I Think Romo Is Being Soft


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Here ya go, from cowboys website and doctors blurb!

The Cowboys trainers tried all last week to devise a splint Romo could wear that would both protect the finger and allow him to play effectively. He could throw well enough, but ball handling - the ability to grip it and rip it, just wasn't there. When he tested the finger in pregame warm-ups Sunday, Romo said, it was taking too long to secure the ball to make a throw. If the Rams had blitzed, Romo wouldn't have been able to corral the ball well enough to make a play. In such a case, he would have to eat the ball and take a hit, risking re-injury. "The bone is a six-to-eight week thing," Romo said. "You could physically get away with it probably (after) four or five weeks. That's really what it came down to. You have to let the bone physically (heal) so you can take a hit that doesn't re-injure it. The week-to-week thing really isn't true. Either you're going to go that first week, or you're going to wait it all out."


Brain Dead Shill
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Rampage;2367332 said:
when he comes back he could rebreak it or something else like his leg. this is the NFL where injuries are lurkin every play. point is he's a ***** unless he plays this weekend.

You're not a gambling man, are you.


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cowboys5;2367327 said:
reduced but not guaranteed i say play him now and let him play his injury out

Nothing is guaranteed.

Ok, you know what, I'm done. You are so flipping stupid I cant argue this anymore.

With your reasoning, why would any player sit when injured?

He has a broken bone in his hand that prevents him from gripping the ball. He can not be effective now. Even if he could play effectively, it could easily go from a broken bone to a displaced fracture with the any kind of contact. That would put him out for the season and require surgery. Then the Cowboys season would be done. I dont want that. I would like a chance. If he tried to go now, it's over.


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Rampage;2367133 said:
he is being soft. he can't grip a football but i bet he can grip his celeb girl or his fat paycheck. what was that he said, something along the lines of "no one will remember me in 10 years". sounds like something bambi once said.

Wow...that has to be one of the worst attempts at making an analogy ever. Holding a girlfriend or a check compared to holding, carrying, and properly throwing a football...yeah, exact same thing.

Seven;2367152 said:
He can't grip a football................

But you bet he could grip his girlfriend.................

And his fat paycheck.

Wait a sec..............

He can't grip a football................

But you bet he could grip his girlfriend.................

And his fat paycheck.

~scratches head~

Is there supposed to be an analogy in here somewhere?

The analogy is for you to realise the close relation between him and the others out there who are completely ignorant.

cowboys5;2367173 said:
favre played with a messed up thumb and that is way harder to grip a ball with a messed up thumb​

And played quite poorly. Brad Johnson and Drew Bledsoe also tried playing with hand injuries and those didn't go so well for their teams either. Jay Cutler played the other night for the Broncos with a clear hand injury and that didn't go so well for the Broncos either.

Rampage;2367243 said:
he portrays a blind homer

And you continue to portray the village idiot. At least you're doing a fantastic job at it.

Big Dakota

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ThatsmyQB;2367339 said:
Here ya go, from cowboys website and doctors blurb!

The Cowboys trainers tried all last week to devise a splint Romo could wear that would both protect the finger and allow him to play effectively. He could throw well enough, but ball handling - the ability to grip it and rip it, just wasn't there. When he tested the finger in pregame warm-ups Sunday, Romo said, it was taking too long to secure the ball to make a throw. If the Rams had blitzed, Romo wouldn't have been able to corral the ball well enough to make a play. In such a case, he would have to eat the ball and take a hit, risking re-injury. "The bone is a six-to-eight week thing," Romo said. "You could physically get away with it probably (after) four or five weeks. That's really what it came down to. You have to let the bone physically (heal) so you can take a hit that doesn't re-injure it. The week-to-week thing really isn't true. Either you're going to go that first week, or you're going to wait it all out."

It's an injury to a bone and for some reason idiots in this and other threads think he's soft. I'd venture those posters are phony internet tough guys that wouldn't last one play in the NFL.


Lightning Rod
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cowboys5;2367091 said:
I think Romo is being soft because when he threw he had great
velocity on his throws

i think he is tired of getting hit and he just wants a break IMO
i mean how do you go from questionable to ruling yourself out for
the next two weeks after you have had more time to heal.

My point is play him now because the reward out weighs the negatives
Positives is he comes in and we make the playoffs

Negative= he re injures his pinkie even more.
However there is no guarantees and
it could be very well possible that after he heals he could re injure it as well
so i say PLAY HIM NOW.
tHERE ARE 7 TEAMS BETTER THAN US IN THE NFC according to standingss we gotta play catch up

Lets go Boyss

this from a guy who probably misses work when he has a cold


Fear the Afro
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cowboys5;2367091 said:
I think Romo is being soft because when he threw he had great

velocity on his throws​

i think he is tired of getting hit and he just wants a break IMO
i mean how do you go from questionable to ruling yourself out for
the next two weeks after you have had more time to heal.​

My point is play him now because the reward out weighs the negatives
Positives is he comes in and we make the playoffs​

Negative= he re injures his pinkie even more.
However there is no guarantees and
it could be very well possible that after he heals he could re injure it as well
so i say PLAY HIM NOW.
tHERE ARE 7 TEAMS BETTER THAN US IN THE NFC according to standingss we gotta play catch up​

Lets go Boyss​

It's sad if other Cowboy fans think like this. :banghead:


Well-Known Member
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Cowboy5 you're a good man for sticking to your guns. It's fair to question the scenario but it is his career. I prefer not to even hear about him for 3 weeks. You watch how fast is assss gets out here if Brad wins next week and looks good. I had a similar thread that just asked a question and suggested he would have found a way to play when he was a nobody backing up Bledslow and o boy did the homers start their insults. All they can say is dumb and stupid. No insight, no explanation, just emotional, irrational, non explanatory dumb and stupid is all they can say. God forbid you question a starting pro quarterback that you adore anyways. Good for you for not just drinking the Kool Aid. Once again it's his career but we have a right to question and analyze. Romo and this team are just as soft as the majority of their homer I'm only around when they win fans.

the kid 05

Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds
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cowboys5;2367154 said:
thats what i think.. how can he not grip the ball when he was throwing the ball in practice... last time i checked in order to throw a ball u had to grip it first :confused:

to bad hes throwing under no pressure, the ball is handed to him as a result of if taking a snap the bone in his hand can completely break...thus we lose him for the year. Besides his throws were worse then brad's and that should tell you something about Romo whos normally an accurate thrower.

Plus i doubt he grabs his paycheck im sure its direct deposited to his bank account and hes got his left hand for Jessica...god why dont people think before they post?


Brain Dead Shill
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AKATheRake;2367477 said:
Cowboy5 you're a good man for sticking to your guns. It's fair to question the scenario but it is his career. I prefer not to even hear about him for 3 weeks. You watch how fast is assss gets out here if Brad wins next week and looks good. I had a similar thread that just asked a question and suggested he would have found a way to play when he was a nobody backing up Bledslow and o boy did the homers start their insults. All they can say is dumb and stupid. No insight, no explanation, just emotional, irrational, non explanatory dumb and stupid is all they can say. God forbid you question a starting pro quarterback that you adore anyways. Good for you for not just drinking the Kool Aid. Once again it's his career but we have a right to question and analyze. Romo and this team are just as soft as the majority of their homer I'm only around when they win fans.

I can do both. How is this for insight.....how stupid is it that you are suggesting there is a chance that Romo, the guy with the second highest passer rating in the NFL, would be worried about losing his job?

Answer: Pretty stupid.

You say homer, I say stupid. Personally, I'd rather be a homer.


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the kid 05;2367482 said:
to bad hes throwing under no pressure, the ball is handed to him as a result of if taking a snap the bone in his hand can completely break...thus we lose him for the year. Besides his throws were worse then brad's and that should tell you something about Romo whos normally an accurate thrower.

Plus i doubt he grabs his paycheck im sure its direct deposited to his bank account and hes got his left hand for Jessica...god why dont people think before they post?

I don't want him to play either, for injury reasons and mental reasons. But you don't lose him for the year if he injures it further, he gets surgery to put pins in it. The surgery to heal takes 4 weeks. But yes, he can get the Roy Williams scenario just as easily, just on another part of the finger. Once that small amount of metal and pins is in that part is not possible to break.


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tomson75;2367491 said:
I can do both. How is this for insight.....how stupid is it that you are suggesting there is a chance that Romo, the guy with the second highest passer rating in the NFL, would be worried about losing his job?

Answer: Pretty stupid.

You say homer, I say stupid. Personally, I'd rather be a homer.

Never said he was worried about losing his job, the only one even close to creating that sentence is you in the above post. Refrain from ignorant language please, I am sure you are more capable than you sound and interpret sentences. Those unicorns are trey cool tough guy.


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AKATheRake;2367477 said:
Cowboy5 you're a good man for sticking to your guns. It's fair to question the scenario but it is his career. I prefer not to even hear about him for 3 weeks. You watch how fast is assss gets out here if Brad wins next week and looks good. I had a similar thread that just asked a question and suggested he would have found a way to play when he was a nobody backing up Bledslow and o boy did the homers start their insults. All they can say is dumb and stupid. No insight, no explanation, just emotional, irrational, non explanatory dumb and stupid is all they can say. God forbid you question a starting pro quarterback that you adore anyways. Good for you for not just drinking the Kool Aid. Once again it's his career but we have a right to question and analyze. Romo and this team are just as soft as the majority of their homer I'm only around when they win fans.

Right to question and analyze, yes. Right to be dumb, of course.

Romo cannot take a snap from center.

You DO know how important that is for a QB, hmmm????

Please return with a decent logical explanation on how an NFL QB can play without the ability to receive a snap from center. Maybe then, you'll gather some respect.


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M'Kevon;2367503 said:
Right to question and analyze, yes. Right to be dumb, of course.

Romo cannot take a snap from center.

You DO know how important that is for a QB, hmmm????

Please return with a decent logical explanation on how an NFL QB can play without the ability to receive a snap from center. Maybe then, you'll gather some respect.
cause he's a *****


Brain Dead Shill
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AKATheRake;2367498 said:
Never said he was worried about losing his job, the only one even close to creating that sentence is you in the above post. Refrain from ignorant language please, I am sure you are more capable than you sound and interpret sentences. Those unicorns are trey cool tough guy.

Ahh...a avatar attack. Is that what you call "insight'?

You've now joined an elite club of complete morons that have nothing of value to say, no argument worth countering...so they attack unicorns and rainbows. Brilliant!

Oh, and is this not suggesting Romo is worried about his job?:

AKATheRake;2367477 said:
You watch how fast is assss gets out here if Brad wins next week and looks good.

Hmmmmm......I think so.

That was easy.


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break your pinkie and type 60 words a minute for a week straight then get back to me....