Honor the contract garbage


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Jerry could cut him tomorrow and unless it is guaranteed coin, Zeke the Great could not do anything about getting $. I want Zeke in camp for my selfish reasons but I cannot complain about the man wanting to get paid. If he got his knee torn up a la McGahee this year or next, his career could be over and Jerry would go sayanara.
Cowboys picked up his 9 mil option for next season. So, all he has to do is show up, and he's guaranteed 12 mil over the next two seasons.

Plus, if Jerry were stupid enough to cut him, he'd quickly be picked up and paid millions.


Junior College Transfer
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I have never understood how so many fans in all sports always support the owners when they screw with the players. It is the same in Canada during NHL lockouts. The vast majority of fans say, well tough, go work at McDonald's etc. I think deep down it is jealousy. Most of us played one of the major sports as a child and we didn't make it either for lack of size, ability,drive etc. Many are resentful of those who were good enough.
Look at the psychology of the thing.
The owners represent the beloved team.
The players represent themselves and sometimes go on to other teams.


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I have never understood how so many fans in all sports always support the owners when they screw with the players. It is the same in Canada during NHL lockouts. The vast majority of fans say, well tough, go work at McDonald's etc. I think deep down it is jealousy. Most of us played one of the major sports as a child and we didn't make it either for lack of size, ability,drive etc. Many are resentful of those who were good enough.
I think your take is not even close.

Most of the people I discuss sports w/ only care about what players make as it pertains to their team. I don't really see any jealousy at all, though I'm sure it's present. I'd guess not all that much.


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Some good points here my friend and I don’t disagree with most of what you’re saying.

But something else to think about from a player's perspective. A player’s window of time to make the most money in their life is between 4-6 years in this league. Compared to the other major sports leagues, NFL players make a smaller piece of the pie despite being the most important piece of the NFL product. I don’t like Zeke’s holdout- I think it is wrong with two years left on his contract. But the owners bear some responsibility here because of the way they have set up the player's power to bargain.

You almost never see holdouts in the NBA, MLB and the NHL. Players in those leagues have better contractual rights and make a higher percentage of the league's profits.

Again, I don’t like these holdouts either. But the owners are just as much to blame for them as the players in my opinion.
Both sides are at fault,. Certain groups of players get hosed by the CBA,. Running backs, and non stars. Unfortunately, the players that represent the players are as much at fault as the owners. This system is not a fair system at all. The leaders on both sides are greedy. I think it's stinks that a QB can make 30 mill a year, and players under 4 years can work hard and be good too. Andget chump change. Getting the heck beat put of them, which shortens their career, bit a QB could play till 50 easy if they stay in shape. Like that Oakland Raiders QB. Back in the 60's 70's. That also kicked for the team.


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Both sides are at fault,. Certain groups of players get hosed by the CBA,. Running backs, and non stars. Unfortunately, the players that represent the players are as much at fault as the owners. This system is not a fair system at all. The leaders on both sides are greedy. I think it's stinks that a QB can make 30 mill a year, and players under 4 years can work hard and be good too. Andget chump change. Getting the heck beat put of them, which shortens their career, bit a QB could play till 50 easy if they stay in shape. Like that Oakland Raiders QB. Back in the 60's 70's. That also kicked for the team.
George Blanda


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I kinda get tired of people who say that the only ones who are said to have to honor the contract are the players.

This is a complete fallacy. The contract allows for a player to be cut, that is the reason for the signing bonus and guaranteed money That is how the owners honor the contract according to the CBA. If you don't like the CBA, then fine, but you cannot say that the only ones expected to honor the contract are the players.

The NFLPA agreed to the 5th year option in rookie contracts, they did not have to do that but the older players were fine with limiting younger players salaries for the benefit of their own pocketbook.

Love watching Zeke play but why have a CBA and an NFLPA if you are not going to stick to the agreement? Nobody should be forced to go to work, so stay home Zeke if you want to ruin your career! If he does not show up week 1, I hope the Cowboys take the current offer off the table!
Its set by the Players Union and agreed upon by the players union and the league owners. PERIOD


Regular Joe....
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Honestly I don't know the details of what Bell got but Zeke is more valuable so I believe he should get more. If I'm the FO I'm angling for a knucklehead discount of some kind but he's younger and more versatile than Bell. And again, he's the engine that makes this offense go. Even when we had Romo, Murray's work helped make Romo an MVP candidate. We use Zeke the same way.

