I actually have a beef with Parsons

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God bless you my friend! I had an additional job in an armor unit as drug and alcohol advisor. My wife and I sent our son to Lincoln Trails twice on recovery. I originally was MHMR the first year it was in existence here, as a house parent ...attending college. I kept an ex-wife on a methodone program until she cleared. I didn't participate, but was supportive throughout the challenges. She would grab the steering wheel while I was driving and attempt to wreck us...

That is as tough a road as a person can travel. Keep it up and keep the faith. I walk it with you and again, God bless!
Based on reading some of your excruciating posts, particularly in the past, I was sorely tempted to do drugs.
Based on reading some of your excruciating posts, particularly in the past, I was sorely tempted to do drugs.
Not really impressed on someone not able to read English and is completely thrown off with reasoning and short sentences. Nope, no drugs needed here!

Able to keep up with a bank account without complaining about Jerry and Dak?

A young married daughter walked in at her Father's home with a pair of baby clothes. He then asked her what that meant...and GrandMother cut in: you better buy more Tide.
Were you able to follow....
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To exclusively retain a single spot on the field is a departure completely from the ground work for the point. You don't place any player on a fifteen foot of carpet and tell him to just stand there.

The team has specificly stated that Parsons is a linebacker. OK, he's a linebacker however it is they presently use him. The team can move him around as any position on the team does, to give them and that player advantages.

From that point, flexability is enhanced.

Parsons has great physical skills. All of that is not questioned either - nor has that ever been presented as a problem...at all.

He is a linebacker, and he will be moved around, even sometimes lining up in the middle or sides. Usually a side...left or right.

Right there is where all complaints end...he still has positional leadership responsibilities of a LINEBACKER. He is the leader of the positional group. The rest of the defense responds around what he does, which has not changed nor even anywhere attacked at core.

Renaming what was stated is the problem above.

*Parsons is working steadily this off season for growth as a player. That is without doubt.

With his push to expand his own abilities, that is admirable. But he has another level that involves the nature and climate of a linebacker. He has room to expand and get even better.

That takes time, communications, and focus in team settings. But the group of Hall of Famers are exactly applicable, as they all have already been there, done that, and WERE forged in fire.

The very best the sport has to offer.

Try and label them out of a comparison group by putting an empty label of 'today's sport,' just ignores the fact required for very top of sport success and defensive dominance!

The Manster took karate classes as a player. It helped him...but at an early entry point, no black belt was going to ask him to break four 1" wooden boards with a side kick.

That takes development as well as directed focus. Same with defensive positions as well. Randy White still uses the striking techniques in his schools for kids.

No one doubts the uniqueness of Parsons' skills nor do I. At no point did I question the ability he has. But even now, he's not the top leader on the defensive side of the ball for Dallas, he has to still earn that notch of team voice on defense.

He is respected but that step is still needed and he has yet to earn that fully. I presented a good reference group to be able to compare with and a yard stick on how to judge this final step, without which the Dallas defense will end up failing. Yea, I said fail, because they can't take the full benefit into battle. Not renaming something to hide or not show reverenced glory to until the team benefits from battle tested results. Not just a single persons blinding some's eyes.

That is the reality of it and no blimish upon a player himself. The defense has to reflect his growth as a leader. No way around that point as in football, you have to win it. Teams have to give and take some, but the great ones are able to dominate and inflect upon another team. The Cowboys are now dependent upon Parcels for unit direction.

Oh, he's going NOWHERE. Jerry has already put his mark on this gamble. Bet it!

Myself, I'm looking for wood chips flying, but the fact is that he has some more to add to his game. That is no insult, just the way the sport is at it's core...new fangled or not.

There are some pretty good teams now. To beat them, and Dallas is among the stronger teams in the NFC, it has to itself dominate. That requires Parsons taking the reigns which requires further growth on his part.

That was the purpose of my OP. I still will offer blame until he becomes that leader, forged in fire, that I want to see him become.

That is just the truth of it, not an insult. It all is on his and his teammate's shoulders. COWBOYS!

