How many of you are bailing?


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9,262 keep your pants on. Either your a homer or not.
Stay the course,.mate.
Real Dallas fans are all in. Always.

They go down, we all go down.
That's how it works.
If only Jerry would follow that theory and go all in always.

We are all in only for him to keep us a few players and some coaching away from a championship continually


Red, White and Brew...
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I have been a fan of this team for over 50 years. There is no switching teams to root for. Having said that, I have ZERO EXPECTATIONS of this team and close to zero hope to ever win a championship again, ever. But after all, it is only a game and you really have to remember that when all is said and done. These losses mean nothing to me other that some mild disgust and a laugh.


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I can't bail because I have been in the state of just observing without too many emotions ever since the horrible 2021 season. My heart was broken then, not this year.

The Cowboys will always be my team but just like someone else said, more from a follower's perspective than being a fan.

And since I'm way beyond giving a damn about what our top three homers here call me, it has been a pretty relaxed experience on the message boards and as a Cowboys follower. I'm also the only one among the people I know, so I'm used to just being with myself when watching Cowboys games or other related stuff.

That's fine. Of course I hope I'll witness another Superbowl or two within my lifetime, but as for now I have accepted that this team is a clown show and just sucks (12-5 seasons my arse lol). I will laugh my arse off when rocky, rambo and others keep telling us how great this team is next season after beating up the little teams.


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I guess I’ll stay for the entertainment
Outgrew getting tooo high and vice versa getting to low over the Cowboys 25 yrs ago.
My son going thru same now as family grows
Gotta teach my 9 yr old grandson, save him 30 yrs of stress lol

Can’t let sports be a opiate..


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I think you have to define “bailing”. I’m pretty upset that Mike is coming back and that most likely means Dak will get his massive contract. If all that happens I will watch but not emotionally invest. I will follow the team but not be a rabid fan.

I’ll go into next season with the mindset we probably win the NFC East due to lack of competition and we’ll get bounced in WC. I’ll kind of plan on that and during the season I won’t get too high or too low.

Kind of like when I watch a movie from my childhood and know the general plot points and how it ends but there’s a couple of surprises I forgot about.

Like tonight for instance I watched Uncut Gems with Adam Sandler. I saw that movie once when it came out and knew that basic story but forgot a lot of scenes. Entertained but not emotional cuz I know what happens at the end. Btw great movie, like really good movie.


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Not bailing. Been a Cowboy fan "Since Day One" meaning since 1960. Just not confident in the ownership any more. I am going to hang with them, be a fan of the players and the team. But I am going to also be a strong, vocal critic of Jerry and Steve Jones. Those two have taken what was "America's Team" and transformed it into what I consider to be an NFL joke. I would much prefer to be an all in super fan of a positive franchise and organization. I will do my part to advocate for change futile as it may seem. Been a rough time since Jimmy Johnson and not many signs right now of things improving. But I truly am here in "good times and bad." I will voice my opposition loudly until the bad times end as long as I possibly can.


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I won’t bail, but I definitely won’t buy any new gear. Every year same thing, new hats, shirts, jerseys lol and for what? Nope, done with that.


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Why would I bail? we're in the exact position i thought we would be in at the beginning of the year..
Dak choke against a tough zone. Which ,BTW means all Dak will see is zone from now on.


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I do not intend this as a call-out thread. I'm genuinely curious. With the Mike deal and Dak likely getting a deal, how many of you are bailing? As a young fan, I have no intention of that, but I could see a scenario in about 10-15 years as fans tune out this team where the Cowboys may not exist. I see on the boards fans talking about bailing or suggesting switching. This is why my curiosity is compelling me to ask this question. I do not intend for this to be treated as a call-out or what have you. I'm just curious.
Lets be fair nothing's changed this season as opposed to virtually the last 28. Jerry's failed to grasp the CAP, kicked the can down the road (based on the luck of getting two lesser fancied college QB's). There's no actual strategy, other than scraping money to pay the CAP bill and HOPING the team's good enough.
Paying the stars (who fail to play up to their contracts when it matters) but leaving no money to fill out the roster and then blaming JAG's for the inadequacies of the roster is exactly what we've done, and exactly what will be done (highlighted with Dak's extension, which will put a nail in the coffin).

I doubt anybody's 'bailing', that's why we're here (and so impassioned)...... that's why we complain about Jerry and how the Dak contract (and contracts in general) kill this team and will continue to do so.


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Became a fan when Roger joined the team, (1970ish) I enjoyed the Landry era a lot. I'll still follow the team, but the "bloom's been off the rose" awhile for me.
It's clear that Jerry's unorthodox style has eviscerated the organization.
You echo my sentiments I'll always be a fan because of Tom Landry and Roger Staubach and the great football they provided me to watch when I was a young buck I have adjusted my expectations to being satisfied with just making the playoffs and it could really be over after that as I've seen all the record breaking losses that I really want to see.

That said I'll fully admit I got sucked in a little bit when we won the division and had home playoff games I thought there was a chance we could make it further but was quickly slapped back to reality.


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I've been stuck in the 'if we win, great!' and 'if we lose, whatever!', mode for a while.
I'll root for them, I'll study the game film, and talk trash to other teams' fans.
I haven't purchased Cowboy gear in over 12 years (outside of a golf ball marker).
I don't expect them to win anything as long as Jerry is here, but also understand sometimes things just fall your way. Dude's 81, we'll get back in due time.
Yes Jerry's 81 but then there's Steven and John Steven there's enough Jones DNA left to keep this franchise dysfunctional to the year 3000


Texas Ranger
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Will always root for the Cowboys but I just wont give them a dime of my money for merchandise, tickets, or anything else. Rooting for the Texans for the rest of the playoffs.


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It's just pointless yelling about QBs and coaches when the owner and GM doesn't care about winning. I really did used to love this team. When I was a kid there was nothing I would rather watch. When we fell to the bottom during the 1988 and 1989 season's it was rough. People would laugh at me for being a Cowboy fan. And when we finally won in 1992 it was like I had the last laugh. It was such a great feeling being a Cowboy fan in the early 90's. I guess I'm just bitter now. Probably why I sound so angry a lot of the time. I hate what's happened to my team and there's nothing that can be done about it. I won't bail but it's not like it used to be.
Amen brother not to mention it's a little tough being a Cowboys fan in Pennsylvania we take a lot of flack


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I never dreamed of a day when I wouldn't support this franchise. 43 years and counting since I watched my first game and cheered on the boys.

But I'll admit I'm on the fence.. the MM decision..the repeated delusion "we still feel we are close" and just the SAMENESS of it all. Like you could literally repeat the last four days and compare it to the end of the season for the past three years and it is identical.. absolutely identical.

Nothing will ever change. We are the laughing stock of the league and what is the point of getting emotionally invested year after year knowing they are just going to shrivel against winning teams and in the playoffs?

Seriously wondering where to from here. I just can't see this franchise ever being successful again.


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I've had my foot out the door since 2012 when Jerry never even made an attempt to try and trade Romo for Andrew Luck in the draft. When Dak held out and got big money I was halfway out the door. McCarthy gets retained I'm 3/4 out the door. I'm having a really hard time letting go. If Dak signed I'm staying and hating the ** heck out of this team and organization while cheering for Josh Allen and the Bills