Now, THIS reply I can respond to accordingly.
I don't know jack about you.
You don't know jack about me...
other than the words I post here. And what I post here are my words and no one else's.
**** Terrell Owens. He should do his JOB. It is what he is paid to do. His JOB is to help bring a championship to this team. IF he does his job well, I will complement him for doing a good job. That's it
for me. If he means more to YOU, beyond what he is as a player for the Dallas Cowboys, that's perfectly fine. I, however, am not YOU.
If the Lord is willing, I will live long enough to see him off this roster.
Some people mean what they say when they say it. I am one of those people. If you need a reminder of WHO I am in regards to Terrell Owens, do a search of him and me and you'll get your answer.
Congratulations. You're the first person who has pissed me off in a very, VERY long time. That's not a malicious admission on my part towards you. That has
all to do with how I feel about Terrell Owens.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.