Looks like the majority of us believe it will be manslaughter, as do I. The way the trial has gone, it is hard for me to believe 2nd degree will stick, but the case is there that Zimmerman is part to blame, and Martin is also part too. My guess is voluntary manslaughter, although I have not seen much of this trial only updates on it.
Perhaps, but after reading your post, I'm still not sure what law was broken by following or getting out of his truck. Not saying it was the right thing to do but none of that is illegal.
Being "part to blame" as you call it isn't grounds for manslaughter. Zimmerman could have stalked, harassed, yelled at and chased Martin and it would still be legal to shoot once he felt he was in danger of serious bodily harm or death. He would only be guilty if you believe he acted without those fears. His injuries and the witnesses just don't support that belief.
If I'm sitting on the jury, I'm going to be swayed most by Zimmerman's comments before getting out of the car, you know, the "(bleeping) punks", and "these a-holes, they always get away with it" remarks...
To me this indicates a hostile mindset, so from that I conclude that he was looking for a fight, and ultimately, Martin ended up dead... he got more of a fight than he was bargaining for, but if he doesn't get out of his car with a hostile attitude, nobody dies...
To me, that's at least manslaughter...
Waste of time folks!
Read a book!
Why are you reading this? Got a book instead?
Yep, that's where I'm at with it.
I won't even bother to get into the legal aspects of it, but if I'm just looking at this logically as a human being, I see a guy with a history of violence (Zimmerman), disobeying police orders by following Martin, verbally showing a hostile mindset (as Silverbear mentioned). Logically, this tells me the guy was looking for a confrontation. So he follows the kid, gun in holster, and there's a confrontation. Who struck first? I don't know, but the kid who was being followed is shot and killed. I cannot for the life of me look at all that and say Zimmerman deserves to walk free.
I was expecting a riposte of this sort.
I'll reply with a link to a few books I would recommend my zombie zoners to check out:
http://www.amazon.com/world-order-study-hegemony-parasitism/dp/B0006EFK9Q/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1373752373&sr=1-1&keywords=eustace mullins the new world order
http://www.amazon.com/The-Shadows-Power-Relations-American/dp/0882791346/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1373752194&sr=8-1&keywords=shadows of power
http://www.amazon.com/Weapons-Mass-Instruction-Schoolteachers-Compulsory/dp/0865716692/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1373752296&sr=8-1&keywords=weapons of mass instruction
http://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Federal-Reserve-Eustace-Mullins/dp/0979917654/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1373752336&sr=1-1&keywords=the secrets of the federal reserve
All those books are fiction...I don't like reading fiction.
These books, my friend, are not fiction. I hope you were being facetious.
Anyhow, if you do not like fiction, why do you pay attention to that which is inculcated into you through the idiot box? Only the zombies fail to recognize that it is nearly all fabricated.
Check out the book News from Nowhere by Edward Jay Epstein.
http://www.amazon.com/News-Nowhere-Edward-Jay-Epstein/dp/1566633001/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1373753028&sr=8-2&keywords=news from nowhere edward jay epstein
Maybe you will learn who is running the show...so you won't fall victim to their psychological operations...
The jury asked for clarification on Manslaughter.
Manslaughter, means there must be without reasonable doubt George Zimmerman did not feel threatened, right?
I know they are not fiction, and yes, I was being facetious. I don't read books like that, it does not interest me.
Now, show me a good Dallas Cowboys book that I HAVE NOT read, the we will talk!
Being "part to blame" as you call it isn't grounds for manslaughter. Zimmerman could have stalked, harassed, yelled at and chased Martin and it would still be legal to shoot once he felt he was in danger of serious bodily harm or death. He would only be guilty if you believe he acted without those fears. His injuries and the witnesses just don't support that belief.
I can't make you read books you don't like. All I can say is that there is nutritious information in each and every single one of these books; information which may just spark a curiosity on the subjects thereunder and an interest in revealing the concealed. My interest in books of this sort, dealing with that which has been hidden from the public-eye, has even gone as far as surpassing my interest in the Dallas Cowboys.
I love discovering the truth--about how things work in our world.
It seems to me that Zimmerman is either going to be acquitted or there is going to be a hung jury.