hyruleguardian;2460018 said:
The Giants truly play as a team and not merely a collection of talented individuals.
Inserted particularly to bother Cowboy fans. Nicely done.
However, the one thing you didn't what to happen is actually going down: The Cowboys are starting to play as a unit instead of a collection of stars.
And there is another tie in to your post:
The Giants do a very good job of playing as a unit and playing smart football.
However, do you actually think the Giants are better without those stars? I mean, if they were playing together as a unit like they are now... but still had, say, Osi, Strahan, Shockey, and Tiki?
You know the team would be better. Tuck as a reserve DE would be awesome. A fresh Tuck rotating with a fresh Osi or Strahan would make your DL even better than it is now.
How about bringing in a fresh Tiki after Jacobs had worn defenses down? Sheesh.
Those stars assimilated with the team you have now would make the Giants just that much more difficult to beat.
Now for the tie in: The Cowboys do have stars littered all over their roster. Last year, Dallas whipped NY in two out of three tries, even though they had a first year coach and weren't particularly gelled as a single offensive and defensive unit. That was because the Giants weren't particularly playing as a team at that point either. Then NY gelled, just like Dallas is doing now. In the playoffs, when playing as a team is at its most important... the Giants understandably (and deservedly) won the game.
Now however, I think Dallas has figured out how to play as a team. They now understand the importance of intensity each week, and they now are playing with cohesion. Plus, just like Eli figured out towards the end of last year, what being a team leader is all about... it looks like Romo has figured it out now, too.
Maybe I'm wrong... but I don't think I am. I've seen it too many times before. A good team finally figures it out and becomes a great team, gets on a roll, and goes deep into the playoffs.
Now, here's my point: If NY is playing a team that is performing as a unit just like NY is, then THAT is when the loss of talent will show. Then, the talent put together on each team will become evident.
Last year you guys knocked us out of the playoffs because Dallas played as a collection of stars instead of as a team. Now, with Dallas starting to play as a unit... just like NY does... you might not should be so cavalier about the loss of guys like Strahan, Osi, Tiki, Shockey, etc. Those guys could match up with the Dallas stars when the intensity and teamwork is equal... now though, with Dallas' stars finally starting to play as a team, NY very well might have difficulties in matching up.
Just keep your fingers crossed that I'm wrong... Pray that Dallas and Romo hasn't actually figured out how to play as a cohesive unit. Because if that group of talent HAS actually figured it out... the rest of the NFL is in a whole lot of trouble.