Houston Fans: Classless

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trickblue said:
Maybe some of you Houstonians can verify this... the original street that Reliant Stadium was built on (as told to me) was Dallas Street... they changed the street name as not to reflect on their superior football foes to the North...

Wrong...its always been Kirby street.

Oh yeah..by the way: http://img.***BLOCKED***/albums/v60/TxDavid/Dallas2004/TexansDallasScore.jpg
Congrats on your Superbowl! Are you guys going to make some T-shirts and hats to celebrate and sell at Fiesta mart?
Irving Cowboy said:
Exactly... Each of the three times (one win in 86, two losses in 87 and 97), I have been to that toilet I didn't think I was going to make it out alive...
Yep...Philly's always been at the bottom of my list as far as fans go. I saw the Boys there a few times in the mid-70's early 80's and even then they were crappy fans to be around, win or lose.

Complete contrast to when I saw them play the 'Skins at RFK a couple of times in the same era. They were serious fans, but nowhere near the classless cretins in Philly. The same holds true for seeing them play the Giants at the Meadowlands, even though the one game I saw at Shea got a little rowdy.
TEXANS84 said:
Wrong...its always been Kirby street.

Oh yeah..by the way: http://img.***BLOCKED***/albums/v60/TxDavid/Dallas2004/TexansDallasScore.jpg

Thanks for summing up Texan fans in one fell swoop...

Do this... and I will try to help you through this... make the "L" sign with your index finger and thumb (for you Houston fans that is your booger picker and your thumb)

Place it SQUARELY on your forehead and look in the mirror... welcome to reality...
I believe, I may be wrong, that dallas st. is the name of one the streets going through downtown houston and is still the address of many of houston's skyscrapers such as the illustrious enron building. There was a movement from local leaders to change the name of that street to avoid confusion with the other major Texas city.

It's a real shame the way some people act and spoil things for others.

It didn't used to be that way. Back in the 60's and 70's we were a much more tolerant society and while there was some good natured banter, it was seldom hate. I don't hate any of the other teams. I respect those who have put together good teams and I respect the individual athletes who make great plays. Too bad they can't all be on my favorite team.

But many fans have changed and have become much more predatorial and gang-like. It's almost like the junior highschool mindset has taken over and is being catered to by commercial interests. There's got to be enough material here for psychiatric research to keep the shrinks busy for the rest of their careers.

People seem to be becoming increasingly desperate for attention in an anonymous world and also take out their pent up rage on anyone daring to support the other team. For me, it made going to games and sports bars a thing of the past even before I moved to the country.

Every time I watch the crowds at football games, it makes me glad I moved away from the city and became a ranchhand. When the game is over, I just turn off the TV and enjoy the peaceful symphony of Mother Nature way out here in the middle of nowhere. I like her concert better than all the yelling and argueing and traffic sounds and I don't miss the smell of exhaust fumes one bit.

Hopelessly lost out in the middle of nowhere and loving every minute of it.
I can tell all of you took your estrogen pills this morning, good job on remembering that. Now lets get to what actually happened. The things that I heard in the SEZ were:

You Sold out! to eddie george
How bout them cowboys! numerous times
Cowboys Suck! numerous times
Get off the field girls!

Where in there would an "F" bomb be? dont tell me I couldnt hear it cuz I sit in the 3rd row so I hear a lot. You have to admit, its nice to see cowboy fans coming in all excited to see a game, then being in shock by halftime, then leaving by the 4th. way to support your team guys.

And you think we're bad as Texans fans? hows this for ya? We're walking out of the stadium, we pass this cowboy fan who says "hey sharper how many tackles did you get tonight" (dad was wearing sharper jersey), i responded "about as many as you guys had touchdowns." then the guy starts coming after me like the drunken fool he is. Way to show class and make the cowboy faithful look good.

And stop crying women. its a football game, a rivalry game. you should expect some fun. we look forward to that game because of the way you act when you lose. i enjoy looking at the disapointed faces.

thats all i have to say, you can say i'm classless...thats fine. We won, you didnt. good luck this season. the cowboys played terrible (not an insult, just overall they were terrible)

Dont forget to take your estrogen pills in the morning

and for htowncowboy, you said you live in tomball?...sorry man, I feel for ya.
This thread makes many of you look bad. The fact is that Houston and Dallas due to their natural geographic proximity will always have a rivalry--particularly when the young upstart shows up the old vet.

They deserve to talk smack until we beat them in a game that counts. Period.

And, quite honestly, they looked pretty good and we looked pretty bad--and some of that wasn't b/c we weren't playing. They may not make the playoffs, but I wouldn't rule it out.
texansfan88 said:
And stop crying women. its a football game, a rivalry game. you should expect some fun. we look forward to that game because of the way you act when you lose. i enjoy looking at the disapointed faces.

Once and for all...for the Texans fans that just do not get it.....Dallas has NO RIVALRY with the Texans....even though the Texans view it that way.

