I'll spare a lengthy opening post about this, because most Zoners already have a baseline opinion one way or another, but I'm interested to see where the thoughts lie now.
Question is in the title: are we as the fans good to go with Woicik with the continued hamstring injuries? Yes or no, and why?
Mods - a poll would be great too if you still do those.
Hamstring injuries peaked before Woicik returned to the Cowboys.
Miles Austin was the leader but they had a big problem across the board with hamstrings back then.
The difference, I think, is that many of the current hamstring injuries are precautionary issues. Many players miss practice/games for precautionary reasons more than because they absolutely can't play.
In the past it was the opposite where they rushed back to action and missed games because they absolutely could not play.
Summary: Being cautious makes it appear to be a much bigger problem than it actually is in reality.