I want to see him truly become all that he can become and will compare him to what he can become, and blame him when he pulls up short until he is steel and the Cowboys are top winners again!
far tooooo loooong to read but trying to use Randy White as an example.. umm dude didn't develop until year 3 ..MP is light years ahead of White 2 years into their careers. thats a fact, dont want to hear excuses. DROTY, first team all pro type stuff his first 2 years, to a guy who played STs his firsts 2 seasons ,

Yes Randy white became the manster after he developed and got better but Michael Parsons was great day one and he's getting better he was injured last year it slowed him down for a lot of games to close out the year but he looked like he was pretty motivated in the playoffs.

lastly, also on that note talking about how white worked hard to improve his game are you kidding me the same thing you don't like about Michael Parsons being on social media all the time a lot of that social media is him working with other NFL players like the best tackles in football other defensive ends he was working with DeMarcus Ware almost from day one to get his game better oh he didn't take karate Oh my God he must be lazy and not interested being the best in the league oh dude give it a break you're over here writing novels trying to say Micah Parsons is not trying to be the best when we saw from day one he's been doing those things,

I mean the guy is all over the Internet, you see him working out in the offseason with some of the best players in the league trying to get better... I'm sorry the guys not taking yoga, karate classes, boxing classes, and doing some weird stuff that make you happy.
far tooooo loooong to read but trying to use Randy White as an example.. umm dude didn't develop until year 3 ..MP is light years ahead of White 2 years into their careers. thats a fact, dont want to hear excuses. DROTY, first team all pro type stuff his first 2 years, to a guy who played STs his firsts 2 seasons ,

Yes Randy white became the manster after he developed and got better but Michael Parsons was great day one and he's getting better he was injured last year it slowed him down for a lot of games to close out the year but he looked like he was pretty motivated in the playoffs.

lastly, also on that note talking about how white worked hard to improve his game are you kidding me the same thing you don't like about Michael Parsons being on social media all the time a lot of that social media is him working with other NFL players like the best tackles in football other defensive ends he was working with DeMarcus Ware almost from day one to get his game better oh he didn't take karate Oh my God he must be lazy and not interested being the best in the league oh dude give it a break you're over here writing novels trying to say Micah Parsons is not trying to be the best when we saw from day one he's been doing those things,

I mean the guy is all over the Internet, you see him working out in the offseason with some of the best players in the league trying to get better... I'm sorry the guys not taking yoga, karate classes, boxing classes, and doing some weird stuff that make you happy.
Direction and good progression is the only thing that will reveal in defensive team aggression. Leadership is the problem to overcome...his own!
Direction and good progression is the only thing that will reveal in defensive team aggression. Leadership is the problem to overcome...his own!
SO now it's leadership thats the problem? I thought it was coverage and run defense?
Parsons learning how to be a leader...

Micah Parsons was already one of the most popular figures at this year’s summit, leading small groups of linebackers, defensive tackles, and edge rushers from around the league in demonstrations of moves and techniques, answering questions, and crunching game film for everyone else when he wasn’t taking in lessons from others.

Miller says that he plans to have several players, possibly including Parsons, do even more of that going forward by co-hosting a renamed event to help elevate the status and scale of the camp.

“I done did it for seven years, man. I realized that I’m not going to be this Von Miller forever, (stated Miller as to his leadership.)

SO now it's leadership thats the problem? I thought it was coverage and run defense?
Straight off Fantasy Island...Hey Boss, da plane, da plane! C'mon...waste one's own time by low balling and underselling he's a good player for ridicule of a posts real value.

OK guy, let's go. What are the leadership requirements of a LINEBACKER? Not one's own memories of favored game clips...
Straight off Fantasy Island...Hey Boss, da plane, da plane! C'mon...waste one's own time by low balling and underselling he's a good player for ridicule of a posts real value.

OK guy, let's go. What are the leadership requirements of a LINEBACKER? Not one's own memories of favored game clips...
You were taking his coverage and run defense to task before.

I reject the paradigm that he needs to be a particular vision of a leader as I reject the idea we have enough access and knowledge to judge that type of thing.

You are using a common fallacy where you try to make the issue about one thing and base everything on it.
You were taking his coverage and run defense to task before.

I reject the paradigm that he needs to be a particular vision of a leader as I reject the idea we have enough access and knowledge to judge that type of thing.

You are using a common fallacy where you try to make the issue about one thing and base everything on it.
Keep recycling excuses to justify yourself...one might eventually apply.

Just for reference, remember Eric Dickerson at SMU, was he a generational talent? Did he arrive at SMU with ethics violations and the reason for their death sentence in 1987?