Sorry....that is just the way it is.

thats all i have to say, you can say i'm classless...thats fine. We won, you didnt. good luck this season. the cowboys played terrible (not an insult, just overall they were terrible)

You are right the cowboys played terrible...no other way to put it...the Texans clearly outplayed them and wanted it more.

Dont forget to take your estrogen pills in the morning

Now that sir...is real class.
HTownCowboysFan said:
I went to the game last night, and I can honestly say that I have never seen a bigger bunch of classless morons in my life.

Of course, I've yet to attend a game in Philly.

I was constantly "F-YOU'd" during the entire game just for being a Cowboys fan. And any time the Texans did anything positive--and I mean anything--these fools would go off and get into the closest Cowboy fan's face. And if I had a dollar for every time I heard "19-10," I'd be able to buy the team from Jerry Jones.

Speaking of Jerry, what's the obsession with him with Houston fan? You would have thought Bud Adams now owned the Cowboys. To breakout in a stadium-wide taunt of Jerry at the end of the game was another example of how classless this outfit is.

People had shirts on that said "If Dallas is America's Team, I want to be Canadian!" And of course the 'ol standard, "DALLAS SUCKS!" shirts were on hand.

You would have actually thought that this was a playoff game for these fools.

Living in Houston, I knew Cowboys hate was strong, but I have never witnessed it so concentrated. The level of jealousy and envy for the Cowboys is hard to put into words. Frankly, it is laughable and pathetic.

I'm not so sure that the Houston fans even deserve a credible explanation or a remote excuse from us.

I tell ya what, let them come back in 8 or so super bowls and then we'll talk.

Until then, who cares?
HoustonSucks said:
Congrats on your Superbowl! Are you guys going to make some T-shirts and hats to celebrate and sell at Fiesta mart?

LMAO! That's about like the Eagles 4th and 26 shirts. I bet they are already at Fiesta next to the chicken feet.
texansfan88 said:
I can tell all of you took your estrogen pills this morning, good job on remembering that. Now lets get to what actually happened. The things that I heard in the SEZ were:

You Sold out! to eddie george
How bout them cowboys! numerous times
Cowboys Suck! numerous times
Get off the field girls!

Where in there would an "F" bomb be? dont tell me I couldnt hear it cuz I sit in the 3rd row so I hear a lot. You have to admit, its nice to see cowboy fans coming in all excited to see a game, then being in shock by halftime, then leaving by the 4th. way to support your team guys.

And you think we're bad as Texans fans? hows this for ya? We're walking out of the stadium, we pass this cowboy fan who says "hey sharper how many tackles did you get tonight" (dad was wearing sharper jersey), i responded "about as many as you guys had touchdowns." then the guy starts coming after me like the drunken fool he is. Way to show class and make the cowboy faithful look good.

And stop crying women. its a football game, a rivalry game. you should expect some fun. we look forward to that game because of the way you act when you lose. i enjoy looking at the disapointed faces.

thats all i have to say, you can say i'm classless...thats fine. We won, you didnt. good luck this season. the cowboys played terrible (not an insult, just overall they were terrible)

Dont forget to take your estrogen pills in the morning

and for htowncowboy, you said you live in tomball?...sorry man, I feel for ya.

For being the class act you've just won- . and , and ' and ?, and T and a W.

I think you can use these prizes fairly quickly to boot!
BrAinPaiNt said:
Once and for all...for the Texans fans that just do not get it.....Dallas has NO RIVALRY with the Texans....even though the Texans view it that way.

Sorry....that is just the way it is.

You are right the cowboys played terrible...no other way to put it...the Texans clearly outplayed them and wanted it more.

Now that sir...is real class.
52 posts. Looks like a rivalry.
I suppose you want us to laud you as a forward-thinking individual who wants to point out that Cowboys fans are just as obnoxious and liable to overreact at a preseason loss. The truth is that you construct your own reality. But your reality is not...well, it's not reality.

You see, last year in Texas Stadium, your owner was not booed. Your team was not booed. Your supporters were not razzed. Oh, and your team got trounced. The next day, there were no articles flaunting the fact, there were no sales celebrating the win.

One more time... and let me see if I can make this perfectly clear:



Shoo fly. Shoo.
HoustonSucks said:
I suppose you want us to laud you as a forward-thinking individual who wants to point out that Cowboys fans are just as obnoxious and liable to overreact at a preseason loss. The truth is that you construct your own reality. But your reality is not...well, it's not reality.

You see, last year in Texas Stadium, your owner was not booed. Your team was not booed. Your supporters were not razzed. Oh, and your team got trounced. The next day, there were no articles flaunting the fact, there were no sales celebrating the win.

