How many of you are bailing?


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I turned a playoff game off in the third quarter. That's how bad it feels to be a fan these days.

Years ago, I would eatch every second, win or lose. Would never turn a game off even if we're getting blown out in week 2


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LOL, I misread your post initially. I misread the first I for an L. I was wondering what kind of forum has this become. I recognized your name and always enjoy your posts, so was wondering why you were asking that of all things, lol.
No need to BAIL, lol. As much of a gut punch Sundays game was to us all, don't forget how many teams didn't even make it to the playoffs to get gut punched in the first place. There are plenty of fan bases in more misery than us. Just a little perspective.

I appreciate that. I was just curious based on some of what I'm seeing on these boards of late.


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Bailing? No.

But I can absolutely say that in a few days, after my disappointment in the Cowboys once again refusing to take the steps to try to be great, that my interest in worrying about what the Cowboys do this offseason will plummet. There was a time when at this point in the offseason, I'd be running to the mock sims and running dozens of mock drafts and coming up with bizarre trades for players, etc. I'd pour over draft guides and FA lists. I'd be all over Spotrac and Over the Cap figuring out where we could save money, what FAs there were, etc.

I have no interest in that at this point. If not for the fact this is a pretty fun and entertaining place with some great fellow Cowboys fans, I'd likely stop posting here for much of the offseason. I simply don't have it in me to invest my time into a franchise that is so inept, so incapable of self evaluation, so incapable of actually accepting responsibility for their continued failures. They don't change, they do the same things (FA will be a dud as usual) and the results are the same. 2024-25 will be another failure, I have little doubt about that.

Oh I'll watch games next year, but I suspect my highs and lows after wins and losses will no longer be as extreme as they once were because I probably just don't care nearly as much about the success of the Cowboys as I once did. Jerry doesn't really care (or care enough to admit his failures) so why should I?


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I’ve already decided if there are no changes, I’m not wasting my time getting invested in next seasons regular season to see the same exact insane thing okay out yet again. I’m sure I’ll keep tabs but not going to watch the games. I just don’t see the point. I was so upset, I’ve removed all decals from vehicles, which have been there for years. The brand is tarnished.


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Spending zero money. Zero. Will have nothing more than a casual interest till jerry dies. Fantasy football keeps me entertained enough.


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I went from being a fan to a follower after 2016. That was the last time I bought into this team being a real contender. So there's really nothing to bail.

This team has been part of my life for over 50 years, so there's nowhere to go. I just have no expectations of success beyond what we've seen lately.

Believing Jerry and Stephen are going to suddenly crack the code after 30 years is for fans. I just can't blow that much smoke up my own backside.

For the "real fans" crowd, I don't care what you think of my point of view. Self-delusion just doesn't work for me. I'll follow and see what happens.
This is an excellent post. I have never seen it put in those terms. Over my life I have waffled between a casual "follower" and a dedicated "fan".

The last few years I have been a fan. During the end of the Garrett tenure, I was a follower. I'm probably going to flip that switch again now.


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bailing, lmao. I'm here for life making fun of this crap

what does a sheep say?



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I went from being a fan to a follower after 2016. That was the last time I bought into this team being a real contender. So there's really nothing to bail.

This team has been part of my life for over 50 years, so there's nowhere to go. I just have no expectations of success beyond what we've seen lately.

Believing Jerry and Stephen are going to suddenly crack the code after 30 years is for fans. I just can't blow that much smoke up my own backside.

For the "real fans" crowd, I don't care what you think of my point of view. Self-delusion just doesn't work for me. I'll follow and see what happens.
dayuuum ! I can get behind this thought process. Not the 2016 point but I'll amend it to 2023-24.

I ain't letting the like a lecherous old insane idiot like Jerrah have access to my heart nor his "yes, Daddy" son for that matter. I'm gonna protect my emotions from here on out !


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I’ll never jump ship. I’ll just stop watching the nfl altogether if the Jones boys trot out Dak as the starter next season. They’ve ignored the QB position since Troy retired. Insert a new starter at QB and I’m back on the train even if it means a few 3-5 win seasons to right the ship. I don’t see JJ and Co. doing this but there’s always hope. I might even pull out the old Roger, Emmitt and Troy jerseys and start wearing them during the games again. Haven’t put them on in a very long time. Kinda wish I had a Romo or Dak jersey so I could burn them live on a social media sight.


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I'll follow and see what happens
This basically sums up my feelings. I have been a Cowboys fan my whole life, that is not going to change. What will change is how I prioritize my time on gamedays. I will no longer plan around the Cowboy games. I am worn out from the way that Jerry runs this organization.


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I will say, I've noticed that the quality of the league as a whole has gotten worse. It's not just our team. Seems like everyone is following Jerry's lead of its about the money not the product.
The NFL seems more concerned with their gambling, television rights, and advertising than they do about the integrity of the game.
At best, the NFL no longer represents the best in football.
At worst, the NFL is something that once was described as something terrible.


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I do not intend this as a call-out thread. I'm genuinely curious. With the Mike deal and Dak likely getting a deal, how many of you are bailing? As a young fan, I have no intention of that, but I could see a scenario in about 10-15 years as fans tune out this team where the Cowboys may not exist. I see on the boards fans talking about bailing or suggesting switching. This is why my curiosity is compelling me to ask this question. I do not intend for this to be treated as a call-out or what have you. I'm just curious.
Jerry hopes that all the Truth Tellers on all the boards and the media will depart and depart quickly. He knows that much of the media needs Jerry and the Cowboys to keep
their jobs so the incestuous relationship will commence today and continue as before. Jerry keeps getting richer by the minute and buying more of Frisco by the second. His empire is expanding and he is the king of all he surveys. Jerry says "Love It or Leave It" oh, and do it quickly.


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The NFL seems more concerned with their gambling, television rights, and advertising than they do about the integrity of the game.
At best, the NFL no longer represents the best in football.
At worst, the NFL is something that once was described as something terrible.

Which also explains the officiating, which I have annoyances with from Sundays game as well, make no mistake about that.