Skins26 said:
I would absolutely love for you to cite just ONE example of when that has EVER happened on Extreme. Please, just give me one example.
I'd be waiting forever for that example, simply for the fact that it hasn't happened before.
dude, get a freaking grip. art would ban his mother if she came in to be even remotely disagreeable to "his skin'ness". i myself have been banned when i replied to art with a "you've got to be kidding me" when he was just so off base it wasn't even funny. a few minutes later i got the "you're gone!" email and i was banned.
you wont have to wait long to get stories like this dude. there is no bigger arsewipe for a mod than art. at times i think it's danny snyders long lost lovechild due to his incredible lack of patience and ANY willingness to let "free thought" even remotely breathe.
then there was wacky ralphs kidnapper, but i kinda deserved to be banned for that one. : ) but i've still got the sucker in my trunk force feeding him taco bell and now his latest kick is monster beverages.