One more time... and let me see if I can make this perfectly clear:



Shoo fly. Shoo.

you have to understand, here in houston we dont like dallas and we dont like dallas people. I personally hate the city, hate the teams, hate the owners and dislike the people of the city, mainly because they lose and want to fight you in the parking lot drunk off their ***.

its our rivalry and the fact is we keep winning it. we boo jerry jones because hes jerry jones and we dont like slimy owners. we boo the cowboys, because we dont like the cowboys and I for one am against quarterbacks on crack, althought vinny might need some and henson looks like hes on it. the point is dont come on here making false acusations saying we dropped the F bomb if you have no clue where you sat and frankly what you even heard.

I hate dallas, the city,fans, teams, owners and players. plain and simple. is that being classless? not at all, i just plain hate dallas and everything that has to do with it.

The point is the cowboys sucked saturday and we absolutely loved it. I loved looking to my left and seeing the shocked look on the cowboys fans faces.

So dont shoo fly shoo me like i'm youre crack friend like quincy. you're the Texans rival, you got humiliated, it was all over ESPN Radio, all over Monday NIght Countdown and I for one loved it.
Juke99 said:
I think you're selling our group here at the Zone a little short. :)

Philly fans are beyond descrption...been there once...never again.

And Jet fans haven't exactly thrilled me either.

On the other hand, I have been to two games in Texas Stadium...and I have watched Commander fans there actually treated well...picked on but in a good natured way.

Sometimes I wish we had a "meaner" home crowd. I feel like our stadium is one of the easiest in the NFL for visiting fans to escape "torture free." ;)
texansfan88 said:
we boo jerry jones because hes jerry jones and we dont like slimy owners.

As much as I don't like Jerry Jones, he had a huge role in getting an NFL team back in Houston. Him and McNair are friends, and I'm thankful for their efforts.

But I am sorry when they play the girls...I just gotta cheer for my team. I saw a lot of classless Dallas fans at the game as well. But for the most part it was all in football fun.
Well Toxins88 enjoy it now. Drink it in. Because that's about the extent of celebrartoy romps in the City of Houston - where I happen to live.

I happen to know that every city in the world has something to offer. And that brash generalizatioins of a populace are exactly what gets us into dire entanglements like Holocausts and slavery.

You're just like the rest of idiots in the US who hate Europe because they think the people there stink and are 'weird' and don't like 'our war'- so therefore they must be idiots. And you're just as narrow-minded and moronic as the Europeans who hate all Americans because they assume we're all fat and stupid and loud. It's people like YOU that pollute the earth. Because you're narrow-minded, two-faced, ignorant, untutored, classless, unmannered, uncouth, illiterate, insular, and trigger-happy.

henson looks like hes on it.

Hmm... really? Well, get used to him - believe me, we'll be thanking the Toxins profusely in a few years when we go back to our rightful place in the world - the Superbowl -- and the Houston teams go back to what they're best at -- choking and dare I say it? Sucking.

Good luck.

texansfan88 said:
you have to understand, here in houston we dont like dallas and we dont like dallas people. I personally hate the city, hate the teams, hate the owners and dislike the people of the city, mainly because they lose and want to fight you in the parking lot drunk off their ***.

its our rivalry and the fact is we keep winning it. we boo jerry jones because hes jerry jones and we dont like slimy owners. we boo the cowboys, because we dont like the cowboys and I for one am against quarterbacks on crack, althought vinny might need some and henson looks like hes on it. the point is dont come on here making false acusations saying we dropped the F bomb if you have no clue where you sat and frankly what you even heard.

I hate dallas, the city,fans, teams, owners and players. plain and simple. is that being classless? not at all, i just plain hate dallas and everything that has to do with it.

The point is the cowboys sucked saturday and we absolutely loved it. I loved looking to my left and seeing the shocked look on the cowboys fans faces.

So dont shoo fly shoo me like i'm youre crack friend like quincy. you're the Texans rival, you got humiliated, it was all over ESPN Radio, all over Monday NIght Countdown and I for one loved it.

Capitalization, spelling, punctuation - these can all be your friends. Along with coherent thought process. ;)

You humiliated us in the first game of the preseason - wow. We are speechless. No, wait, you haven't even made it to a playoff game or had a winning season yet. Let's learn to crawl before we walk, m'kay?

Okay, seriously, just because you are in Texas, and you beat the cowboys once in regular season doesn't mean there is rivalry. Not yet. Not in the true sense of the word. Let it marinate a little bit. Beat us 2 or 3 more times, and then you can come back here and crow about how you "own" us. For now, the hate and the "rivalry" is all one-sided.

You can go ahead and keep obcessing over the Cowboys if you want - and keep on writing those fascinating letters to your favorite playboy playmates while you are at it. Until you show us something over a longer time span and in the backdrop of a successful season, you're just another one of 27 teams that we don't care about one way or the other. Until then - how about you start by winning your own division???
texansfan88 said:
So dont shoo fly shoo me like i'm youre crack friend like quincy.

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