How many years do we give Dak?


"You want some?"
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Well he's got 4 TD passes and 237 passing yards to the other team this year.

The yardage is actually higher than that, those are only the pick 6 plays.

Doesn't matter.

And I'm not being Pro-Dak here.

The team will give him another season.

Folks can post whatever negative stats or stories or personal opinions they have and it doesn't matter.

Dak will have 2018 in order to turn this around.


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Romo learned to ignore them and do the right play......why did we hear kill, kill, kill, on virtually every call? Why couldn't any other QB even be groomed into a serviceable backup? Why couldn't veterans like Cassel or Weeden win a single game until they were released and went to another team?.....You Garrett lovers only see what you WISH you were seeing not what is reality.
Even with kill kill kill he didn't make plays up out of thin air. They practiced those kill kill kill plays also. Romo just knew which play to goto often something Dak doesn't seem to be good at right now. Maybe them players aren't good because how many have did anything once leaving here? Who is a Garrett lover? You must be related to the scarecrow with that strawman you just made up.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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The folks ready to toss Dak in the bin might want to take a look around the NFL. The QB Store™ isn't as easy to access as you think.

Dak really needs some fresh coaching, but we all know that's not likely to happen in Dallas.


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Two, time to move on. Plus I'm getting old, no more time to waste.


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The folks ready to toss Dak in the bin might want to take a look around the NFL. The QB Store™ isn't as easy to access as you think.

Dak really needs some fresh coaching, but we all know that's not likely to happen in Dallas.
Some keep mentioning this coaching bull when he is inaccurate and seemingly scarred to throw the deep ball. That has less to do with Cowboys coaching and more Dak himself. Well when you know in some people's view on here you have a clunker a trip to get a new QB from that store is necessary. Whether you get that right is still hard and I'll,give you that but not making moves because its hard nope.


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Its not up to us. Its up to Jerry. He is the Owner, GM, and acting HC when it suits him.

Jerry was once asked years ago, why he refused to hire a GM? His answer was, what is that going to do? That's just another layer between me and what's mine.

I'm paraphrasing there a bit. But just a bit.

So you ask. How many more years? Ask Jerry. And I can assure you. He does not give a tinkers bleep what you think.


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U still are hurt over a post from a few weeks ago. Seek help
You’re still hurt over a qb who needs work. I need help? Lol. Romo didn’t get thrown into the fire. He sat for 3 years. Dak was thrown into the biggest spotlight there is and in his second year still put up decent stats. Maybe with a wr who gets open or I dunno a coach who is in 2018 and not 1995 we could look better


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You’re still hurt over a qb who needs work. I need help? Lol. Romo didn’t get thrown into the fire. He sat for 3 years. Dak was thrown into the biggest spotlight there is and in his second year still put up decent stats. Maybe with a wr who gets open or I dunno a coach who is in 2018 and not 1995 we could look better
Im not hurt at all. Just call it like i see it.

That whole “Romo didnt get thrown in the fire” talking point is complete nonsense. You dont need three years to be able to tell if a QB has “it” or not.


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Why Romo never looked this bad with the same coaching then since it's no coincidence?

You obviously missed the games against the EaGirls(2008), Vikings (2009) and the Panthers (2015). As great as Romo was, there is a reason he was only able to win only 2 playoff games with JG as OC/HC.


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You obviously missed the games against the EaGirls(2008), Vikings (2009) and the Panthers (2015). As great as Romo was, there is a reason he was only able to win only 2 playoff games with JG as OC/HC.
Lay off the drugs my man. Single games don't make a whole season. Now if you want to be obtuse to win an online discussion you can have it but we know good and expletive well I didn't mean one dang game when I posted what I posted. Using your honeslty bad logic on this Brady needs new coaches because even he's had bad games.


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I need I see them post because I know nobody said that stuff.

Are you kidding me? There were folks on here for sure making that claim.

I wanna say the thread topic was “Which QB would you take over Dak right now?”

Obviously, those that named Brady were skewered but One of the folks making the claim framed it by saying “I would take Dak over a 40 year old Tom Brady.”
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Lol, remember last year when we had a few folks claiming they’d actually take Dak over Tom Brady?

Well at the time, it wouldn't sound completely crazy to take the Rookie of the Year over a 40 year old. Not sure anyone actually said that though.


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Everyone can have a bad game here or there but when it's multiple in a season or multiple in a stretch like 3+, then there are issues.

Are the issues fixable - idk

CT Dal Fan

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Without reading all eight pages, here's my take:

Dak is a better quarterback this year than he was last year. No, I'm not drunk. There was no way he was going to post a 23-4 TD-pick ratio again. I said before the season the numbers for Prescott will go down before they go back up again, because he's still a developing passer and defenses now take away what he does best. Please don't compare him to Carson Wentz or Jared Goff; they are pure pro-style passers. Comparing them to Dak is like comparing Tom Brady to Russell Wilson. Two completely different play styles.

Count 2017 as a learning experience for Prescott. He will get at least next year to prove he's the future. Especially since so much has gone against him in terms of o-line injuries, poor receiver play, and the Zeke suspension.


Stop chasing
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Top rated QB right next to him...Who the hell might that be?
Our 1st/2nd I'm assuming. I wouldn't be against it if it were the BPA at all. Why can't we be the team with the good predicament and gain picks if both turn out to be players? I know picks are a premium, but so is the QB position. Rather get it right than be a team like WAS who has Cousins teasing them with good play every other game/season. We're giving Jaylon QB development time as is, nothing against him and the bad hand he was dealt, etc Why not a good young QB prosect just the same. I'm personally scared of Dak's accuracy but saw him be on the spot his rookie year, so know it's i him when he gets his feet set and is confident with his reads.
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