Goff vs Prescott

If Dallas wins against NE next year, they will find all ways to not credit Dak. “He got lucky”. “The defense won this game.” “Zeke carried him to victory again.” “His wife receivers are just too good and helped him win”. Dak will never get credit and we’ll need to accept it, as sad as the matter is. Dak could be Tom Brady and they would still find a way to discredit him. It’s just the way butthurt Romosexual fans work.
Corrected it for you.
Get lost butthurt Romosexual. Need a tissue?
Wow, America's Clownboy actually getting angry... I was just defending you the other day saying you were at least a pleasant troll. Now I understand why people are ignoring you so much... but don't worry, I've still got you clear and free.
The same ones who claim that Dak supporters make excuses for Dak, are the ones making excuses for Goff and his poor performance tonight. With only getting 3 points. Finding any reason to give Goff the benefit of the doubt and give him leeway, where Dak wouldn't receive any leeway under the same circumstances.
Wow, America's Clownboy actually getting angry... I was just defending you the other day saying you were at least a pleasant troll. Now I understand why people are ignoring you so much... but don't worry, I've still got you clear and free.
Feel free to join them if you'd like, but thanks for the defense.
Give credit to the Pats Defense and B.B, lot of confusion for a young QB.
Dak Prescott's biggest play against the Peehawks was that run on 3rd and a mile to the 1 yard line. Nobody cares that he's not a RB. They just care that he made the right play in a crucial moment to win the game.
Goff isn't as great as many Cowboy fans talked him up to be.

Don't Be Hatin'


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