I really don't understand a lot of you about Dak

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Who are you to determine he shouldn’t have a brand? I’d imagine that those big businesses that have aligned with him including Jordan brand know more about that than you and they seem to think he’s deserving of a brand since he’s paid to endorse them and they pay him for wearing their product. They do this for a living so I’ll lean on them for those ideas.

Him being in the best shape of his life is what he should be doing, since he’s the quarterback of the team. Him being in the best shape of his life means that he’s prepared and giving the team his all, just like we’d expect micah, diggs, zack and the rest to do. Coming into camp in elite shape- ready for a rigorous season in a tough sport is exactly what we want from him and the entire team. If he wasn’t in his best shape guess what? You’d complain about that too like when people called former qb’s fat and lazy.

being paid a record setting contract is money he earned. Whether you or I like it he performed like an mvp candidate for most of the regular season and If we didn’t give it to him another team would and guess what? It’ll be record setting for about 2 months until the next quarterback signs a “record breaking contract” that’s how the league works.

Him being a good teammate isn’t a “mantra” it’s the one thing that has been constantly brought up throughout his career, stop with the bs and just say you don’t like the guy and I’d respect it instead of these frivolous paper thing arguments
I don't like him. I have no problem saying it. Said it before and will say it anytime. Don't like his as our QB, don't care for his personality or "leadership" style either. Do you respect me now? Lol

And hilarious that you're comparing Dak as a brand to Jordan. Absolutely laughable but very telling that you put him in the same stratosphere.

Yes he should be in good shape. He shouldn't need to constantly blather on about it and act like it's some special accomplishment. That's not a leader. That's "look at me". Textbook

Dak's about Dak. Always has been and always will be. And I'd be ok with some of that if he produced commensurate to his legend. But he never has and never will.

He's a loser. Losers lose. I don't like him as our QB and I find his alleged positive personal qualities to be far overstated. The day he's gone from this organization is going to be a great day for true Cowboys fans. It can't come soon enough.


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And I could not care about fans you don't understand the game of football so you're telling me that the defense in 2016 and 2018 was great and we lost because of Prescott because I'll tell you you don't know anything about football if you watch those games the defense was not good last year this game against the Packers this last game they were atrocious the defense was far worse then the offense they were all bad the whole team you're blaming Prescott what he should have just stepped up and scored fifty points with nothing around him working was he supposed to go catch the football draw up the plays I mean we go back to 2021 was it Prescott that had 14 penalties that set them behind at every single moment???!!!!

I mean in 2022 the defense played OK but they didn't make that critical interception or break up that play on kittles literally what I see mostly in the playoffs is the team folding up not just Prescott it's the coaches it's all the players show me the players in that Green Bay game that stepped up show me the coaches that had the game plan and stepped up we can dissect every single playoff game Prescott's been in and I could tell you this all the losses there was no strong run game it was 1 dimensional their offensive line got pushed around by a four man rush most of the time they were able to play zone everyone says Prescott can't play zone no Prescott can't play zone when his offensive line can't block four guys when he doesn't have a run game and all they gotta do is send about seven guys out into coverage and really make it tough to find anybody open in a short amount of time....

. I'll agree Prescott did not play well but the rest of the team didn't play well either you can't judge a man a single player when there are 48 players ohh that come to the game there are 22 starters and a bunch of role players that if nobody steps up why would you think the quarterback wouldn't struggle??? Everyone says Prescott needs things to be perfect around him to play well that's not true at all he just needs them to show up and play normal just play solid football for once including the game plans the coaching adjustments the play calls the flow of the game this stuff is our worst enemy it is our team losses...

I've never seen a game and I can even probably go back to Tony Romo days but with Prescott since 2016 I don't know of many losses that if you gave him a run game of any kind just something solid and productive some physicality along the offensive line and a defense that can hold somebody under 23 points Prescott wins most of those games....

So maybe you ought to watch with less of a hater goggles on and realize this guy is top ten like the original posters is trying to say this man has played like top five in many years he's been part of #1 offenses when they get to the playoffs the teams are torpedoing themselves whether it's penalties defense special teams play calling all of it but I know one thing they have not brought a run game for the likes of Tony Dorsett or Emmitt Smith they have not had a defense show up with that to a game like we have in those Super Bowl years Prescott Romo never got to experience all that happening in the same game...

You cannot go on a Super Bowl run without a strong run game and without a defense being able to stop the run and make plays when the opportunity shows itself.... Again I agree Prescott didn't play well probably his worst playoff game but it was probably our worst team playoff game does that make any sense you can't ask a quarterback to do more than the people around him because that's the reality in the NFL I've seen quarterbacks have terrible games and they still win because the rest of the team stepped up I've seen that in the playoffs recently last year and this year in the playoffs but we have some guys like Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson and others in the playoffs that even in better situations are still losing this is a team game...
Are there any fire engines or floats in this excuse parade?

Gangsta Spanksta

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Which wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't taking up a quarter of the cap space. Average QB's are average because they literally need to be carried the entire way. They don't elevate anyone.
That's the main problem that the people who don't want to let go are -- perhaps purposefully -- glossing over of. It is already bad enough that the guy is not going to get you past mediocre if you include playoff performance, but to keep mortgaging the team's future. They bring up, well you want to go back to the quarterback hell we had after Aikman. Well the alternative the present is extend the age of mediocrity by 5+ years and then go through quarterback hell. And it isn't just the quarterbacks after Aikman that was the problem, there were a lot more untalented players besides the Quarterback on some of those teams, which is exactly what extending a QB that has the worst playoff performance will do. I just don't see the logic the other side is trying to spin.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
No, I'm not ignoring anything concerning Dak. But I do realize that all three playoff games weren't loss SOLELY because of him like people like to frequently say.

