I Like Beer A Lot

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Nice. Only way to see a little something by staying for that amount of time. This way you don't have to rush around. Not sure if kitty can go that long without Putty though. What ever will kitty do without her Putty fix?! :(
:eek: @dallasdave is NOT going to be happy with that at all Putty. :lmao:

will be in 5-6 cities in 20 days with about 15 meetings...
need putty, then get the puttyism poster
trying to cause trouble with @dallasdave, i see that

putty driving to phoenix tomorrow
mid 80s, not happy...
will be in 5-6 cities in 20 days with about 15 meetings...
need putty, then get the puttyism poster
trying to cause trouble with @dallasdave, i see that

putty driving to phoenix tomorrow
mid 80s, not happy...
Oh it's a business trip. That schedule sounds horrific. You won't have time to enjoy yourself at all. Putty, do you have family there?
beer no, Tim Smith moonshine yes
Billy, it's about time you found your way over here. ;)
no relatives there.
no time to play - all work trip
Awe. Wishing you a safe trip Putty. Stay out of trouble. It's been known, traveling over the pond can get one in trouble. Kitty is talking from experience. :muttley:
thanks man.
i have not been to asia for 8 years, so it will be interesting.
one drawback is cz may be blocked there and i dont have time to get a vpn...
but i suspect i will be working pretty hard.
so may not have much chance anyway...

Hey,Waldo what's yer' commie -eyed view concerning China's 5-g competing WiFi network compared against the u.s.of spying on yer A's 5-g system?
Hey,Waldo what's yer' commie -eyed view concerning China's 5-g competing WiFi network compared against the u.s.of spying on yer A's 5-g system?
actually the entire world is not doing well because the high frequency portion of 5g is not supported because components are not really available at low cost.
actually the entire world is not doing well because the high frequency portion of 5g is not supported because components are not really available at low cost.
Germany is running that chinaman made Hunuawang( I know the name of the system starts with the letter 'H' ,but what I spelled above isn't exact,as I forgotten that operating systems name) in 4-g right now& it's the only available equipment compatible ,with price& features available, I think Saudi Arabia is running it also
Oh it's a business trip. That schedule sounds horrific. You won't have time to enjoy yourself at all. Putty, do you have family there?
Billy, it's about time you found your way over here. ;)
Oh I have been a lurkin around. yawl should check the tree next to yer bedroom window.;)
Man ,that's the operating set up of A STRAIGHT CANE SUGAR BASED BATCH RUN OF NOTHING BUT POP-SKULL CHEAP CRAP ,better suited for use as a motor fuel than imbibing,,,o_O

Engine lube no, old people lube yes, Ill do things never known possible even upside down after a few shots of a good corn liquor..Tim Smith makes some of the best shine I ever tasted. its all legal now, good clean corn liquor taste with a hint of rye for that peppery finish.no I dont work for the company, but I should have sum stock by now :grin:

Engine lube no, old people lube yes, Ill do things never known possible even upside down after a few shots of a good corn liquor..Tim Smith makes some of the best shine I ever tasted. its all legal now, good clean corn liquor taste with a hint of rye for that peppery finish.no I dont work for the company, but I should have sum stock by now :grin:
Germany is running that chinaman made Hunuawang( I know the name of the system starts with the letter 'H' ,but what I spelled above isn't exact,as I forgotten that operating systems name) in 4-g right now& it's the only available equipment compatible ,with price& features available, I think Saudi Arabia is running it also

u r talking system level
putty does not play in system level
no one can really support high frequency bands of 5G currently due to component bottleneck
it is a serious problem currently
anyone who says otherwise just playing politics
u r talking system level
putty does not play in system level
no one can really support high frequency bands of 5G currently due to component bottleneck
it is a serious problem currently
anyone who says otherwise just playing politics
This "component bottleneck" of which you speak, so,what yer' really saying is it's beyond China's feasibility guidelines of cost effective exploitation/ copyright violations in bootlegging this equipment, COPY!:thumbup:
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