Houston Fans: Classless

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Losing in a preseason game and getting taunted by Texans fans is not torment. Torment would be getting sacked 76 times in a season, or knowing that your division has 3 teams that you're not anywhere close to being able to beat.
Sorry your gametime experience was not enjoyable.

Of course if you listen to the Texans fans on talk shows they are so CLASSY along with their owner, their coaches (who I happen to like) and above everything their PLAYERS.

Nevermind that one of their players spent some jail time this summer and one of them is so brain dead that he leaves his playbook in his SUV with the SUV running and then wonders why it was stolen.

I think the envy is because Houston fans have for the most part had the sand kicked in their face....the Oilers always came close and failed (remember the game in Buffalo where they were ahead by a large margin and the Bills made some record breaking comeback?), Bud pulled tail and ran and so they focus all their hate on the Cowboys because well they GOT TO HATE ON SOMEBODY.

I find for the most part from message boards that there are a few nice ones out there but they are mainly concerned with getting drunk, tailgating and showing the world that they are a class act.

The whole city is insecure. When it rains it pours. Especially in Houston.

And the Texans are on the way up. If they stay healthy they'll make some noise. They are a fun team to watch.

I don't know what the deal is with their "Jerry" hate. He cheerleaded for McNair when he needed some pull to even get the team for Houston. I know I don't ever want to see a Cowboys player insult on the field another owner like Gary Walker did to Jerry. That was so stupid and silly.
I agree TLW.......how stupid and ignorant Houston fans are.

It was Jerry Jones that lobbied the NFL the hardest for Houston to get the franchise over LA, yet they stupidly razz him.
HTownCowboysFan said:
I went to the game last night, and I can honestly say that I have never seen a bigger bunch of classless morons in my life.

Of course, I've yet to attend a game in Philly.

I was constantly "F-YOU'd" during the entire game just for being a Cowboys fan. And any time the Texans did anything positive--and I mean anything--these fools would go off and get into the closest Cowboy fan's face. And if I had a dollar for every time I heard "19-10," I'd be able to buy the team from Jerry Jones.

Speaking of Jerry, what's the obsession with him with Houston fan? You would have thought Bud Adams now owned the Cowboys. To breakout in a stadium-wide taunt of Jerry at the end of the game was another example of how classless this outfit is.

People had shirts on that said "If Dallas is America's Team, I want to be Canadian!" And of course the 'ol standard, "DALLAS SUCKS!" shirts were on hand.

You would have actually thought that this was a playoff game for these fools.

Living in Houston, I knew Cowboys hate was strong, but I have never witnessed it so concentrated. The level of jealousy and envy for the Cowboys is hard to put into words. Frankly, it is laughable and pathetic.

I feel you!!!!

I went to a bar to watch the 2nd half and there was always someone in my ear talking trash.
TLW47 said:
Sorry your gametime experience was not enjoyable.

Of course if you listen to the Texans fans on talk shows they are so CLASSY along with their owner, their coaches (who I happen to like) and above everything their PLAYERS.

Nevermind that one of their players spent some jail time this summer and one of them is so brain dead that he leaves his playbook in his SUV with the SUV running and then wonders why it was stolen.

I think the envy is because Houston fans have for the most part had the sand kicked in their face....the Oilers always came close and failed (remember the game in Buffalo where they were ahead by a large margin and the Bills made some record breaking comeback?), Bud pulled tail and ran and so they focus all their hate on the Cowboys because well they GOT TO HATE ON SOMEBODY.

I find for the most part from message boards that there are a few nice ones out there but they are mainly concerned with getting drunk, tailgating and showing the world that they are a class act.

The whole city is insecure. When it rains it pours. Especially in Houston.

And the Texans are on the way up. If they stay healthy they'll make some noise. They are a fun team to watch.

I don't know what the deal is with their "Jerry" hate. He cheerleaded for McNair when he needed some pull to even get the team for Houston. I know I don't ever want to see a Cowboys player insult on the field another owner like Gary Walker did to Jerry. That was so stupid and silly.

Good post.

