Honor the contract garbage


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Some good points here my friend and I don’t disagree with most of what you’re saying.

But something else to think about from a player's perspective. A player’s window of time to make the most money in their life is between 4-6 years in this league. Compared to the other major sports leagues, NFL players make a smaller piece of the pie despite being the most important piece of the NFL product. I don’t like Zeke’s holdout- I think it is wrong with two years left on his contract. But the owners bear some responsibility here because of the way they have set up the player's power to bargain.

You almost never see holdouts in the NBA, MLB and the NHL. Players in those leagues have better contractual rights and make a higher percentage of the league's profits.

Again, I don’t like these holdouts either. But the owners are just as much to blame for them as the players in my opinion.

The average NFL career is less than 3 years. You have to play 5 to earn a pension. Players have to strike while the iron is hot. Gotta get as much guaranteed as you can.


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The average NFL career is less than 3 years. You have to play 5 to earn a pension. Players have to strike while the iron is hot. Gotta get as much guaranteed as you can.
Actually, your argument is for raising the minimum pay. Those players who don't last more than 3-4 years are for the most part not good enough.

Go look at the average career for good players. I would imagine it's around 6-8 years. I know that most RB's who can play last until they are around 30-32. That's an 8 year career.

Using your argument, you would be against paying players huge amounts.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Lost in all of this "garbage" is the NFL's anti-trust exemption, meaning they're a monopoly but they've been granted a loophole. So when we're talking about the CBA, this isn't like most CBAs.

The NFL is the only place these players can apply their craft and get paid real money, and that's one of the reasons the NFL makes so much of it. Another thing the exemption does is allow the league to negotiate TV rights for the entire league rather than teams having to do it individually. This also puts more money into the owners' pockets.

Owners built this system, the negotiating field is far from level, but keep getting mad at the players because you want to see them play on Sunday.


Lightning Rod
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I'm in the honoring the contract group. Doesn't matter what the other side does. You honor your end of the deal.

Jerry could cut him tomorrow and unless it is guaranteed coin, Zeke the Great could not do anything about getting $. I want Zeke in camp for my selfish reasons but I cannot complain about the man wanting to get paid. If he got his knee torn up a la McGahee this year or next, his career could be over and Jerry would go sayanara.


Lightning Rod
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Lost in all of this "garbage" is the NFL's anti-trust exemption, meaning they're a monopoly but they've been granted a loophole. So when we're talking about the CBA, this isn't like most CBAs.

The NFL is the only place these players can apply their craft and get paid real money, and that's one of the reasons the NFL makes so much of it. Another thing the exemption does is allow the league to negotiate TV rights for the entire league rather than teams having to do it individually. This also puts more money into the owners' pockets.

Owners built this system, the negotiating field is far from level, but keep getting mad at the players because you want to see them play on Sunday.

I have never understood how so many fans in all sports always support the owners when they screw with the players. It is the same in Canada during NHL lockouts. The vast majority of fans say, well tough, go work at McDonald's etc. I think deep down it is jealousy. Most of us played one of the major sports as a child and we didn't make it either for lack of size, ability,drive etc. Many are resentful of those who were good enough.


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249 players are making more money than the BEST RB in the NFL.

Honor that Jerry . 8)
its the rookie wage scale. ITS SET IN STONE. ITS THE CURRENT CBA. The owners and players agreed to this. Don't like it? don't make a bad deal next time.


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Your emotion is talking. This is the PERFECT year to do this. I'll bet he and his agent had this planned at the start of Zeke's career but keeping it hushed and having it apparently come out of left field makes it an even more effective attempt.
lol...Common sense talking, not emotion. THE CBA sets the rookie wage scale...he signed it.


Junior College Transfer
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I kinda get tired of people who say that the only ones who are said to have to honor the contract are the players.

This is a complete fallacy. The contract allows for a player to be cut, that is the reason for the signing bonus and guaranteed money That is how the owners honor the contract according to the CBA. If you don't like the CBA, then fine, but you cannot say that the only ones expected to honor the contract are the players.

