I really don't understand a lot of you about Dak

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Short memories. In 2022 Dak beat the Eagles (14-3), Bengals (12-4), Vikings (13-4), and Lions (9-8). Then Beat the NFC South division winning Tampa Bay Bucs and Tom Brady 31-14.

In 2021, Dak beat the Chargers (9-8), Eagles twice (9-8, 9-6 against the rest of the league), Patriots (10-7) and the Saints in NO (9-8) and the Giants (9-7-1). He lost to the 49ers 23-17 in the Wild Card round.

In 2023 he beat the Eagles (11-6), Seahawks (9-8), Rams (10-7), and Lions (12-5). I would argue he should have beaten the Eagles twice if not for some really bad officiating. And he brought the Cowboys back against the Dolphins to take a 20-19 lead in Miami with 3:27 left to play. But the defense could not stop Miami from diving for the game winning FG with no time left on the clock.

I am not going to argue Dak is the greatest QB ever, or that he deserves $60 million per year. But I also think criticisms of Dak are based on 1 game, which was not entirely his fault. He is the scapegoat for an entire teams that had complete lapses during the season. Dak has beaten teams with winning records, and he has had some horrible games against good teams, kind of like Tom Brady against Dallas in the playoffs last year.


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These type of logical more middle ground type takes are not appreciated here. This board is a world of all or none.

Depending on who responds you will either be labeled a Dak tard or a hater.

Yeah I agree. You'll have one of the usual low IQ, cowards/trolls here who'll cherry pick what I said to try to fit their lil narrative. They're just weak people being weak people.

Reverend Conehead

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Dak has been a really good regular season quarterback, but he hasn't done that well in the playoffs.


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I don’t see the predecessor Trophy
WHY DO u keep comparing to Romo ??
that was a different era and team. Seem like you hate Romo like others today hate dak, your the same as the ones hating dak ! lol


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Who frigging cares? That was 8+ years ago.

If your best defense of Dak is "But Romo" then he's not worth defending. Period

Overrated, feasts on bottom feeders and gags against legit competition

Arrogant. Me first , team second.

That's Dak in a nutshell. Not a leader and not the guy that can get us where we need to go. If we move on from him tomorrow that's not soon enough. Time to take out the trash.
Out of all the legit and outlandish criticisms of dak, calling him “me first” has to be the most ridiculous way to describe him I think I’ve seen


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Out of all the legit and outlandish criticisms of dak, calling him “me first” has to be the most ridiculous way to describe him I think I’ve seen
Why is it ridiculous?

He's blamed his receivers for his shortcomings, more than once. He openly questioned some teammates work ethic in comparison to his own studiousness and preparation, while offering no evidence to support that charge

He's self branding himself without having done anything to earn his own brand

He constantly talks about everything he's doing and thinking "I'm in the best shape of my life, I'm pissed, I'm on a mission" often outside the context of the team

And he's about to demand to be the highest paid player in league history despite the truth that he hasn't earned it and it's going to hamstring our chances to win it all for the foreseeable future

What about all of that doesn't shout "me first". It's who he's always been and always will be.

What's truly ridiculous is this constant mantra about his alleged leadership cred. "Locker room loves him, everyone trusts him, etc". It's total nonsense and slowly but surely the truth is starting to leak out.


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Why is it ridiculous?

He's blamed his receivers for his shortcomings, more than once. He openly questioned some teammates work ethic in comparison to his own studiousness and preparation, while offering no evidence to support that charge

He's self branding himself without having done anything to earn his own brand

He constantly talks about everything he's doing and thinking "I'm in the best shape of my life, I'm pissed, I'm on a mission" often outside the context of the team

And he's about to demand to be the highest paid player in league history despite the truth that he hasn't earned it and it's going to hamstring our chances to win it all for the foreseeable future

What about all of that doesn't shout "me first". It's who he's always been and always will be.

What's truly ridiculous is this constant mantra about his alleged leadership cred. "Locker room loves him, everyone trusts him, etc". It's total nonsense and slowly but surely the truth is starting to leak out.
Don't forget that he promoted violence against refs after last year's playoff game.


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These type of logical more middle ground type takes are not appreciated here. This board is a world of all or none.

Depending on who responds you will either be labeled a Dak tard or a hater.
He’s exactly right though as are you. 28 years I guess breeds a lot discontentment among fan base
I myself don’t get worked up over it any longer but there’s a group here that spends entirely too much time whining

Like it’s gonna make difference? It makes the board a bit miserable and since the playoff exit there are very few threads that isn’t whining
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Why is it ridiculous?

