I guess Henson will be back after next week


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I always get a kick out of Henson threads.

Critize or unimpressed with Henson = trolls, haters, "having an Agenda" etc etc........

Express love or excessive confidence in Bledsoe = Find another site for your man worship

Makes you wonder............Whose is our starting QB again?:confused:


The Duke
Reaction score
Charles said:
I always get a kick out of Henson threads.

Critize or unimpressed with Henson = trolls, haters, "having an Agenda" etc etc........

Express love or excessive confidence in Bledsoe = Find another site for your man worship

Makes you wonder............Whose is our starting QB again?:confused:
I always got a kick out of Q threads. Criticize his play as not being good enough, get labeled as a Hutch fan, hater, and even a racist.

Express interest in a possible future QB of the Cowboys whom the team says has tremendous potential = give it up.

Makes you wonder, when will the whining stop?


rock music matters
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Charles said:
I always get a kick out of Henson threads.

Critize or unimpressed with Henson = trolls, haters, "having an Agenda" etc etc........

Express love or excessive confidence in Bledsoe = Find another site for your man worship

Makes you wonder............Whose is our starting QB again?:confused:

charles - you're not being all that fair in this assesment.

show me some names that hare "onthe8thdayGodcreatedhenson" and "henson4mvp" - show me ANY ONE POSTER who's gone to such manlove for henson as nors and his buddies do for bledsoe THEN you get closer to having a point.

i'm sorry their "act" *HAS IN FACT* turned people off bledsoe. i was neutral to not really into it when we first signed bledsoe now after all their crap, i can't stand the man. fair to bledsoe? not really but it's how life works.

it's very easy to the "the answer" is nors and he's already known and banned for this crap, so let's not play innocent little posters pickin on bledsoe, ok?


Well-Known Member
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iceberg said:
charles - you're not being all that fair in this assesment.

show me some names that hare "onthe8thdayGodcreatedhenson" and "henson4mvp" - show me ANY ONE POSTER who's gone to such manlove for henson as nors and his buddies do for bledsoe THEN you get closer to having a point.

i'm sorry their "act" *HAS IN FACT* turned people off bledsoe. i was neutral to not really into it when we first signed bledsoe now after all their crap, i can't stand the man. fair to bledsoe? not really but it's how life works.

it's very easy to the "the answer" is nors and he's already known and banned for this crap, so let's not play innocent little posters pickin on bledsoe, ok?

I understand what you’re saying but taking it out on Bledsoe because of a couple of posters is a bit extreme. Myself I still like the potential of Henson and hope for the best with him but in the meantime having a QB like Bledsoe is very nice to have.


The Duke
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Doomsday101 said:
I understand what you’re saying but taking it out on Bledsoe because of a couple of posters is a bit extreme. Myself I still like the potential of Henson and hope for the best with him but in the meantime having a QB like Bledsoe is very nice to have.
I don't dislike Bledsoe at all. I do dislike the over the top man love. These guys have admitted that they began this on another site to annoy people and entertain themselves. They've admitted they came here to do the same. Yesterday one even admitted it is trolling.

By all means, let's defend them and point the fingers of accusation at fans who bleed for this team. We can disguise it as man love for Henson.

Yeah, that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
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Hostile said:
I don't dislike Bledsoe at all. I do dislike the over the top man love. These guys have admitted that they began this on another site to annoy people and entertain themselves. They've admitted they came here to do the same. Yesterday one even admitted it is trolling.

By all means, let's defend them and point the fingers of accusation at fans who bleed for this team. We can disguise it as man love for Henson.

Yeah, that makes sense.

I agree with you I think some of the posters go overboard with Bledsoe both from the positive point of view and some with a negative point of view. I also realize we have some folks quick to dismiss Henson every chance they get. As I mentioned I'm thankful we have Bledsoe and hope one or both of our younger QB's can develop into quality players.


The Duke
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Doomsday101 said:
I agree with you I think some of the posters go overboard with Bledsoe both from the positive point of view and some with a negative point of view. I also realize we have some folks quick to dismiss Henson every chance they get. As I mentioned I'm thankful we have Bledsoe and hope one or both of our younger QB's can develop into quality players.
Great post.


Virtus Mille Scuta
Reaction score
Charles said:
I always get a kick out of Henson threads.

Critize or unimpressed with Henson = trolls, haters, "having an Agenda" etc etc........

Express love or excessive confidence in Bledsoe = Find another site for your man worship

Makes you wonder............Whose is our starting QB again?:confused:

Criticism without a sufficient body of evidence...could and should be construed as hatred, closed mindedness and stupidity...Henson has played just a little over one half of football in the NFL...Failure upon your part to see that there is little enough to critique let alone criticize is proof positive of atleast one if not all three being true...


