Have fans completely lost it?

Like i don't get it..... the cowboys have won games using this....

like these people will complain if we won a superbowl 21-6 and dak only throws for 1 td and 140 yards

I can see the thread titles now... it is 11pm on February 12, 2023. The Dallas Cowboys have done the impossible and broken the curse. They have won their first Superbowl in nearly 30 years.

You go to Cowboyszone to drop a celebratory message to the community.

The first thread you see is "Don't get it Twisted. This win means Nothing About Dak". Another one "Dak is the Worst QB to win a Superbowl Since Trent Dilfer". Finally "40 million dollars per Superbowl. Dak Robbed us Blind". The same sad sack trolls are crying their eyes out in threads rage posting about how Dak is the most overpaid quarterback to ever be "carried" to a Superbowl. Beautiful.

All is right in the universe.
You are right, criticism is not trolling, but making thread after thread with the same BS, and hi-jacking every other thread with the same hateful rhetoric is! We know how you're a "realist" and everyone else isn't. If you want to complain about everything, stay in the same thread and don't start more.
Some people on this site are antagonistic. I don’t think most are. The ones who make everything personal are the worst.

I think a fan should be able to bash or support someone all they want. It’s the personal attacks and insults that really need to be nixed. People wouldn’t be so rabid about their points of view if posters didn’t make posts personal and insulting.
"I don't want stats, I want wins."

Cowboys beat Detroit, 24-6.

"But look at those awful stats!"
Why wasnt this logic applied w Rush

All we heard was Dak would beat those teams by 30. Dak comes in and looks just as bad as Rush did
The Dak apologists are equally annoying. I don’t know why people can’t just take the emotion out of these threads and discuss things with a little bit of common sense.

10 percent of posters : Dak can do no wrong
10 percent of posters. : Dak can do nothing right
80 percent of posters: Dak sometimes does some good things and sometimes he sucks. He sucks a bit too much to be making $40m per year and although we hope he wins us a SB we have our doubts

10 percent #1 about the 80 percent: You are a Dak hater

10 percent #2 about the 80 percent. You are a Dak apologist.

80 percent. Hmmm. This seems very stupid and childish. Are all of these 10 percenters 14 years old?

The "Dak apologists" are cringey and certainly not my favorite part of the community, but to sit here and pretend that the Anti-Dak trolls are not the lion's share of the problem and significantly more aggressive/ indignant is doing nothing but appeasing them. The "Dak apologists" probably create 10% of the threads that the Anti-Dak trolls do. The Anti-Dak trolls also consistently hijack all threads related to anything other than Dak. Let's call it how it is.
I can see the thread titles now... it is 11pm on February 12, 2023. The Dallas Cowboys have done the impossible and broken the curse. They have won their first Superbowl in nearly 30 years.

You go to Cowboyszone to drop a celebratory message to the community.

The first thread you see is "Don't get it Twisted. This win means Nothing About Dak". Another one "Dak is the Worst QB to win a Superbowl Since Trent Dilfer". Finally "40 million dollars per Superbowl. Dak Robbed us Blind". The same sad sack trolls are crying their eyes out in threads rage posting about how Dak is the most overpaid quarterback to ever be "carried" to a Superbowl. Beautiful.

All is right in the universe.
That will no doubt be the case. Lol. I’m just hoping for the SB win and people can say whatever they want. They can say we won a SB because player X is a vegetarian and I won’t care. Lol.
"I don't want stats, I want wins."

Cowboys beat Detroit, 24-6.

"But look at those awful stats!"

It's not really that so much as "look at how similar those stats are to the guy that makes 1 mil a year".

Big difference.
The "Dak apologists" as you call them are cringey and certainly not my favorite part of the community, but to sit here and pretend that the Anti-Dak trolls are not the lion's share of the problem and significantly more aggressive/ indignant is nothing but appeasing them. The "Dak apologists" probably create 10% of the threads that the Anti-Dak trolls do. The Anti-Dak trolls also consistently hijack all threads related to anything other than Dak. Let's call it how it is.

I don’t keep track of percentages. They both annoy the hell out of me to be honest. But trolls are like stray dogs. Don’t feed them and they won’t stick around.
I really have to ask. Have fans completely lost it or is this board being taken over by trolls?

Dak broke his thumb. Couldn't throw a football for many weeks. Missed 5 weeks of the season. Was still wearing a brace on his thumb. Comes back and, while rusty, plays a very " Cooper Rush" esque game and gets a win against a team coming off a bye.
Most people on this forum and in the media said... learn from Cooper. Keep this game plan when Dak comes back. Etc. Etc.
They do and all the haters come out.

Tyler Smith is balling out. He is a rookie starting at LT in the NFL. NOT AN EASY TASK. PFF (for what they're worth) has him ranked as the 6th best tackle in the league. IN THE LEAGUE!! I saw a post debating if he could play the position!!!!!!

These are just two examples. But, have "fans" lost it?

are you new to extremecowboyszone.com?
Case in point: This thread was supposed to be about the vast majority of Cowboys fans who LOVE the COWBOYS. They want Dak to succeed but see too many warts and wonder if Dak can ever get us over the hump.

What the thread becomes: The pro-Dak and Anti Dakkers duking it out. Lol.
All this yelling. Fans are just fed up. The defense is great and the offense sucks. The Cowboys should have won yesterday and they did. The offense didn't look that great doing it. Thank God for all the Lions turnovers. The playoffs are all that matter anyway and the big question is this offense good enough to get us where we want to go?
Here’s an example of a fan who has to go by what happened the last 26 years to further his agenda. He’s not intelligent enough to know that every year is a different team and this years team has a chance to go deep if they stay healthy. Yet he refuses to accept that and craps on players and the team.
This is sarcasm right? Not sure anymore if someone says what you did here is serious or not.
Because the way I see it is people who are pissed off at an organization for doing repetitive stupid stuff and missing out on the superbowl for 26 year because of it obviously have a valid right to be pissed off regardless of the players, it is more about the team and its management where all game decisions are made
I can see the thread titles now... it is 11pm on February 12, 2023. The Dallas Cowboys have done the impossible and broken the curse. They have won their first Superbowl in nearly 30 years.

You go to Cowboyszone to drop a celebratory message to the community.

The first thread you see is "Don't get it Twisted. This win means Nothing About Dak". Another one "Dak is the Worst QB to win a Superbowl Since Trent Dilfer". Finally "40 million dollars per Superbowl. Dak Robbed us Blind". The same sad sack trolls are crying their eyes out in threads rage posting about how Dak is the most overpaid quarterback to ever be "carried" to a Superbowl. Beautiful.

All is right in the universe.
I hope that happens because it means we won a Superbowl.
If he hits that first pass then it’s a different game. I was so mad at him and Moore for not running. But some how I knew he they would have him throw. But it was a simple throw on a roll out. He has got to make these throws going forward. We need to destroy bears and go into bye week healthy..
They should go follow another team then. They are too jaded to follow this team.

So you want butterflies and rainbows blown up your butt exclusively.

That's the way Jerry likes it too ....... In his mind you are a perfect fan.

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