) It isn't part of this book obviously. I guess it was just a chapter to setup the next book?

I start the second book on the way home today. :)
Great ending last night. Spring 2012 for season 2. It is going to be a long wait!
viman96;3976274 said:
Great ending last night. Spring 2012 for season 2. It is going to be a long wait!

I figured it would be a long time. There should be quite a bit of CGI involved in the next season. Plus GRRM is involved and he tends to drag things out. LOL
nyc;3976260 said:
That was the first episode where I had actually knew what was going to happen before it happen. I wanted to key you in on your earlier comment about Tyrion, but I held my tongue until you watched the episode. Though I must say, Tyrion took it much worse in the book than it showed in the show.

That said, for those who read the book. The book ended and then there was an index, etc. Then at the end there was another chapter that has to do with Theon. What is with that? (good chapter btw) It isn't part of this book obviously. I guess it was just a chapter to setup the next book?

I start the second book on the way home today. :)

I don't remember the specific chapter, but a couple of the books have preview chapters for the next book, it might have been one of those.
I love this series. I was really surprised that Catelyn only swatted Jamie once with that rock. I really thought he had at least one more coming after he fessed up about pushing her son out of the window. It is a shame that we have to wait that long to get the second installment, but I should be ready to dig into the second book this week.
Release the Dragons!


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