Has any fanbase suffered as much as Cowboys fans have the last 5 years?


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Not suffering, frustrated and disappointed.

Romo has been a blast to watch though.


Fattening up
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what do you consider it?

sunshine and rainbows?

No. Great question though!

I've enjoyed each of the last three years. The teams been competitive, and relevant until week 17. I've been disappointed with the outcomes, if that's what you're looking for. But "suffering"? Please. That's just more hyperbolic Cowboyfan melodrama. It's an intentionally ridiculous overstatement in the annual competition you guys have to see who can blow reality the furthest out of proportion. That's, of course, just my opinion.


Fattening up
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Jerry Jones' ideal fan right now.

Typo. But, I'd be ok with that. As long as I enjoy watching, I don't really give a rip if anybody else thinks that makes Jerry happy. I'll keep buying NFL ticket and keep watching every game, as will all the rest of you. Your dramatic protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
In any sport?

Please don't name perennial bottom feeders like the milwaukee bucks or cleveland browns. At least they don't suffer the tease like we do.

Suffering? lmao

I don't suffer over a game. You need to look up this word. Disappointment may be a better word....but suffer? Please....!

Risen Star

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Some folks are just happy being competitive.....................I guess having no concept of what the playoffs are will do that after a while.

They simply can't criticize the current state of the team. No matter what it is. They feel their fan card is in jeopardy if they do.

So the current rallying cry is hey, this is the state of the league. Parity all around. At least we're not the worst.

Because that's what the Dallas Cowboys have always been about. Not being the worst.

Somebody dig up Tom Landry and put him face down.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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They simply can't criticize the current state of the team. No matter what it is. They feel their fan card is in jeopardy if they do.

So the current rallying cry is hey, this is the state of the league. Parity all around. At least we're not the worst.

Because that's what the Dallas Cowboys have always been about. Not being the worst.

Somebody dig up Tom Landry and put him face down.

These generalized statements.

Who is "They"? Are there a ton of them?
I find the blind apologists to be very few and far between- especially here.

Parity is real- but I usually see people only stating that this is the new way of the world.
Not that they're happy with it.

Now I've read Jerry saying that would be the NFL's perfect world- everyone at .500, but not a cadre of Cowboy fans saying YAY about it.
Maybe if these type of comments about "fans" weren't so vague and more up front about who the "Blind" are-

People like myself who both defend and attack the team wouldn't ask "Who are you talking about?".

I'm certain you couldn't give two licks about what people are asking in reference to your posts.
I wanted to air the laundry anyway. Hope you're having a great Sunday!

Ultra Warrior

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Has any fanbase suffered as much as Cowboys fans have the last 5 years?
Yeah, all those ones who didn't end the season as Super Bowl champs. If it doesn't end THAT way, your season was a total WASTE & you SUFFERED through it, to be a LOSER at the END of IT.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
New York Mets...............

From Bernie Madoff crippling them to huge, unnecessary contracts and underwhelming performances from the supposed key guys. The owners do not want to spend and don't care about winning. They even made a new stadium dedicated to the friggin Dodgers :(

Dallas is a walk in the park compared to the Mets management!


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I come into every season giving Dallas the benefit of the doubt. No matter what they do in the offseason, good or bad, I still come into the season with a, "hey, this could be the year" mentality. I don't get caught up in preseason drama like a lot of fans do. I try to give Dallas a decent sample size to prove to me that they're a changed team. This is usually about 8-9 games. If I continue to see the same mistakes, such as epic 4th quarter meltdowns, I realize that they haven't changed. By that point, I begin to find it entertaining and laughable when they have these colossal collapses. Then they usually string together a few wins to put themselves in a Week 17 early playoff game. But by this point, I'm usually in a mindset where I'm beginning to enjoy the laughing stock that is Dallas, so a part of me usually wants to see them choke it away yet again. If, however, they do manage to win, I'd feel really conflicted since I'd want to root for them in the playoffs but I've already given up on them. Fortunately, I've yet to have to deal with that confliction.


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Patriots. They are constantly on the doorstep of winning another Superbowl but never can quite do it.

It must be terrible for fans.


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Patriots. They are constantly on the doorstep of winning another Superbowl but never can quite do it.

It must be terrible for fans.

Agreed, they were acting terribly in the local Starbucks this morning, please let the misery continue!


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It's a tricky balance. On one hand, 4 of the 5 seasons we have either gone to the playoffs or played a fake playoff game at the end. The one season we didn't, we had a midseason coaching change and lost the QB so it was expected. That's not exactly suffering by any reasonable, non-spoiled standard.

When you throw in all those moral victories, it's been a hellova run!

What suffering....pfffft!


CowBabe Up!!!
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I come into every season giving Dallas the benefit of the doubt. No matter what they do in the offseason, good or bad, I still come into the season with a, "hey, this could be the year" mentality. I don't get caught up in preseason drama like a lot of fans do. I try to give Dallas a decent sample size to prove to me that they're a changed team. This is usually about 8-9 games. If I continue to see the same mistakes, such as epic 4th quarter meltdowns, I realize that they haven't changed. By that point, I begin to find it entertaining and laughable when they have these colossal collapses. Then they usually string together a few wins to put themselves in a Week 17 early playoff game. But by this point, I'm usually in a mindset where I'm beginning to enjoy the laughing stock that is Dallas, so a part of me usually wants to see them choke it away yet again. If, however, they do manage to win, I'd feel really conflicted since I'd want to root for them in the playoffs but I've already given up on them. Fortunately, I've yet to have to deal with that confliction.
Turn in your fan card, buddy. Now!:cool:


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How many games did we lose by 3 points or less? We were in it until the end. If we had won those games, we'd have been 10-6 to 12-4 each and every one of those seasons.

This team is a Super Bowl winning caliber squad. Jerry's built a great team. Take away the injuries this year along with the losses, and we'd have been undefeated.

Gotta be sarcasm...right?


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In any sport?

Please don't name perennial bottom feeders like the milwaukee bucks or cleveland browns. At least they don't suffer the tease like we do.

The Astros. They're not perennial bottom dwellers. Not much more than five years ago they were in the World Series. Not long after that, they had an enormous payroll of ageing, injury-prone stars and an owner who decided to cut costs. They also had the worst farm system in baseball by far. Since then they've been rebuilding (which IMO is going very well) but the last three years their winning percentage is .333. This past year they lost 111 games and statistically fielded the worse bullpen in baseball history. Baseball, mind you, has been around since *1871*. And they were the worst by a significant margin. And they're currently mired in a ridiculously complex fight over cable which resulted in Astros baseball not being broadcast in the region, where most of their once loyal fans live.

Edit: they got screwed by Selig on a makeup playoff game and the move to the AL. And, to top it all off, their two best players ever, Bagwell and Biggio, are getting screwed on a now yearly basis by idiot Hall of Fame voters.