At what cost. I mean, it's pretty clear, the Cowboys have to get Dak and Cooper signed so are you saying that the Cowboys should pay Zeke more, even if it costs them one of those two players? I mean, you do realize that Zeke has two years left on his contract before the team has to do anything for him, while both Dak and Cooper his FA next season, yes?


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Its set by the Players Union and agreed upon by the players union and the league owners. PERIOD
Anytime there's a union representing workers, the workers are going to be getting unfair treatment, the union is going to try and beat the owners and the owners are going to try and work over both the players and union. All players should have a vote period. On the side of the players. Not just representatives that sell out.


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At what cost. I mean, it's pretty clear, the Cowboys have to get Dak and Cooper signed so are you saying that the Cowboys should pay Zeke more, even if it costs them one of those two players? I mean, you do realize that Zeke has two years left on his contract before the team has to do anything for him, while both Dak and Cooper his FA next season, yes?

I don't see anything that says doing a deal with Zeke now precludes Dak and Amari's deals. Who says we have to choose and can't get all 3 locked up? The way this offense has been the past few years Zeke has been more important than either Dak or Amari.


Regular Joe....
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I don't see anything that says doing a deal with Zeke now precludes Dak and Amari's deals. Who says we have to choose and can't get all 3 locked up? The way this offense has been the past few years Zeke has been more important than either Dak or Amari.

They do. I will ask again and keep in mind, nobody has been willing to answer this. All three players are looking for record deals at their positions, do we at least agree on that?

If so, who is the last team that has signed their QB, WR and RB to record deals, all in the same year? I honestly can't think of a single one and there is a reason for that. You can't do.

I do agree, if these guys decided to take a little less and sign for what has been offered, then we absolutely could but if none of them do and they all hold out for record deals, we can't do it. So to answer the question, once again, the players say it by the stance they are taking. I mean, it's a good question but it's a question that needs to be asked to Dak, Zeke and Cooper.


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I have no idea what is on the table but I do know that the media is going to emphasize the highest totals it can to evoke "outrage" because they know athletes making money upsets people.
Honestly the NFL pales in comparison to the NBA or the MLB so I think the media might emphasize it because its the Cowboys! Or because one player is 1/6th of the cap!
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Well-Known Member
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I have never understood how so many fans in all sports always support the owners when they screw with the players. It is the same in Canada during NHL lockouts. The vast majority of fans say, well tough, go work at McDonald's etc. I think deep down it is jealousy. Most of us played one of the major sports as a child and we didn't make it either for lack of size, ability,drive etc. Many are resentful of those who were good enough.
Nobody supports the owners - nobody cares about the owners pocketbook. They care about their team and how it relates to the salary cap.

The time to support the owners or the players is when they are negotiating the CBA. That is the only time someone supports one side over the other. And nobody really cares unless there is a lockout or holdout!


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He is right there with every other player on a rookie contract..... the vets did that to the rookies!
The vets looked out for themselves when they negotiated this thing. Zeke's trying to lookout for himself too.

Can't blame the vets because rookies were getting insane deals and in some cases holding out immediately after being drafted.

Can't blame Zeke since he has produced at an elite level since entering the league. Like the vets that agreed to the CBA and set his wages he's looking out for #1.


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Cowboys picked up his 9 mil option for next season. So, all he has to do is show up, and he's guaranteed 12 mil over the next two seasons.

Plus, if Jerry were stupid enough to cut him, he'd quickly be picked up and paid millions.
and likely it would be a division rival. How will he ever feed his family on a 3 mil deal this year and 9 mil next? lol..MAYBE he can dip into the salvation Army kettle and take some donations.


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The vets looked out for themselves when they negotiated this thing. Zeke's trying to lookout for himself too.

Can't blame the vets because rookies were getting insane deals and in some cases holding out immediately after being drafted.

Can't blame Zeke since he has produced at an elite level since entering the league. Like the vets that agreed to the CBA and set his wages he's looking out for #1.

I just think it is bad form by Zeke for these 4 reasons:

1) Jerry has given Zeke complete support and stuck his neck out for him since day 1
2) Dak has a much bigger gripe with pay and is in the last year of his deal - be a leader Zeke - not a me first guy
3) Signing bonus for at least 4 years of the deal was paid- he is reneging on that bonus IMO, and the contract.
4) He should take a lessor deal since Jerry is willing to offer one 2 years earlier than he has to!