Virtus Mille Scuta
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Doomsday101 said:
I agree with you I think some of the posters go overboard with Bledsoe both from the positive point of view and some with a negative point of view. I also realize we have some folks quick to dismiss Henson every chance they get. As I mentioned I'm thankful we have Bledsoe and hope one or both of our younger QB's can develop into quality players.

To Whom do you refer good sir...


Well-Known Member
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Zaxor said:
To Whom do you refer good sir...

Not you....

Probably that guy that used to put a different pic of Bledsoe getting sacked every few days, actually revelling in it. That guy was crazy. ;)


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Talk is cheap. Let see how confident some of you guys are in your opinions.

How about a bet?

I bet Drew Henson doesn't make the final 53 man roster after training camp in 2006.

Should you chose to accept this bet and lose, the ramifications will be NO POSTING on this forum with your current handle for the month of September '06. Of course the bet is conditioned that I accept YOUR ramifications should Henson make the team.

Any takers........


Well-Known Member
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Charles said:
Talk is cheap. Let see how confident some of you guys are in your opinions.

How about a bet?

I bet Drew Henson doesn't make the final 53 man roster after training camp in 2006.

Should you chose to accept this bet and lose, the ramifications will be NO POSTING on this forum with your current handle for the month of September '06. Of course the bet is conditioned that I accept YOUR ramifications should Henson make the team.

Any takers........

Deal. I win - you pay me 500 dollars. :D


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superpunk said:
Deal. I win - you pay me 500 dollars. :D
Come on dude...........One month worth of posting compared to $500.:D

That is a deal I can't accept, unless you allow me to change your ramifications should you lose. Are you willing to lose $500 too?


Well-Known Member
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Charles said:
Come on dude...........One month worth of posting compared to $500.:D

That is a deal I can't accept, unless you allow me to change your ramifications should you lose. Are you willing to lose $500 too?

No. I'm not interested in internet bets. I was just joking, hence the outrageous amount. Have fun.


rock music matters
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Doomsday101 said:
I understand what you’re saying but taking it out on Bledsoe because of a couple of posters is a bit extreme. Myself I still like the potential of Henson and hope for the best with him but in the meantime having a QB like Bledsoe is very nice to have.

you're absolutely right. *IN HERE* i take it out on bledsoe cause that's where the fight starts and i try to keep it here. bledsoe's ever-so-much-fun bounce passes and the like are my "pain points" probably like most neutral fans.

out in the real world i just don't care and simply don't care for bledsoe. i never thought he was a good pick up and unless he wins a superbowl to prove me wrong (or can accept responsiblity for his role in a 2nd half collapse vs somehow flo is now the issue for last year, and whatever happened before) i'm more or less "right" in how i feel about bledsoe.

good qb, not stellar. can't pick up a team to win on his own shoulders and for whatever reason, tends to lose it late in the season. sometimes it's not his fault, but it can't *always* be w/o blame to him.

he loves the long ball to the point where he'll wait it out but he's not quick enough (or alert enough) to keep people away from him while the play develops into it's 8th second where even the rodeo's have buzzers for the cowboys.

if we had a line better than "servicable" i'd feel like he had a shot to do all the things he can do, which *are* many. with the line we have i just see him trying to do it on his own again, see my above critique, and he'll crack.

all his fault? nope. bp knows this about him too and *could* have made more of an attempt to get a valid stud on that line. now we're sans draft to help, FA is over and all we have left are vet cuts and lords knows that's all we need - a few more 30+ 300lb guys out there.

as a person i don't hate bledsoe at all - don't know the man. as a qb for the cowboys, i hate him *in that position* cause of his own history.

having someone work so hard (all the time knowing they're only fanning flames, not really believing it) to convince the world he's really a HOF QB doesn't help, no.

now - is he the best qb we could have had here? maybe. that's forever debatable, never winnable. my own choice would have been griese and more of an open competion to see where things could fall.

in the end, we've got bledsoe and how i feel really doesn't matter, does it? i hope he does well, i hope we have a good season and yea, i hope i can put a lot of katsup on that crow should this be *our year*. but if it's not i hope we say goodbye to parcells and bledsoe and try another road.

but yes - we are a better team in most areas today than 4 years ago - esp. defense. i just don't think defense was needing as much attention as it got at the expense of offense.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Charles said:
Talk is cheap. Let see how confident some of you guys are in your opinions.

How about a bet?

I bet Drew Henson doesn't make the final 53 man roster after training camp in 2006.

Should you chose to accept this bet and lose, the ramifications will be NO POSTING on this forum with your current handle for the month of September '06. Of course the bet is conditioned that I accept YOUR ramifications should Henson make the team.

