Gunman kills 12, injures 59 during screening of Batman movie in Aurora, CO

Just saw an article about the girl who lived next door to him. She said techno music was playing loudly from his apartment about the same time the shooting began. It was set up with a timer. She thought about going over and complaining. Good thing she didn't. His door was unlocked and she said she may have opened it had she gone to complain.

Saw another article about the parents. The mother is a nurse and the father a manager at a software company. Many people said the parents are very nice people.

Another artcle talked about him trying to join a shooting range a while back. The owner of the range called him and said the answering machine was strange, deep voice and mostly unintelligible. The range owner tried to reach him 3 times. The owner told his employees not to let the guy in until the owner gets to meet him in person. He was concerned about this nutjob.
My buddy told me he ran into someone at a golf tournament yesterday who was connected to the guy that jumped onto his girlfriend and took bullets to save her.

It was a tertiary connection, nothing direct, but even that makes you realize how small the world really is.
Hoofbite;4629281 said:
My buddy told me he ran into someone at a golf tournament yesterday who was connected to the guy that jumped onto his girlfriend and took bullets to save her.

It was a tertiary connection, nothing direct, but even that makes you realize how small the world really is.

Did the guy that saved his girlfriend die?
Cowboys&LakersFan;4629285 said:
Did the guy that saved his girlfriend die?

Believe so.

Saw the article on Yahoo before I talked to my friend about it the other day.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4629285 said:
Did the guy that saved his girlfriend die?
Three different guys did this and died according to one news source. These two have been named as ones who did.

John Blunk
Matthew McQuinn
I believe I saw an article on the mother of the 6 year-old girl who was killed. The mother is in critical condition and hasn't been told her daughter is dead yet even though she is asking about her daughter. And the mother is paralyzed if I remember correctly. Too tragic, too sad. I don't think life can get much worse than that.
StevenOtero;4628351 said:
Witness: Someone let gunman inside Colorado movie theater

"As I was sitting down to get my seat, I noticed that a person came up to the front row, the front right, sat down, and as credits were going, it looked like he got a phone call. He went out toward the emergency exit doorway, which I thought was unusual to take a phone call. And it seemed like he probably pried it open, or probably did not let it latch all the way. As soon as the movie started, somebody came in, all black, gas mask, armor, and threw a gas can into the audience, and it went off, and then there were gunshots that took place."

StevenOtero;4628360 said:
Either someone else was involved, or it was Holmes himself exiting and coming back in with gear on.

It was in another article that he bought a ticket and went out the exit to prop the door open for himself. He was probably the person on the cell phone.
Don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but have any of you ever seen the movie, Rampage?

This story is earily similar to the plot of that movie..
I'd really like to see the media give less attention to these nuts. I get that we are all interested, and gravitate to stories like these, but that is what these nuts want. Coverage.

Nuts like these always have one thing in common....they are pissed and they want attention. They do something like this and they are infamous for the rest of their (hopefully) short lives.

Sure you have to report 12 dead from a theater shooting, but it is on every news story, magazine, webpage, forum, you name it. Its all anyone is talking about. In the end, we give the killer exactly what he wants. Attention.
CowboyWay;4629556 said:
I'd really like to see the media give less attention to these nuts. I get that we are all interested, and gravitate to stories like these, but that is what these nuts want. Coverage.

Nuts like these always have one thing in common....they are pissed and they want attention. They do something like this and they are infamous for the rest of their (hopefully) short lives.

Sure you have to report 12 dead from a theater shooting, but it is on every news story, magazine, webpage, forum, you name it. Its all anyone is talking about. In the end, we give the killer exactly what he wants. Attention.

Unfortunately he'll probably live to be 80 while on death row
CowboyWay;4629556 said:
I'd really like to see the media give less attention to these nuts. I get that we are all interested, and gravitate to stories like these, but that is what these nuts want. Coverage.

Nuts like these always have one thing in common....they are pissed and they want attention. They do something like this and they are infamous for the rest of their (hopefully) short lives.

Sure you have to report 12 dead from a theater shooting, but it is on every news story, magazine, webpage, forum, you name it. Its all anyone is talking about. In the end, we give the killer exactly what he wants. Attention.

Im actually not. First word of somebody doing something like this, they should be shot, buried, and everybody should move on.

Its ridiculous though, i agree, how much people gravitate to stories like these. That's why the media blasts coverage of stuff like this, because it sells. We eat it up for some sick reason.

I have not had time to read the entire thread. I was without Internet this weekend. Just moved into a new house. Cable guy is coming Wed.

I would have to say it is a shame someone did not have a weapon on them to put this mad man down as he went on his rampage. Many lives could have been saved.

It would have been difficult/risky. Stray bullets from a poor marksman is a real concern, but those who train on a weekly basis and are good shots could have helped.

This is a clear case where gun laws hurt the innocent. From my understanding this city is against people arming and defending themselves. The laws did not prevent the crazy person from killing people. It only prevented innocent people from defending themselves. Needless lives were lost as a result.
RoyTheHammer;4629823 said:
Im actually not. First word of somebody doing something like this, they should be shot, buried, and everybody should move on.

That POS doesn't deserve a quick death or a proper burial. He should be tortured and when he finally dies his body should be torn to pieces and fed to stray animals.
RoyTheHammer;4629823 said:
Im actually not. First word of somebody doing something like this, they should be shot, buried, and everybody should move on.

Its ridiculous though, i agree, how much people gravitate to stories like these. That's why the media blasts coverage of stuff like this, because it sells. We eat it up for some sick reason.

On they have the story under their Entertainment tab instead of their News tab.
I was reading an article (can't locate it) but it said that it would be months before the courts decide on the death penalty.


5Stars;4630197 said:
I was reading an article (can't locate it) but it said that it would be months before the courts decide on the death penalty.



It's not like he would be dead by then if he received it earlier. Either way, he is going to be locked up.
RastaRocket;4630199 said:
It's not like he would be dead by then if he received it earlier. Either way, he is going to be locked up.

I'm not talking about killing the dude tomorrow, I'm talking about how it was said it would take months BEFORE the courts decide to pursue the death penalty.

I mean, what the hell more do they need to decide that?
That pic is freaky weird with his hair those colors. He looks like he wants to cry..for himself I am sure. The victims have all my sympathy but I do wonder what makes a young guy like brilliant..go so wacky. It is just so evil.

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