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They do. I will ask again and keep in mind, nobody has been willing to answer this. All three players are looking for record deals at their positions, do we at least agree on that?

If so, who is the last team that has signed their QB, WR and RB to record deals, all in the same year? I honestly can't think of a single one and there is a reason for that. You can't do.

I do agree, if these guys decided to take a little less and sign for what has been offered, then we absolutely could but if none of them do and they all hold out for record deals, we can't do it. So to answer the question, once again, the players say it by the stance they are taking. I mean, it's a good question but it's a question that needs to be asked to Dak, Zeke and Cooper.

So because it might have never been done before we absolutely couldn't get creative and do it? That's limited thinking.

It is a question that needs to be asked of all of them because to date, I haven't seen that any of them made those statements. Only "sources" familiar with "something." As I explained yesterday, in negotiations you ask for the world, the other side lowballs you and you ultimately meet in the middle. The only people taking "outrageous contract demands" at face value are those who want to believe it to have something against someone they already don't like, whether it be Zeke for his knucklehead reasons and/or those that generally begrudge players being paid so much. This is why the media loves to trot out the "ask high" numbers to drum up "outrage."


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I just think it is bad form by Zeke for these 4 reasons:

1) Jerry has given Zeke complete support and stuck his neck out for him since day 1
2) Dak has a much bigger gripe with pay and is in the last year of his deal - be a leader Zeke - not a me first guy
3) Signing bonus for at least 4 years of the deal was paid- he is reneging on that bonus IMO, and the contract.
4) He should take a lessor deal since Jerry is willing to offer one 2 years earlier than he has to!
I get it trust me I do. Now for a second just flip it around and be Zeke.

The Joneses have spouted off to the media about everyone getting paid

Don't say the floor is Gurley money in February of this year if you're just going to tell me it's not my turn until next year.

I just watched you tag DLaw so he can prove it and he did. Y'all blabbed about paying him to the media too. Then when it was time I watched you do it again. That's concerning. Then he played hardball and won.

With my workload this may be the one and only chance I have at a deal like this.

See what I mean here? I said it when they tagged DLaw the second time and dragged their feet getting that done. It has the potential to set the wrong tone for the players. They talked a good game about paying him openly to the media and balked when the time came. It's going to turn players on our team and potential FA's away.


Regular Joe....
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So because it might have never been done before we absolutely couldn't get creative and do it? That's limited thinking.

It is a question that needs to be asked of all of them because to date, I haven't seen that any of them made those statements. Only "sources" familiar with "something." As I explained yesterday, in negotiations you ask for the world, the other side lowballs you and you ultimately meet in the middle. The only people taking "outrageous contract demands" at face value are those who want to believe it to have something against someone they already don't like, whether it be Zeke for his knucklehead reasons and/or those that generally begrudge players being paid so much. This is why the media loves to trot out the "ask high" numbers to drum up "outrage."

Let me get this straight, you think that we should try and do this, because why? What possible benefit can come of trying to do something that no team, to my knowledge, has ever done in the history of the game? We have this core of great young players and you think that it's a good idea to try and do this, even though it's never been done?

And you accuse of limited thinking...... OK. Point of fact, I have already said that it could be done but not unless parties give and the simple truth is that it's Zeke who will have to give if he wants a new deal this year, IMO. So I don't really see how anything you have posted is relevant.


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Let me get this straight, you think that we should try and do this, because why? What possible benefit can come of trying to do something that no team, to my knowledge, has ever done in the history of the game? We have this core of great young players and you think that it's a good idea to try and do this, even though it's never been done?

And you accuse of limited thinking...... OK. Point of fact, I have already said that it could be done but not unless parties give and the simple truth is that it's Zeke who will have to give if he wants a new deal this year, IMO. So I don't really see how anything you have posted is relevant.

Because you are holding to the "pay all of them highest contract ever" idea based on what "sources" said they've asked. I never said that because I know it's agent hype (if that) as none of the players have a quote saying such. Of the 3, only Zeke is at the top of his profession plus he's our most important player. This is why I fully support him being highest paid RB. If Dak were just as good at his position, then I'd concede that we're in a tight position but no way Dak should get the highest QB deal ever. Neither should Cooper for a WR. But in negotiations you ask for the world. Problem is, fans are "offended" by players doing such whether they hold out or not so you might as well hold out if the iron's hot like it is for Zeke right now, public opinion be damned.