Hip Hop Music Thread

Here ya go. No curse words. lol. I love this little dude. Catch17 posted a Cowboys rhyme by him a few hours ago. I've been listening to him ever since. I even subscribed to his yt account already. Gregory Stakks/G Stakks. He is really good, yall. He's from Dallas. Diehard Cowboys fan. Trying to make his way in this music business, going at it for years now the hard way, no famous friends or connections way. Would love to post more, but most of it has, of course, cuss words. lol. "On Me" is one of my favorites, but it's full of cursing. lol. But anyway, I wish him the best of luck. He has real talent.

Here ya go. No curse words. lol. I love this little dude. Catch17 posted a Cowboys rhyme by him a few hours ago. I've been listening to him ever since. I even subscribed to his yt account already. Gregory Stakks/G Stakks. He is really good, yall. He's from Dallas. Diehard Cowboys fan. Trying to make his way in this music business, going at it for years now the hard way, no famous friends or connections way. Would love to post more, but most of it has, of course, cuss words. lol. "On Me" is one of my favorites, but it's full of cursing. lol. But anyway, I wish him the best of luck. He has real talent.

ok youngin.
Here ya go. No curse words. lol. I love this little dude. Catch17 posted a Cowboys rhyme by him a few hours ago. I've been listening to him ever since. I even subscribed to his yt account already. Gregory Stakks/G Stakks. He is really good, yall. He's from Dallas. Diehard Cowboys fan. Trying to make his way in this music business, going at it for years now the hard way, no famous friends or connections way. Would love to post more, but most of it has, of course, cuss words. lol. "On Me" is one of my favorites, but it's full of cursing. lol. But anyway, I wish him the best of luck. He has real talent.

His freestyle was pretty tight and of course loved his references (same as mine; UGK, 8Ball, etc.) His lack of dirt almost hurts him in a backwards way unf. (content not flow) but don't see why he wouldn't do well if hooked up; similar to Drake who didn't grow up in that lifestyle either, etc. Hope the best for him though (no crabbin).
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