How Stephen's delaying tactic CeeDee contract cost Cowboys


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As @JBS mentioned (and you liked) the decision's not made in isolation. CeeDee as with ALL top players/agents could predict the raise in CAP and would wait. The other factor is that we do restructure the CAP, but we're ALWAYS overpaying for last year(s) overpayment.

For CeeDee in particular, he and agent saw how dysfunctional our Offense was without elite WR''s not hard to hold on, KNOWING YOU'RE NEEDED.....he wasnt taking a cheap early deal, especially when players know JERRY LIKES (AND PAYS) HIS OWN.

(CAP's for effect).
So you think he and his agent would have turned down an offer last season that would have made him the highest-paid WR $31M. If that is true, it is like saying THEY KNEW the market would bump the positional value by $4M and I'm not sure about that because I don't think anyone saw Jefferson getting $35M........$31M, $32M yes but not $35M.


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As stated earlier, I'm certainly no expert but it appears Stephen overplayed his hand on this one.
You're not taking into account:
a) That the Jones' ripped up Dak's contract (which i'm convinced they were ready to give this year).
b) The unexpected CAP increase for this season.
c) Jefferson. A fabulous scenario for both Receivers, two elite receivers from the same draft able to delay/manipulate the market. If there was no Jefferson, CeeDee would of accepted 'next-man-up' money.

This isnt excusing the Jones, but again it's not just them.......if anything it's Jerry's approach that the top players KNOW he's going to pay as he 'likes his own', if there's a chance of being traded, there maybe more incentive for the player to sign earlier.


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I agree with are right, it is not always their fault but they have a long history/pattern of doing business a certain way.
Agree.....its the WAY we do business ( 'liking our own', 'leaving to last minute', not trading ANY elite players). Players feel a security and can 'play' the Jones.

So you think he and his agent would have turned down an offer last season that would have made him the highest-paid WR $31M. If that is true, it is like saying THEY KNEW the market would bump the positional value by $4M and I'm not sure about that because I don't think anyone saw Jefferson getting $35M........$31M, $32M yes but not $35M.
Yes, I believe he would of turned it down, based on ^^^^^^. His agent could see the Jefferson comparison escalating the top end WR market/Jones MO/Dak's need and Cowboys lack of a viable no.2 WR. There's not much risk that we wont pay.....even with Dak, he only played 5 games the season before we gave in to his contract demands.

Players/Agents just have the Jones''s tantamount to them playing poker when they can see Jerry/Stephen's hand.


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As @JBS mentioned (and you liked) the decision's not made in isolation. CeeDee as with ALL top players/agents could predict the raise in CAP and would wait. The other factor is that we do restructure the CAP, but we're ALWAYS overpaying for last year(s) overpayment.

For CeeDee in particular, he and agent saw how dysfunctional our Offense was without elite WR''s not hard to hold on, KNOWING YOU'RE NEEDED.....he wasnt taking a cheap early deal, especially when players know JERRY LIKES (AND PAYS) HIS OWN.

(CAP's for effect).
Is it an extension or a completely new contract? If it's an extension, it doesn't take effect until the original contract is fulfilled (after the fifth-year option). If it's a completely new contract, the original contract is terminated and his new salary starts this coming season. Void the fifth-year option money. So it's calculated differently. I'm just asking which is it?


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Is it an extension or a completely new contract? If it's an extension, it doesn't take effect until the original contract is fulfilled (after the fifth-year option). If it's a completely new contract, the original contract is terminated and his new salary starts this coming season. Void the fifth-year option money. So it's calculated differently. I'm just asking which is it?
The issue's that both parties could of negotiated ,either, extension or additional years last year.


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So Dak/France would of signed early, especially after a mediocre 2019......not happening.....especially as France was moving away from CAA and possibly had a personal incentive to get the signing done when he was at Athlete's First.

Again i'm not supporting the Jones', but in these cases it's not all on them.
at the time they were negotiating. and there was a a 2-3M/ year difference in the ask vs. give. and Stephen played hardball. great for him. then he franchised him and paid all of it back in one season due to franchise tag. then cornered himself and gave in to Dak because they had no alternative in place. and ended up at 40M.

Stephen has sucked at this. he could have redone CD's contract last year. didn't. waited until this year. and not even early on with signing, so now the price is around 35M/year.... instead of being 28M last year or 32M earlier in the year. if CD has a great year, price may go up to 37M. stephen is an idiot.


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This is ridiculous. Dak turned down 35/5.
no its not. initial contract negotiations the year before was for 4, 5 years and Dak was asking for 28, stephen wanted to pay around 25-26....and he didn't sign him. then franchised him and paid it all back and then he cornered himself with not having an option and where the team was to sign him to a 4 year contract. Dak could have just decided not to resign at all. its the market. and that year, right before Dak, Watson signed for 40M. your opinion of what he is worth is totally irrelevant to QB market and contract values.


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IMO the time for deals to occur/heat up will be soon right as training camp rolls around.
Diggs got extended on July 25. Steele was extended on Sept. 3rd.
Front office knew Martin wanted an extension prior to mini camp but didn't cave till mid TC

I think owners/GMs talk to one another. Don't think the Jones duo was surprised by Jeffersons deal. Nor do I think CDL/his agent weren't expecting it as I'm sure agents talk too among one another depending on who they work for.

Unless there is someone blinking first, like SJ making that call to Demarcus Lawrence, it seems the front office just waits till when "football is back" when making deals.