The NFLPA agreed to the 5th year option in rookie contracts, they did not have to do that but the older players were fine with limiting younger players salaries for the benefit of their own pocketbook.

Love watching Zeke play but why have a CBA and an NFLPA if you are not going to stick to the agreement? Nobody should be forced to go to work, so stay home Zeke if you want to ruin your career! If he does not show up week 1, I hope the Cowboys take the current offer off the table!

The big fallacy is fans believing a contract is a one-sided thing.
Presumably, the player signs it with the guidance of an agent and biz manager, and both management and labor understand the bounty and the consequences.
Yes, owners can cut a player and still be on the hook for residuals or injury settlement and even guaranteed money and bonuses. A player can sit and lose money and cost the FO a valuable cog.

Again, the contract is signed by the two parties with language agreed by both parties.

Blimey, the things I say.


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I kinda get tired of people who say that the only ones who are said to have to honor the contract are the players.

This is a complete fallacy. The contract allows for a player to be cut, that is the reason for the signing bonus and guaranteed money That is how the owners honor the contract according to the CBA. If you don't like the CBA, then fine, but you cannot say that the only ones expected to honor the contract are the players.

The NFLPA agreed to the 5th year option in rookie contracts, they did not have to do that but the older players were fine with limiting younger players salaries for the benefit of their own pocketbook.

Love watching Zeke play but why have a CBA and an NFLPA if you are not going to stick to the agreement? Nobody should be forced to go to work, so stay home Zeke if you want to ruin your career! If he does not show up week 1, I hope the Cowboys take the current offer off the table!
If I'm not mistaken the CBA allows rookies to negotiate extensions after 3 years. Zeke is following the CBA's guidelines.


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A trade must be considered .
Zeke is clearly not even negotiation while in TC . He is in Cabo not willing to even show up .
If the Jones Clan can go on vacation during FA why can't Zeke negotiate from Cabo? You got to admit there's some irony there.


Junior College Transfer
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Actually, your argument is for raising the minimum pay. Those players who don't last more than 3-4 years are for the most part not good enough.

Go look at the average career for good players. I would imagine it's around 6-8 years. I know that most RB's who can play last until they are around 30-32. That's an 8 year career.

Using your argument, you would be against paying players huge amounts.

Re short playing careers:
The smart college players wouold use up every hour of their free college educations, get a degree in a bankable career path (at the very least P.E. certification or mass communications) and then, presumably, are ready for life after the NFL.

I know, that's pie in the sky. Wishful thinking. Crazy talk.


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Yes but the fines embedded in the contract are for non-performance right? So fines would be in place if one side does not "honor" the contract
By paying fines that are outlined in the contract they are honoring it. If a player didn't pay them they would get sued. To be perfectly honest the fines are in there only as a control mechanism to try and deter these situations.


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Typical from someone most likely included in this “self entitled” generation
Yeah because my generation now understands that no one values you. They will use you and throw you to the trash once they are done with you. Thank goodness my generation was the one who woke up.


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If I'm not mistaken the CBA allows rookies to negotiate extensions after 3 years. Zeke is following the CBA's guidelines.
CBA allows them to renegotiate-has nothing to do with the contract-that really just means that the players are allowed to get one-not that they have any realistic expectation to get one


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CBA allows them to renegotiate-has nothing to do with the contract-that really just means that the players are allowed to get one-not that they have any realistic expectation to get one
It has everything to do with the contract. He is employing a tactic in the hopes it will force their hand.

If the NFLPA were smart they would've restricted 1st round picks whose 5th year option was picked up to only negotiate after 4. That way no matter where you were drafted you had to wait until your final year. The reason they let you after 3 is just for teams to keep players before they hit FA. I really don't think the 5th year was given much thought in that sense.


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By paying fines that are outlined in the contract they are honoring it. If a player didn't pay them they would get sued. To be perfectly honest the fines are in there only as a control mechanism to try and deter these situations.

Pretty much. The Falcons recouped $20 million of Vicks signing bonus which were levied every day he was in prison. Although that is a different discussion altogether, but teams do have recourse. Barry Sanders had to repay around $2 mill to Detroit. Calvin Johnson had to give back $1 mill before retiring.