How many of you are bailing?


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I’m almost 44. I remember when this used to be a Class A franchise. It’s so far removed from that now. Nepotism rules and matters more than winning. How can you be a fan of that?

I turned in my “fan” card about a decade ago but have still followed the team with interest. I’m not even interested anymore.
I find that hard to believe if you're posting in here.


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I do not intend this as a call-out thread. I'm genuinely curious. With the Mike deal and Dak likely getting a deal, how many of you are bailing? As a young fan, I have no intention of that, but I could see a scenario in about 10-15 years as fans tune out this team where the Cowboys may not exist. I see on the boards fans talking about bailing or suggesting switching. This is why my curiosity is compelling me to ask this question. I do not intend for this to be treated as a call-out or what have you. I'm just curious.
After 50 PLUS YEARS, I'm hanging by a thread.

Chuck 54

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Never bailing. Never whining about losing…..unless I see no moves to try for more.
13-3 or 1-15, I have always been excited every season, every game. When I see those uniforms, those helmets, hear that traditional National Anthem by trumpet, I’m stoked and happy…..just the way it is.


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I get this, man. The Landry-Staubach era was something the younger fans here missed out on, which to me is, sad. Man, what a party that was.
Like you, I adjusted my expectations downward. Perspective is good, and the handwringing now reminds me of the "5 stages of grief" theories, from denial to acceptance. As I said, my sympathies are with the younger fans who haven't known the joy and elation of a Super Bowl.
I too feel bad for the younger fans that they didn't have the opportunity to feel that level of confidence you had in the 70s team I mean you'd go into the 4th quarter behind and never feel like Roger was not going to pull the game out.
You absolutely knew as long as there was some time on the clock that he would get it done and the whole team would walk through the fire and kill themselves to make sure it happened because they believed in him to a level that I have never seen since.
Being able to watch those '70s teams play in the moment was truly an unforgettable gift.


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I think the team folds when they see dak choking. They know he's having his woman time of the month and it's better to just fold.


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I don’t see the Dallas Cowboys brand anymore, I just see Jerry Jones and family. He has put his stamp on this organization and it is suffocating…. and I am not sure if I want to follow that anymore.

I can’t really see switching to another team after almost 50 years. I think I might bury myself in fantasy football and find my enjoyment in that. I know I am emotional right now following the utter collapse Sunday and the team’s response.


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Been watching the Cowboys since Staubach was there. I can’t see myself rooting for another team or stop watching altogether. Football is clearly the national pastime and I love it. JJ has the fan base over a barrel and there’s not a whole lot we can do about it. SAD.


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I too feel bad for the younger fans that they didn't have the opportunity to feel that level of confidence you had in the 70s team I mean you'd go into the 4th quarter behind and never feel like Roger was not going to pull the game out.
You absolutely knew as long as there was some time on the clock that he would get it done and the whole team would walk through the fire and kill themselves to make sure it happened because they believed in him to a level that I have never seen since.
Being able to watch those '70s teams play in the moment was truly an unforgettable gift.
and most times, Pat Summerall would be there to narrate Roger's heroics. I dont ever recall Tom Landry smiling as he walked off the field in big games. Do you?? Ol stoneface. Good times.


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Been a fan since late 60's when I became old enough to know what football was, not bailing now. Jerry can be stupid as usual but I can't find myself rooting for another team. I may watch less from frustration but Cowboys will be the team. I have not purchased any merchandise since my D Ware jersey and won't until Jerry pulls his head out of his backside concerning the team though.


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I wish all fans instead of bailing would just stop going to the games and buying merchandise. That would stop all of this crap! Jerry only understands one thing. MONEY!!!!


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7,694 keep your pants on. Either your a homer or not.
Stay the course,.mate.
Real Dallas fans are all in. Always.

They go down, we all go down.
That's how it works.
:starspin: :starspin: :hammer::hammer:


Devil's Advocate
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I won't go out of my way to watch games next year, if I have other things to do so be it. Hope they win every game though.


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I follow a lot of sports.. have a team in all of them. Have never really thought about leaving a team.. even ones that have lost a whole heap. But something about this franchise is just not right. It just doesn't feel right and the MM decision is really starting to irk me more.. the press conference was screaming in its lack of action. How do you stand there after one of the biggest embarrassments in the HISTORY of the NFL and call yourself a "championship team". Like that is just flat out delusional.

We have not shown we can beat the Packers.. let alone the 49ers.. So how did you think that is a Championship game.. we haven't even got close to those teams. For context, we won exactly 3 games against Playoff caliber teams this year.. 1 against the Rams without their starting QB. 1 against the Eagles after the start of their season freefall. 1 against the Lions that was really an officiating toss of a coin.

How can you look at those three wins.. and really feel you are a 'championship' team?? Especially when you compare it to the 3 losses we had against playoff teams - we got boat raced by 49ers and Bills.. and Miami got us.

There really is just no evidence that we are remotely close to a 'Championship' team.. the most disturbing part is that our owner and coaches just refuse to see the glaringly obvious. Really struggling to see how I stay watching more of the same.


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The cowboys as a brand and team are going nowhere goes lol… we just have to hope we get the success to match but in terms of popularity? This is an institution


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I went from being a fan to a follower after 2016. That was the last time I bought into this team being a real contender. So there's really nothing to bail.

This team has been part of my life for over 50 years, so there's nowhere to go. I just have no expectations of success beyond what we've seen lately.

Believing Jerry and Stephen are going to suddenly crack the code after 30 years is for fans. I just can't blow that much smoke up my own backside.

For the "real fans" crowd, I don't care what you think of my point of view. Self-delusion just doesn't work for me. I'll follow and see what happens.
Well said. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Over 50 year fan also. Your first line was the best. I’m a follower now. The days of smashing doors down and weekly depression are behind me.