He's blamed his receivers for his shortcomings, more than once. He openly questioned some teammates work ethic in comparison to his own studiousness and preparation, while offering no evidence to support that charge

He's self branding himself without having done anything to earn his own brand

He constantly talks about everything he's doing and thinking "I'm in the best shape of my life, I'm pissed, I'm on a mission" often outside the context of the team

And he's about to demand to be the highest paid player in league history despite the truth that he hasn't earned it and it's going to hamstring our chances to win it all for the foreseeable future

What about all of that doesn't shout "me first". It's who he's always been and always will be.

What's truly ridiculous is this constant mantra about his alleged leadership cred. "Locker room loves him, everyone trusts him, etc". It's total nonsense and slowly but surely the truth is starting to leak out.
Who are you to determine he shouldn’t have a brand? I’d imagine that those big businesses that have aligned with him including Jordan brand know more about that than you and they seem to think he’s deserving of a brand since he’s paid to endorse them and they pay him for wearing their product. They do this for a living so I’ll lean on them for those ideas.

Him being in the best shape of his life is what he should be doing, since he’s the quarterback of the team. Him being in the best shape of his life means that he’s prepared and giving the team his all, just like we’d expect micah, diggs, zack and the rest to do. Coming into camp in elite shape- ready for a rigorous season in a tough sport is exactly what we want from him and the entire team. If he wasn’t in his best shape guess what? You’d complain about that too like when people called former qb’s fat and lazy.

being paid a record setting contract is money he earned. Whether you or I like it he performed like an mvp candidate for most of the regular season and If we didn’t give it to him another team would and guess what? It’ll be record setting for about 2 months until the next quarterback signs a “record breaking contract” that’s how the league works.

Him being a good teammate isn’t a “mantra” it’s the one thing that has been constantly brought up throughout his career, stop with the bs and just say you don’t like the guy and I’d respect it instead of these frivolous paper thing arguments


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It’s real simple. Toss the stats and all that other nonsense out the window.

The man cannot perform against elite defenses without an elite running game.

He can’t throw open receivers or read more than 1 route.

He can’t throw certain passes and is very limited in the passing game.

He’s not a top 10 qb if he can’t do any of these things. We have a more than large enough sample size.


Star Power
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Dakota P. is so similar to T. Romo that it's scary; 1). Elite stats in the regular season against bad and mid teams.. 2). Likely will be the best QB in the division.. 3). Struggles against good competition.. 4). Epic failures in the playoffs. **I'd like to test the theory that Dak Apologists have, believing that he would be "hotly pursued' on the open market?! With a $55 million per year price tag, I don't see it.**
He’s not at all similar to Romo. Only fans who pride themselves on ignorance and superficial similarities, and thus, like to live in false equivalences think so. We’ll see when Dak gets that post career broadcasting job and is calling out offensive and defensive plays before they happen.


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If Roger Staubach and Troy Aikman had not, you know, actually won championships, we would remember them the same way we remember Craig Morton, Danny White, and yes, Tony Romo. Guys who could not get it done. And frankly, Dak and (though it pains me to say it, because I loved him) Romo are not even Danny White. White won big games and had clutch performances - he just never got the team to the Super Bowl. Dak has been here almost a decade now. We know what he is (good QB) and what he is not (guy who will take the team to the promised land).

And don't throw stats at me. It's 2024. With the rules being what they are, QBs can fall out of bed and put up good numbers.

big dog cowboy

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"I don't think we should trade up to draft Mahomes when Alex Smith gets us to the playoffs basically every year. I'm comfortable with that and the unknown Mahomes brings scares me. What if Mahomes isn't good?" - Dak fans logic.
In addition to complete the lunacy by making him the highest paid player in league history.


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I couldn’t care less what Dak does in regular season (mostly vs bad teams btw). It’s all about him shrinking when it matters most. Move on.
And I could not care about fans you don't understand the game of football so you're telling me that the defense in 2016 and 2018 was great and we lost because of Prescott because I'll tell you you don't know anything about football if you watch those games the defense was not good last year this game against the Packers this last game they were atrocious the defense was far worse then the offense they were all bad the whole team you're blaming Prescott what he should have just stepped up and scored fifty points with nothing around him working was he supposed to go catch the football draw up the plays I mean we go back to 2021 was it Prescott that had 14 penalties that set them behind at every single moment???!!!!

