I went to the game last night, and I can honestly say that I have never seen a bigger bunch of classless morons in my life.
Of course, I've yet to attend a game in Philly.
I was constantly "F-YOU'd" during the entire game just for being a Cowboys fan. And any time the Texans did anything positive--and I mean anything--these fools would go off and get into the closest Cowboy fan's face. And if I had a dollar for every time I heard "19-10," I'd be able to buy the team from Jerry Jones.
Speaking of Jerry, what's the obsession with him with Houston fan? You would have thought Bud Adams now owned the Cowboys. To breakout in a stadium-wide taunt of Jerry at the end of the game was another example of how classless this outfit is.
People had shirts on that said "If Dallas is America's Team, I want to be Canadian!" And of course the 'ol standard, "DALLAS SUCKS!" shirts were on hand.
You would have actually thought that this was a playoff game for these fools.
Living in Houston, I knew Cowboys hate was strong, but I have never witnessed it so concentrated. The level of jealousy and envy for the Cowboys is hard to put into words. Frankly, it is laughable and pathetic.