Any takers........


Be careful, or I'll have my daughter sign up on this board and take your bet. You might want to attach a post count as to who you'll bet.


rock music matters
Reaction score
Charles said:
Talk is cheap. Let see how confident some of you guys are in your opinions.

How about a bet?

I bet Drew Henson doesn't make the final 53 man roster after training camp in 2006.

Should you chose to accept this bet and lose, the ramifications will be NO POSTING on this forum with your current handle for the month of September '06. Of course the bet is conditioned that I accept YOUR ramifications should Henson make the team.

Any takers........

how about doing something less, childish, like having to put a "so and so was right!" tagline/graphic for a month and i'm in.

the "no posting" stuff i kinda left behind in jr. high.


Well-Known Member
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iceberg said:
you're absolutely right. *IN HERE* i take it out on bledsoe cause that's where the fight starts and i try to keep it here. bledsoe's ever-so-much-fun bounce passes and the like are my "pain points" probably like most neutral fans.

out in the real world i just don't care and simply don't care for bledsoe. i never thought he was a good pick up and unless he wins a superbowl to prove me wrong (or can accept responsiblity for his role in a 2nd half collapse vs somehow flo is now the issue for last year, and whatever happened before) i'm more or less "right" in how i feel about bledsoe.

good qb, not stellar. can't pick up a team to win on his own shoulders and for whatever reason, tends to lose it late in the season. sometimes it's not his fault, but it can't *always* be w/o blame to him.

he loves the long ball to the point where he'll wait it out but he's not quick enough (or alert enough) to keep people away from him while the play develops into it's 8th second where even the rodeo's have buzzers for the cowboys.

if we had a line better than "servicable" i'd feel like he had a shot to do all the things he can do, which *are* many. with the line we have i just see him trying to do it on his own again, see my above critique, and he'll crack.

all his fault? nope. bp knows this about him too and *could* have made more of an attempt to get a valid stud on that line. now we're sans draft to help, FA is over and all we have left are vet cuts and lords knows that's all we need - a few more 30+ 300lb guys out there.

as a person i don't hate bledsoe at all - don't know the man. as a qb for the cowboys, i hate him *in that position* cause of his own history.

having someone work so hard (all the time knowing they're only fanning flames, not really believing it) to convince the world he's really a HOF QB doesn't help, no.

now - is he the best qb we could have had here? maybe. that's forever debatable, never winnable. my own choice would have been griese and more of an open competion to see where things could fall.

in the end, we've got bledsoe and how i feel really doesn't matter, does it? i hope he does well, i hope we have a good season and yea, i hope i can put a lot of katsup on that crow should this be *our year*. but if it's not i hope we say goodbye to parcells and bledsoe and try another road.

but yes - we are a better team in most areas today than 4 years ago - esp. defense. i just don't think defense was needing as much attention as it got at the expense of offense.

Bledsoe had his share of bringing this team back from defeat last season and while I don't think he is the best QB in the game today I do think he is still a top QB who with a team around him can help Dallas get to the SB. Lastly there are no QB's out there who can win it all without a very good team around them. Rothlisberge gets a lot of praise yet the guy threw less passes than any starting QB in the NFL, Pitt was able to win the whole thing because they have a very good defense and a running game and a good QB but he nor any QB is going to do much without a team around them.


rock music matters
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Doomsday101 said:
Bledsoe had his share of bringing this team back from defeat last season and while I don't think he is the best QB in the game today I do think he is still a top QB who with a team around him can help Dallas get to the SB. Lastly there are no QB's out there who can win it all without a very good team around them. Rothlisberge gets a lot of praise yet the guy threw less passes than any starting QB in the NFL, Pitt was able to win the whole thing because they have a very good defense and a running game and a good QB but he nor any QB is going to do much without a team around them.

and i can view that as fair. i just think bledsoe needs more than average help and i don't think bp gave it to him. in the end it's bp i feel is evil incarnte so yea, that bleeds out to his choices and builds tunnels for me to look through.


Well-Known Member
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Charles said:
Talk is cheap. Let see how confident some of you guys are in your opinions.

How about a bet?

I bet Drew Henson doesn't make the final 53 man roster after training camp in 2006.

Should you chose to accept this bet and lose, the ramifications will be NO POSTING on this forum with your current handle for the month of September '06. Of course the bet is conditioned that I accept YOUR ramifications should Henson make the team.

Any takers........

I'll take this one straight up, childish or not. :) I would welcome the opportunity to knock Charles off the board for a month.

Charles, are you in?

Henson makes the 53 man roster after this year's training camp, your off for September.

He gets cut... I'm off for September.

I want one priviso, however. It can't be because of injury, it has to be because of performance.