I mean in 2022 the defense played OK but they didn't make that critical interception or break up that play on kittles literally what I see mostly in the playoffs is the team folding up not just Prescott it's the coaches it's all the players show me the players in that Green Bay game that stepped up show me the coaches that had the game plan and stepped up we can dissect every single playoff game Prescott's been in and I could tell you this all the losses there was no strong run game it was 1 dimensional their offensive line got pushed around by a four man rush most of the time they were able to play zone everyone says Prescott can't play zone no Prescott can't play zone when his offensive line can't block four guys when he doesn't have a run game and all they gotta do is send about seven guys out into coverage and really make it tough to find anybody open in a short amount of time....

. I'll agree Prescott did not play well but the rest of the team didn't play well either you can't judge a man a single player when there are 48 players ohh that come to the game there are 22 starters and a bunch of role players that if nobody steps up why would you think the quarterback wouldn't struggle??? Everyone says Prescott needs things to be perfect around him to play well that's not true at all he just needs them to show up and play normal just play solid football for once including the game plans the coaching adjustments the play calls the flow of the game this stuff is our worst enemy it is our team losses...

I've never seen a game and I can even probably go back to Tony Romo days but with Prescott since 2016 I don't know of many losses that if you gave him a run game of any kind just something solid and productive some physicality along the offensive line and a defense that can hold somebody under 23 points Prescott wins most of those games....

So maybe you ought to watch with less of a hater goggles on and realize this guy is top ten like the original posters is trying to say this man has played like top five in many years he's been part of #1 offenses when they get to the playoffs the teams are torpedoing themselves whether it's penalties defense special teams play calling all of it but I know one thing they have not brought a run game for the likes of Tony Dorsett or Emmitt Smith they have not had a defense show up with that to a game like we have in those Super Bowl years Prescott Romo never got to experience all that happening in the same game...

You cannot go on a Super Bowl run without a strong run game and without a defense being able to stop the run and make plays when the opportunity shows itself.... Again I agree Prescott didn't play well probably his worst playoff game but it was probably our worst team playoff game does that make any sense you can't ask a quarterback to do more than the people around him because that's the reality in the NFL I've seen quarterbacks have terrible games and they still win because the rest of the team stepped up I've seen that in the playoffs recently last year and this year in the playoffs but we have some guys like Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson and others in the playoffs that even in better situations are still losing this is a team game...


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If Roger Staubach and Troy Aikman had not, you know, actually won championships, we would remember them the same way we remember Craig Morton, Danny White, and yes, Tony Romo. Guys who could not get it done. And frankly, Dak and (though it pains me to say it, because I loved him) Romo are not even Danny White. White won big games and had clutch performances - he just never got the team to the Super Bowl. Dak has been here almost a decade now. We know what he is (good QB) and what he is not (guy who will take the team to the promised land).

And don't throw stats at me. It's 2024. With the rules being what they are, QBs can fall out of bed and put up good numbers.
That's because those guys won despite not playing perfectly they had better teams better defenses better run games I hate to break it to you but Tony Dorsett Tom Landry Jimmy Johnson Emmett Smith offensive lines run games and defense matter the reason the Tony Romo and Prescott's of the world or even Danny white are not remembered as well as they could be if they did not have the same teams around them more of Tony Romo and Prescott Danny white was absolutely not better than Tony Romo or dak Prescott he threw so many interceptions this place his hair would be on fire and they would call him a Jag he's basically Carson wentz I hate to break it to you but I watched him play and I seen his stats even with Tom Landry and some better talent around him he folded in the playoffs he threw more interceptions and touchdowns in the playoffs same way he barely made it above 5050 and touchdown interception ratio in the regular season he is not that good... He was carried the same way the Philadelphia Eagles carried Carson wentz and Nick Foles into a Super Bowl win they did it with great team play and they did it with a roster that could cover up the warts...3.

You thinking Roger Staubach and Troy Aikman somehow were ever asked to carry a team by themselves everyone around here says well they didn't have to you're damn right they didn't have to because their teams were better they rolled with big offensive lines in a ****** run game and good defense and good special teams and great coaching staff some of the best coaching Staffs to ever be assembled...

You let me know how you think that Romo and Prescott somehow have had the same advantages and just folded and choked they have not had any of that they had it in the regular season but they have not had a strong run game or team that showed up and all played together to put together a Super Bowl run...
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