McNair is such a decent guy, I bet he cringes whenever he hosts Jerry and his fans boo Jerry like that.
As far as where I was sitting, in the end zone, lower level. Not sure what section it was.

If you were not dropping F-bombs, then we must not have been sitting by each other.

At one time, before the Texans started playing, I had planned to pull for them as I used to do the Oilers. They wouldn't be my team, but I wished no ill will towards them. There is no way in hell that I'll ever do that now. While I understand WHY Texan fans hate the Cowboys, I still think it is stupid as hell. I know it is rooted in envy and jealousy. Why else would you hate a team that isn't in your division or conference AND will only play for real every 4 years? The fact is is that Texan fans are envious of the championships, the national following, and the fact that no matter what, they will always be in the shadow of the Dallas Cowboys.

But hey, look at the bright side, at least the Texans rank as the second most popular NFL team in the state of Texas.
Little Jr said:
I feel you!!!!

I went to a bar to watch the 2nd half and there was always someone in my ear talking trash.
Shouldn't you expect that being in Houston?
Thanks for the compliment. I've lived in both Houston and Dallas and think I understand some of what they feel..I miss Dallas though and will probably go back.

McNair does seem to be a nice man. I'm not even that much of a Jerry fan but the man doesn't deserve the disrespect he gets from the Texans fans.

I guess though since it's not against the law to be stupid they'll just keep on keepin on though.

They really need to take a Valium and get a grip. There's alot of football to be played and next week the Texans could look like crap. And that would be fine because it's PRESEASON.

I am a bit surprised at the Texans fans though. I don't remember this happening at the "19-10" debacle. And Oilers fans were nice. I went to alot of Oilers/Boys games and it was good fun.
Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good fans of the Texans. Some of my friends fall into that category. It seems to me that the city of Houston has a huge case of, ahem, p#nis envy when it comes to anything dealing with Dallas. And while I'm a native Texan, I'm not a native Houstonian.

And it does seem to ring true about the "tailgate" fan. I know a guy who goes to the games just to drink and get hammered and rarely goes into the stadium. But yet, he's a "huge" Texans fan. :rolleyes:

While I despise the Commanders, I respect them and their fans. Plus, they've actually did something in the NFL unlike the Texans. I went to a game in Washington, and while there was some "banter" exchanged, the experience was nothing like I witnessed last night.

If being a "good fan" means dropping F-bombs, screaming into the ear of an opposing fan non-stop, being drunk as hell, and wanting to fight someone just because they are wearing a Dallas Cowboys shirt/cap/jersey, then the Houston Texans have thousands of those "good fans."
jimmy40 said:
Shouldn't you expect that being in Houston?

Yes in good fun. This was not good fun. It got to the point where we had to leave before it got out of hand.

Have no problem with a little trash talking because I do it myself. But when I'm playing GoldenTee and minding my own business and there is someone constintly in my ear yelling ** Cowboys suck. It tends to get to me a little. If it was a regular season game it would be a little different. I probally would not have gone if it was though.
Well this problem will be no problem next year.

We'll be building our new stadium in Arlington that will make Reliant look like a Texaco restroom, the Texans have to come to Dallas and if I'm not mistaken don't we play them in the regular season too IN DALLAS?

Cowboys fans won't harass Mr. McNair, but I wouldn't mind somebody telling David Carr he needs to cut his ponytail! He still says he won't do that until they win 2 in a row...and now we can hope that doesn't happen.
Little Jr said:
Yes in good fun. This was not good fun. It got to the point where we had to leave before it got out of hand.

Have no problem with a little trash talking because I do it myself. But when I'm playing GoldenTee and minding my own business and there is someone constintly in my ear yelling ** Cowboys suck. It tends to get to me a little. If it was a regular season game it would be a little different. I probally would not have gone if it was though.

This type of stuff happens all the time. ALL THE TIME. And it is directed, IMO, only to Cowboys fans in sportsbars.

When the Oilers were run out of town and Houston was NFLless, I used to watch Dallas at many different sportsbars, and I don't remember this type of behavior. And I don't remember it when the Oilers were here. It seems to me that it all started when the Texans started playing.

