If the agent admits he didn't read the contract, that's worrisome," says one player rep who asked not to be named.
Main Entry: 1if
Pronunciation: 'if, &f
Function: conjunction
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English gif; akin to Old High German ibu if
1 a : in the event that b : allowing that c : on the assumption that d : on condition that
2 : WHETHER <asked if the mail had come> <I doubt if I'll pass the course>
3 -- used as a function word to introduce an exclamation expressing a wish <if it would only rain>
4 : even though <an interesting if untenable argument>
- if anything : on the contrary even : perhaps even <if anything, you ought to apologize>
..............but it's the Poston's contention:
Still, controversy dogs the Postons with each new deal. Commanders star linebacker LaVar Arrington, another client,
is ensnared in an arbitration over whether the team negotiated one contract and then -- unbeknownst to Carl, he says -- slipped Arrington another to sign, minus a $6.5 million bonus
It doesn't take a whole lot of common sense to realize that the Poston stated they negotiated a contract which was then switched by the Commanders and hand over to LaVar for signing.
This is big business. Contracts can be agreed upon/ faxed or fedex (

) between teams and agents. In good faith the player signs the contract knowing both parties are in agreement. They don't have to be in the same room. Agents don't have to look over the contract the second it is being signed by their client.
Anyway, the abitration will reveal the truth.
No I am not a Poston Love child :laugh2: . I wish as much money as they are making, it better than being a media trick.........