Hey! (Over from the "official forum" and here to seek a new home)

Kevin lives in south Texas. I'm assuming PA means Pennsylvania Cowboy?

But I sure like his Avatar! Which he might have been a target with the Pro Jerry site . Lol
OK. Great. I was always curious to know what KSK meant?
Dang, so there are bans happening left and right? That keeps up and the official site will be a ghost town fast.
It was apparent she was there to "clean it up". I saw the writing on the wall and while she hadn't gotten to me yet, I knew she'd be coming. So I did what all good outlaws do when the new sheriff shows up, jumped on my trusty steed and headed for another "hole in the wall" hideout. Just haven't decided is this is the one yet.
If not for KSK I would have left years ago.

He tried to control it . Even called them silly little homers. Lol

I had finally begun to ignore them but it was too late .
lol. I know how it goes. I got so l couldnt stand the place.
I checked last night the old site has way less members on line since the new admin came to town
They'll eventually get new members in and the site will be more welcoming for opposing fans and trolls .

I guess that's why some of the homers ganged up on some in an attempt they thought were controlling but it doesn't work because it's not up to them to decide.

I guess the official sites prob draw more of these types . IDK. Sites like these appear to be more welcoming and under control and possibly not attracting all of those types since it's not the official site?
It was apparent she was there to "clean it up". I saw the writing on the wall and while she hadn't gotten to me yet, I knew she'd be coming. So I did what all good outlaws do when the new sheriff shows up, jumped on my trusty steed and headed for another "hole in the wall" hideout. Just haven't decided is this is the one yet.

Well, let us know when you do and where it is.
It was apparent she was there to "clean it up". I saw the writing on the wall and while she hadn't gotten to me yet, I knew she'd be coming. So I did what all good outlaws do when the new sheriff shows up, jumped on my trusty steed and headed for another "hole in the wall" hideout. Just haven't decided is this is the one yet.

Knock it off. You've decided. Everybody knows it. Start caching in on the sweet sweet Like button action and don't look back.
That new Adm has been there for a few months. She gave me my first timeout like back in May,
I didn't know she was even there and to be candid, with my language there and straying off topic, I should have heard from her. Of course, she might not have had a clue what I was talking about so she might have given me the benefit of the doubt that some part of it was on the topic.....not necessarily the thread I was in but some topic, somewhere on the site.

And she did post warnings to Don and OF, just should have done it privately. But she may have also seen that as an opportunity to address two of the issues publicly and it wasn't intended as a reprimand of them as I took it. The funny part is that gif of Don's was way over the line, even es got after him. The man can find anything visual he needs and if he can't., he'll make something up. That one he made of Booger's Big Top was masterful.

Nurse Ratched has a tough job getting the asylum back from the inmates and the best she can hope to do is have them leave. I mean, we turned that place into our own playground and the mods looked the other way too much.

But that's done and time to see how this one fits. One thing I don't like is this mystery about how we get likes and thread privileges. If they don't know I am not a spambot by now, they never will. And if they don't plan on it, like the rules stipulate, they should let me know I am just wasting time here.
Knock it off. You've decided. Everybody knows it. Start caching in on the sweet sweet Like button action and don't look back.

While the like button would be nice, what would be nicer is to have alerts in the upper right of the page show up, but NOT have the site email me every time someone sneezes. Is there a way (that works) to turn off all email from the site except from the admins?
Knock it off. You've decided. Everybody knows it. Start caching in on the sweet sweet Like button action and don't look back.
Sure would like it better if I felt like I was a member and not still a pledge. If you want to initiate me, I'll get into my underwear and take laps around the yard yelling "I'm a Zoner!!!" I was going to do that anyway, doesn't really matter what I yell, the neighbors don't pay any attention anyway.

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