How many of you are bailing?


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Seriously wondering where to from here. I just can't see this franchise ever being successful again.
Merrily kicking the can, basing our expectation on hope. There's an argument (which I know you follow) that we draw a line, make a cut and start again because what we're doing isnt going to work (indeed if Championships is indeed the goal.

Just be thankful you're not also a Mets fan.


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Never will bail. Just don't make Football a top priority in life anymore.
Still will watch, but if the kids want to play/do something I won't tell them to wait after the game.

This team has shown the core can change but the results remain the same and that starts up top.


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I am absolutely done! Finished, Finito, This is the final chapter for me. I will no longer be burdened with the losing ways of this team. Until regular season starts. But I'm telling you, I am done with preseason games!


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Merrily kicking the can, basing our expectation on hope. There's an argument (which I know you follow) that we draw a line, make a cut and start again because what we're doing isnt going to work (indeed if Championships is indeed the goal.

Just be thankful you're not also a Mets fan.
I believe championships have to be the goal.

I understand that regular season wins can bring joy.. it sure beats losing every week.. but honestly most of those victories feel pretty hollow. If I'm really honest.. seeing us beat up on the commanders and giants every year.. kinda gets a bit dull. And maybe it isn't even championships but being WORTHY of being in those games. Like the 'catch' game.. I get that we didn't make it but that was a bad call that didn't go our way.. I can even maybe overlook a failed FG that was the result of our holder being injured.. again these things are luck.

For me.. the WAY we have lost the last five play off games is concerning.. we have been jumped early and just plain looked bad. I just don't see how they turn it around. The scary thing is that JJ isn't even concerned about it. He says he is immediately after the game but then three days later confirms the HC is coming back and we are 'real close'.

For me.. watching a 12 win season and then 1 and done is not enjoyable. I don't mind losing seasons.. but I want to have hope that my team will eventually rebuild and win something meaningful.


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Oh heck I'm in it to the box men.

But these freaking Jerry Jones Cowboys try my last nerve I need a package put on my television with a hyperspace button when the spit starts hitting the fan I can hit the hyperspace button and all of a sudden Roger Staubach is in the shotgun with Tony dorsett next to him Tom Landry's on the sideline and Randy White Harvey Martin and too tall Jones are playing defense.

Lol. Sorry guys was just thinking about that old Atari game Asteroids. Reminds me of watching The Jones Cowboys eventually you're going to get smashed by The Rock


Taco Engineer
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It's sad there are so many that aren't fans but continue to torture themselves and actual fans. Sometimes misery is a choice. Find some other hobbies that bring you joy instead?


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I believe championships have to be the goal.

I understand that regular season wins can bring joy.. it sure beats losing every week.. but honestly most of those victories feel pretty hollow. If I'm really honest.. seeing us beat up on the commanders and giants every year.. kinda gets a bit dull. And maybe it isn't even championships but being WORTHY of being in those games. Like the 'catch' game.. I get that we didn't make it but that was a bad call that didn't go our way.. I can even maybe overlook a failed FG that was the result of our holder being injured.. again these things are luck.

For me.. the WAY we have lost the last five play off games is concerning.. we have been jumped early and just plain looked bad. I just don't see how they turn it around. The scary thing is that JJ isn't even concerned about it. He says he is immediately after the game but then three days later confirms the HC is coming back and we are 'real close'.

For me.. watching a 12 win season and then 1 and done is not enjoyable. I don't mind losing seasons.. but I want to have hope that my team will eventually rebuild and win something meaningful.
Yep downright amazing how you can feel so totally lousy after a 12 win season.

It's kind of like annihilating all those bad teams kind of made you feel like we were the bully and running it up on them.

Then losing to all the good teams was the foreshadowing of what was to come and you kind of really knew you were never going to get any further.

Then in spite of yourselves you somehow win the division and get home games which gives you a glimmer of hope.

But quickly smacked back into reality this is the Jones Cowboys not the real cowboys this is what they are designed to do.


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It's sad there are so many that aren't fans but continue to torture themselves and actual fans. Sometimes misery is a choice. Find some other hobbies that bring you joy instead?
I got tons of other hobbies my cowboy brother if I get one more I think my wife is going to commit me to an asylum.

But for some dog on reason I am committed to the Cowboys I guess the loyalty stems from the amount of enjoyment I had growing up watching them.

And I certainly don't mean to bring anyone else misery but this is the only support group I have for this horrible addiction.


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Not sure I’d call it bailing. I will always be a Cowboys fan but I have zero interest in following all the off season news and watching every week next season if MM is the coach and Dak is the QB. As long as those two are still in place, they would have to make to the NFC Championship to get me interested in watching. I’m just done watching the same thing year after year. A new coach, and new QB, or both and I’m watching and hoping for something better.


Taco Engineer
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I got tons of other hobbies my cowboy brother if I get one more I think my wife is going to commit me to an asylum.

But for some dog on reason I am committed to the Cowboys I guess the loyalty stems from the amount of enjoyment I had growing up watching them.

And I certainly don't mean to bring anyone else misery but this is the only support group I have for this horrible addiction.
No, you're good. I ride until the wheels fall off every season, just how I am. This is a challenging place to come for support, lol


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I will never bail. Much too late for that. What changes are my reasons for watching. What Jerry has created is more like a spectacle or a soap opera. It is a reality TV show. It has heroes and villains. It has crazy antics and foolish personalities. I do not stick around in hopes of watching the organization build a solid and consistent contender. That would be madness. I stick around for the show. I want to see how bad the latest Jerry moron (Sam Williams) screws things up before he is finally shown the door. I want to see how bad the latest monster contract turns out for a player of questionable commitment (Diggs). I want to see how badly they can break a player who cares about their legacy (Lamb). These are the things that are worth sticking around for.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Bail and miss the circus? I watch not bc I expect the cowboys to win anything. I watch to see the stupidity unfold and the clown show.


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I forgot to add I watch to see what short of foolishness my starting QB is wearing for his latest red carpet walk into the stadium. If he cares more about that than he does the actual game shouldn't we as fans do the same?


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I've been indifferent for many years now and watch maybe 3 games a season? So basically I bailed already.

The difference for me is I will probably tune them out more and wont be arguing on here as much about Dak or MM or why the team keeps failing.

Dallas has become just another NFL team for me.


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I went from being a fan to a follower after 2016. That was the last time I bought into this team being a real contender. So there's really nothing to bail.

This team has been part of my life for over 50 years, so there's nowhere to go. I just have no expectations of success beyond what we've seen lately.

Believing Jerry and Stephen are going to suddenly crack the code after 30 years is for fans. I just can't blow that much smoke up my own backside.

For the "real fans" crowd, I don't care what you think of my point of view. Self-delusion just doesn't work for me. I'll follow and see what happens.
Well said and after 50+ years as well, I can really relate, unfortunately


Star Power
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The Dallas Cowboys are “my” team. I was fan well before the Joneses owned it. I just don't put more than a modicum of emotional investment in them anymore.

19 year old me would’ve been pissed and distraught by that performance on Sunday, internally seething at the mockery of the anti-Cowboys fanbase. Today’s me found myself saying “whatever” and just smirking, almost enjoying the implosion because of the choices, arrogance, and refusal to change of the Joneses.


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The Dallas Cowboys are “my” team. I was fan well before the Joneses owned it. I just don't put more than a modicum of emotional investment in them anymore.

19 year old me would’ve been pissed and distraught by that performance on Sunday. Today’s me found myself saying “whatever” and just smirking, almost enjoying the implosion because of the choices, arrogance, and refusal to change of the Joneses.
Exactly the same as me mate.