Now build up some real experience in differentiating causes...was Earl Campbell from Texas, Dickerson's talent. Why didn't Houston win it all then? Come on, start standing on what you present here....won't?

Three doors down, they're laughing and having a party...
Keep recycling excuses to justify yourself...one might eventually apply.

Just for reference, remember Eric Dickerson at SMU, was he a generational talent? Did he arrive at SMU with ethics violations and the reason for their death sentence in 1987?

Now build up some real experience in differentiating causes...was Earl Campbell from Texas, Dickerson's talent. Why didn't Houston win it all then? Come on, start standing on what you present here....won't?

Three doors down, they're laughing and having a party...
That is not an excuse. That is just how I see things. You are being weird, dude.
That is not an excuse. That is just how I see things. You are being weird, dude.
facts don't also need a crapload of personality when discussed. Not just poster put down.

You still haven't come clear on just what leadership involves. Apparently you don't know the actual practices and how it is developed. That is WHAT has be described and that is leadership by players...not selection of film staring a player, but building of a quality team.

Your failure is in coat tailing instead, a star and not how great teams are in the final line, built!

I was a Senior NCO and an NCO for 19 years in the Army. You show you have no real clue about what I am talking about, which are classes for attendance for all NCO's in each of their careers...Sorry Charlie.

Next start talking and insulting about being a Veteran when you boil it down. You'll just be wrong again on issue!

Couldn't answer the several questions presented to You, and then cop out further and say that is weird. No, you aren't doing a discussion and just attempt to walk off into the sunset...laughing and having a party. Thank you Patsy Cline.

Answer some of the questions and see where a real and football relevant discussion goes with real and relevant issues included...some of those are good team building and being able to identify that development.

Ever hear about Eric Dickerson? Let's see...that takes knowledge about GREAT players. That player was a special talent and a running back. With the Rams, he helped them beat the Cowboys, by the way...The Rams were beat by the Bears, who had a GREAT defense. Who led that team's defense, guy? Against Washington, Darrell Green, from Texas A&I, caught him from behind in Dickerson's last years with the Rams in a playoff game.

But now, that's based on 'weird' stuff...carry on!
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facts don't also need a crapload of personality when discussed. Not just poster put down.

You still haven't come clear on just what leadership involves. Apparently you don't know the actual practices and how it is developed. That is WHAT has be described and that is leadership by players...not selection of film staring a player, but building of a quality team.

Your failure is in coat tailing instead, a star and not how great teams are in the final line, built!

I was a Senior NCO and an NCO for 19 years in the Army. You show you have no real clue about what I am talking about, which are classes for attendance for all NCO's in each of their careers...Sorry Charlie.

Next start talking and insulting about being a Veteran when you boil it down. You'll just be wrong again on issue!

Couldn't answer the several questions presented to You, and then cop out further and say that is weird. No, you aren't doing a discussion and just attempt to walk off into the sunset...laughing and having a party. Thank you Patsy Cline.

Answer some of the questions and see where a real and football relevant discussion goes with real and relevant issues included...some of those are good team building and being able to identify that development.

Ever hear about Eric Dickerson? Let's see...that takes knowledge about GREAT players. That player was a special talent and a running back. With the Rams, he helped them beat the Cowboys, by the way...The Rams were beat by the Bears, who had a GREAT defense. Who led that team's defense, guy? Against Washington, Darrell Green, from Texas A&I, caught him from behind in Dickerson's last years with the Rams in a playoff game.

But now, that's based on 'weird' stuff...carry on!
So you were an NCO so I am wrong?

Like I said, weird. Thank you for your service, nonetheless.
So you were an NCO so I am wrong?

Like I said, weird. Thank you for your service, nonetheless.
Go back to the playground or just make insulting attempts at misquoting, purposely, someone else. Answer the questions given to You ON TOPIC!
I was a Senior NCO and an NCO for 19 years in the Army. You show you have no real clue about what I am talking about, which are classes for attendance for all NCO's in each of their careers.
You were an NCO was followed directly by you saying I have no clue. It is what it is and like I said you are being very weird.

Further, you have no idea what my experience with armed services leadership training even is.
You were an NCO was followed directly by you saying I have no clue. It is what it is and like I said you are being very weird.

Further, you have no idea what my experience with armed services leadership training even is.
Doesn't matter, but you are not discussing as well as taking diagonal directions on everything discuss. Personality has nothing to do with, but weird is nothing more than an insult.
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