I Like Beer A Lot

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it is going to be pretty sad if i cannot access cz for 3 weeks.
coachie may be applying said corporeal punishment
if u really want coachie to use barbs, i suspect he may be willing to entertain ur need for extra stimulation
Melon will explode :lmao2:
Why do you even try Putty? You& Dave both end up with super wedgies & yer' heads stuck in toilets every time you try to stir up s*** with me:huh:
Why do you even try Putty? You& Dave both end up with super wedgies & yer' heads stuck in toilets every time you try to stir up s*** with me:huh:

very disturbing, not only r u dreaming of putty butt.
now dd is also involved in said fantasy
very soon, even mirror will be dragged into it :lmao:

resorting to modifying others' posts...
scrapping the bottom of the melon, like mirror may have to do to u

got to run to work
behave little melon
:lmao: I see the overtly expressed subliminal messages in yer miniscule PuttyPowered pooper of processing thoughts ,have done taken root & bares the resulting fruit by it's planned design,,,SHEESE!
PUTTY?,,, you try to come at me at curbside street level & I repeatedly drop-kick you&yer lameness into the grillworks of an oncoming FEDEX delivery truck,,,time after time after time:rolleyes:

:lmao: I see the overtly expressed subliminal messages in yer miniscule PuttyPowered pooper of processing thoughts ,have done taken root & bares the resulting fruit by it's planned design,,,SHEESE!
PUTTY?,,, you try to come at me at curbside street level & I repeatedly drop-kick you&yer lameness into the grillworks of an oncoming FEDEX delivery truck,,,time after time after time:rolleyes:


putty finished working
and melon still being a bad boy
very sad o_O
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