With that said, Dak DID contribute to those losses that you've stated. One thing though that sticks out in my mind about that first 49ers playoff game loss is our teams committing 14, 15 penalties that game and Dak didn't commit any of them.

I'm definitely not making any excuses for Dak, but I wonder how many quarterbacks in history faced a number one defense in a playoff game and his team commits 14, 15 penalties and still won.

I would like to know what quarterbacks have done that before. This last Packers loss wasn't solely on him either BUT he did contribute to the loss like the rest of the team and coaching staff.

With that said, Dak is a very good quarterback but may not be good enough to get us where we wanna go.
How many penalties are committed by QB's?

I think maybe delay of game.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It’s real simple. Toss the stats and all that other nonsense out the window.

The man cannot perform against elite defenses without an elite running game.

He can’t throw open receivers or read more than 1 route.

He can’t throw certain passes and is very limited in the passing game.

He’s not a top 10 qb if he can’t do any of these things. We have a more than large enough sample size.
I think you might be on to something. I can;t say if you are right or wrong, but a deep dive into the WAY dak performs...might be a better telltale than just stats.


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I lived through that Era and I will still take the unknown to the known of Dak. Sorry he is a choker that will never get it done. Stop wasting time on him.
This says a lot about your intelligence. Type of person who says, "give him a chance" when a person has showed you who he is over and over again. Stop wasting time on him while Jerry and Stephen play in our faces for 30 years? The irony.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Right so we have literally seen his best season. This was it, it was as good as it gets. We played the softest pass defense schedule in the league. We won't get that next year so you can expect him to regress from this point.
You’re assuming way too much. No one thought we would get the season we got out of him after leading the league in INTs last season. It makes no difference what the pass defenses were like that we faced. Dak had a career year despite OL issues and an inconsistent running game. Plus we only had one consistent WR. Our offense consisted of Dak to CeeDee.


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I couldn’t care less what Dak does in regular season (mostly vs bad teams btw). It’s all about him shrinking when it matters most. Move on.
you dont even get to the playoffs without Dak so the playoffs would be moot. Think about that rationally.


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Dak fans don't realize that we're still in that "post Aikman" looking for a QB era.

Instead of trying year after year to find the next Aikman we've just decided to stick with losers like Romo and Dak for long term.
I hate to break it to you but most QB's do not win the Super Bowl even good ones.


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From game 1 to game 17 his stats have been phenomenal. But you don't win championships with stats.

Dak can't handle the pressure during the playoffs. The look on his face says it all.
Then how do you find a QB that is able to handle pressure? Try a new QB every year and see what happens?


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Just the opposite. Moving on gives the Cowboys the best chance to win in the future. It's always the same story. If you can't win in the playoffs with Dak, why make him the highest paid player in the league??? There might be 5 QB's taken in the first round this draft. Get one. Sign a vet and have a 3 way battle. If he doesn't work out get another in a few years. At least you are trying. Right now, the Cowboys aren't even trying.

Playing it safe and giving Dak that idiotic extension is what's stupid. Like I've said a million times, he will win some games and sell some merch and drive tv ratings. THAT ISN'T THE GOAL. He just handicaps adding needed resources and wastes careers players like Lamb and Parsons while the Jones clan keeps raking in big money into their back pockets.

They’ll never win in the future if they miss on first round QBs like a lot of teams and keep having to use premium picks every few years trying to hit on one. You want the Cowboys to follow the same blueprint as Washington. They moved on from a good QB because of money and have been signing vets and using draft picks trying to find a QB to no avail. It’s set them back and has resulted in losing seasons. Without a viable QB they have no hope. I would rather be using high draft picks on other positions than having to roll the dice on a QB every few years because they keep going bust. Washington has drafted QBs in the top 5 twice the past three decades and they went bust. Now they’re likely to be taking another one in the top 5 all because they didn’t want to pay a good QB they got lucky with in the 4th round.


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Then how do you find a QB that is able to handle pressure? Try a new QB every year and see what happens?
Well eventually you'll find him.....the book on Dak's composure is already closed and payouts made.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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You're probably of a different opinion, but I see part of this "MVP" season having to do playing in the NFC Least Division. Both the Cowboys and the Eagles benefit from having two bottom feeders in the division to pad their wins. And then the Eagles were pretenders just like the Cowboys, so splitting with them, still isn't anything to brag about. People just overrated the cowboys all season long as they tend to do. I also would take the 2016 version of Dak over the 2023 version. That Dak won because he didn't know better, and had good instincts that has since been coached out of him. What year was the last time Dak had the "IT" factor? sometime in 2017?
The 2016 Dak won games because he had the best OL in the league and a great running game with Zeke who put up over 1600 yards. He was able to manage games. He only attempted 459 passes. He attempted 590 this season because he was having to carry the offense. He was much better this season than as a rookie. He has much more experience and he had a career high passer rating and completion percentage. Dak as a rookie would have struggled in a pass first offense that has OL issues and an inconsistent running game.
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