This is an example of this type of crap: I was in Buffalo Wild Wings last year watching the Jets/Cowboys. It was a 3 pm game, the Texans had played at noon, there were not that many games being played, so the bar was not that full. And there is this one little dude sitting at the bar, hammered, in his Texans gear, shouting "COWBOYS SUCK!" about every 10 to 15 minutes.


Does this person not have something better to do?

If you are a Cowboys fan in Houston, you know what I'm talking about.

It's like they have an sick hate obsession with the Cowboys. Example: every single day--I mean EVERY day--Sports radio 610 talks about Dallas. How many friggin' local sports stations talk about an out of town team on a daily basis?

HTownCowboysFan said:
When the Oilers were run out of town and Houston was NFLless, I used to watch Dallas at many different sportsbars, and I don't remember this type of behavior. And I don't remember it when the Oilers were here. It seems to me that it all started when the Texans started playing.

There wasn't this type of behavior. Oilers never accomplished anything close to what the Cowboys did so there wasn't to much for them to say. When they left they had nothing excpet the occasional Crack Wagon comments.

Oilers were always me 2nd team and the Texans weren't going to be any different. I was even looking at getting season tickets. But the closer it came to the 1st season the haters started coming from every where. 610 is the worst. I don't even listen to the John and Lance any more. It just got to the point where now I can't stand them.
Outlaw Heroes said:
I've got bad news for Houston fans: as a Canadian myself, I feel fairly confident in saying that the Cowboys are not just America's Team; they're also North America's Team.

That was great. Classic.
I can verify everything you say. the HATE here makes it hard for us here NOT to care about a meaningless game. It is THEIR SB. Pure and simple. They had a little man dressed in a cow uni come and kick the but t of a nerdy guy in a Cowboy uniform. We were cracking up. And the Dallas Sucks chants. Dallas Cowboys Suck tee-shirts... uh, do you think they have shirts for any other team in the NFL that say that?

Luckily we were surrounded by Cowboys fans in our section. I'm so glad that it worked out that way or I would've been an insane person with or without my family there.

By the end of the game, my 7 year old cousin (in texans jersey) said Dallas was now officially his fave NFC team and he wanted me to buy him some gear. That's the best thing that came out of last night for me!

No one razzed me. But my bro is tall and my cousin had his arm around me and I - well, er... I dressed in a denim miniskirt that had cowboys written on it with stars in glitter glue paint and my rhinestone studded middriff Aikman jersey -- I tried to look as good as possible to deflect dumb drunk guys. Hey, whatever it takes. :)

H-Town, you were in the absolute WORST area of the stadium from what I hear -- the endzone. Dude, next time sit up on top - you'll be much happier!
HoustonSucks said:
... I dressed in a denim miniskirt that had cowboys written on it with stars in glitter glue paint and my rhinestone studded middriff Aikman jersey -- I tried to look as good as possible to deflect dumb drunk guys.

Please tell me you're a girl?!?!?!?! :D
Juke99 said:
Philly fans are beyond descrption...been there once...never again.

Exactly... Each of the three times (one win in 86, two losses in 87 and 97), I have been to that toilet I didn't think I was going to make it out alive...
HTownCowboysFan said:
I went to the game last night, and I can honestly say that I have never seen a bigger bunch of classless morons in my life.

Of course, I've yet to attend a game in Philly.
This is the same thing you'd see in Philly, really, people getting in your face, the Dallas sucks shirts, etc. The only difference is that in Philadelphia you are *assured* a fight if you wear any Cowboy logo.
FoldedSpace said:
It's more of a rivalry thing. Rocket fans are just as annoying...hell, Aero fans are a buncha knee-biters. A lot of it is 'short-man disease'.

At least it gives Texas-based Cowboy haters a 'local' team to root for....they used to have to go with philly or san fran. It is amusing how many texan/eagle combo fans there are out there...


Hey, I'm a rockets fan. what's wrong with rockets fans?
Maybe some of you Houstonians can verify this... the original street that Reliant Stadium was built on (as told to me) was Dallas Street... they changed the street name as not to reflect on their superior football foes to the North...
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