Greg Hardy Day two, will he sign thread **Leave out Moral and legal issues**

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Since we are waiting on any word, Im just gonna kill some time by posting my plans for the day.....

Im heading to a dentist appointment and afterwards Im going to buy a laxative because Im constipated. It has not been a good couple days for my toothe or stomach

Clinical tests have shown that visiting the dentist causes severe constipation in mice.
I'm not a fan of signing him to a 1 year deal.

I can see it now... Once he gets back from suspension he's gonna tear up the league, play a huge part in our playoff run, then Jerry won't be willing to pay the man next offseason and he goes to a division rival on a 4 year deal.
If he does sign a one year deal my biggest question say he is suspended 2 games and the rest of the year has 16 sacks
instead of letting him test Free Agency can you tag him if desired ? I've never been sure who can be tagged and who can't ?

I mean tagged for the next season ?

Cowboys can tag him.
If we do sign him, I hope it's longish term. No one year nonsense.
Not so sure if he will sign. The weasel DR can still be dealing with Tampa or who ever and at the last minute pull the rug under our feet. Most of you are so sure that he is signing I would be cautious.
yeah a one year deal isn't good enough in my opinion.

They probably aren't willing to take that risk guys. I don't know why that's so hard to understand. He's been in trouble alot in college and had a serious incident with Carolina. I like the fact they're doing an incentive laden one year deal. Patience Grasshoppers!
Me too.. I was just pointing out the 'moral outrage' over this guy, while people were talking about the 'moral integrity' of Murray and letting him go...

The heck with the morals the heck with social media , just win the Super Bowl and we can put on the song by Queen "WE are the Champions of the World":yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock:
I'm not a fan of signing him to a 1 year deal.

I can see it now... Once he gets back from suspension he's gonna tear up the league, play a huge part in our playoff run, then Jerry won't be willing to pay the man next offseason and he goes to a division rival on a 4 year deal.

I'm with you. Really not a fan. Kids young. Rather sign him to an incentive long term deal.
I was just reading several articles talking about the Cowboys possibility of a one year deal with
Greg Hardy with several clauses which after a productive year would allow him to test the
Free Agent Market again next year after proving himself. My question wouldn't we want to
sign Hardy for longer than one year so we don't lose him next year or could the Cowboys
simply Tag him ?

I don't think the Cowboys are gonna sign a UFA and give him a contract with the expectation of tagging him the next year. I actually thing Dallas has the leverage in this negotiation. Hardy can sign somewhere else, sure, but every team has the same Hardy OTF issues to deal with and I can't see anybody offering him multi-years with a bunch of guaranteed money. The rest of the League isn't exactly beating his door down, anyway, and he came to Dallas first, which says to me that is where he wants to be.

So, I think he signs a three'ish year deal with a bunch of incentives and team options, and a first year-year maybe a little higher than most people think it should be.
They aren't willing to take that risk guys. I don't know why that's so hard to understand. He's been in trouble alot in college and had a serious incident with Carolina. I like the fact they're doing an incentive laden one year deal. Patience Grasshoppers!

First I have heard that he had trouble in college. Source please?
Why? I'm not against taking guys who do small things. People, especially young ones, make mistakes. That's not what this is. And someone has to provide the moral compass on this board, since the possibility of the Super Bowl seems to have caused everyone here to lose theirs.

The man has gone through the legal system. Let it go. Are you a larger authority than our entire legislative and judicial system? No? Then let it go.

You don't even know any of the facts of the case. You weren't there that night. You don't know the woman or circumstances. If having a moral compass means condemning a man you've never met, without facts who has gone through our legal system. Well... I don't want one.
Maybe the world, but there's always been awful people. And talented awful people always get more chances than untalented awful people.
The world doesn't, hasn't and won't change those things no matter how many years you go back, or forward.

True. You can just watch the movie TROY and see it. King of Kings Agamemnon couldn't stand Achillies, yet he put up with him because he was such great fighter.

Always been that way and always will.
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1 year deal? I said they would offer him the Melton deal. I hope chooses the bucs.

True. You can just watch the movie TROY and see it. King of King's Agamemnon couldn't stand Achillies, yet he put up with him because he was such great fighter.

Always been that way and always will.

Maybe, but it doesn't make it right obviously.
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