I Think Romo Is Being Soft


What's it going to be then, eh?
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cowboys5;2367091 said:
I think Romo is being soft because when he threw he had great​

velocity on his throws​

i think he is tired of getting hit and he just wants a break IMO
i mean how do you go from questionable to ruling yourself out for
the next two weeks after you have had more time to heal.​

My point is play him now because the reward out weighs the negatives
Positives is he comes in and we make the playoffs​

Negative= he re injures his pinkie even more.
However there is no guarantees and
it could be very well possible that after he heals he could re injure it as well
so i say PLAY HIM NOW.
tHERE ARE 7 TEAMS BETTER THAN US IN THE NFC according to standingss we gotta play catch up​

Lets go Boyss​

I think you are an imbecile. You and anyone else who keeps on with this angle. It is shallow, thoughtless and devoid of rational thought in regard to the facts as we know them.​

This whole "soft" ideal is a fallacy because if he could actually grip the football well, set up and throw in rhythm, he would play as he has already stated he can handle the pain. Too many people got caught up in the Favre Phone Call hype. He actually denied even calling Romo, so you got sucked.​

Why am I typing with everything centered?​


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Alexander;2367523 said:
I think you are an imbecile. You and anyone else who keeps on with this angle. It is shallow, thoughtless and devoid of rational thought in regard to the facts as we know them.​

This whole "soft" ideal is a fallacy because if he could actually grip the football well, set up and throw in rhythm, he would play as he has already stated he can handle the pain. Too many people got caught up in the Favre Phone Call hype. He actually denied even calling Romo, so you got sucked.​

Why am I typing with everything centered?​



Makin' It Rain
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Alexander;2367523 said:
I think you are an imbecile. You and anyone else who keeps on with this angle. It is shallow, thoughtless and devoid of rational thought in regard to the facts as we know them.

This whole "soft" ideal is a fallacy because if he could actually grip the football well, set up and throw in rhythm, he has already stated he can handle the pain. Too many people got caught up in the Favre Phone Call hype. He actually denied even calling Romo, so you got sucked.

Why am I typing with everything centered?​


I love the two sides of the argument we've seen here.

You'll see some posts saying Romo is a ***** for not playing. You'll also see posts saying he's selfish and an attention ***** if he plays. Gotta love it.

The reality is, IMO, he's willing to "tough" it out, but knows it's not going to be any good for the team if he is physically unable to hold onto the grip of the ball all game.

Just imagine the hell that would break loose if he guts it out, shows how macho he is, and then fumbles seven times.

And you're just a dolt if you equate not being able to grip the ball with being a *****. There's a difference between being unwilling to "tough" it out, and knowing that your injury hinders you from playing effectively.


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CanadianCowboysFan;2367519 said:
so you never miss work for sickness?
I broke the knuckle on my index finger when i was 18 and didn't miss a day of work because of it.


New Member
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cowboys5;2367203 said:
It is hard for me to understand. Wouldnt he have noticed that it takes longer to postion the ball when he was throwing in pracice​

why do you think he didn't play any snaps in the game?


Makin' It Rain
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Rampage;2367533 said:
I broke the knuckle on my index finger when i was 18 and didn't miss a day of work because of it.

Great story if you're a boxer. :D


Brain Dead Shill
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Rampage;2367533 said:
I broke the knuckle on my index finger when i was 18 and didn't miss a day of work because of it.

Clearly you're not a pianist.

the kid 05

Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds
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Rampage;2367533 said:
I broke the knuckle on my index finger when i was 18 and didn't miss a day of work because of it.

ran my foot over with a 5xxx pound forklift missed 1 day. Some people just have pain tolerances while others dont


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cowboys5;2367327 said:
reduced but not guaranteed i say play him now and let him play his injury out


I swear to god, you're like the Obama Voters they had on the howars stern show in Harlem when asked why they are voting for Obama, they said they like his views, then the guy asked what do you think about Obama having Palin as his vice president, and the ALL were like, oh I think that's fine for Obama to have a women vice president in Palin and it won't affect me voting for him, that's the kind of mental stupidity some of you people have on this site!

I should make a message board where people have to not have a password to log on, but have to pass an I.Q. test in order to come onto the site.
Which by the way they should have for VOTING, your I.Q. never changes, so you'd only have to take the I.Q. test once you become eligible to vote, if you pass, you're allowed to vote for our president and senators and what not, if you fail, you lose that right.

Do you seriosly think it's O.K. for Corky m life goes on to vote for our next president?
Got off subject, but MAN there are a lot of dumb people in this world!


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M'Kevon;2367503 said:
Right to question and analyze, yes. Right to be dumb, of course.

Romo cannot take a snap from center.

You DO know how important that is for a QB, hmmm????

Please return with a decent logical explanation on how an NFL QB can play without the ability to receive a snap from center. Maybe then, you'll gather some respect.

First point:

Ok here we go. Suddenly he can't take a snap from center because he says so but Jerry and Romo both said as well he was taking snaps from center. So when is this hear say worth whatever you want it to be.

2nd Point:

Romo told Saragusa and was on inside the huddle last night saying that if this was a playoff game he would play.

3rd Point:

I'm a unionized marble setter. I broke, that's right broke, the outside part of my right hand under the pinkies knuckle. Had my other 4 fingers also wrapped in this plastic cast the doctor had custom made for me. I was working the following Monday laying 32" x 32" x 1 1/2" thick marble on floors and walls. Not just had to hold it but place it without more than a 1mm joint andmake sure it was leveled. I'm not trying to sound like a tough guy but heck I'm unionized, still worked for my $35.50/hr after my package and you want to tell me about taking a snap from center? This guy makes countless times what I make.

I suppose you're going to say "well that was your decision" and yes it was. I could have collected work comp and relaxed but I just wuldn't be were I liked to be. This is Romo's decision, I respect it both ways whether he plays ornot but he and you homers have to understand that in this sport you nare going to get some grief for not playing with a bad pinkie whether it's legit or not. My plastic cast was half the plastic Romo's is and a 6 week healing process came out to 4. Give me crap for questioning, don't call me stupid because you lack vocabulary and tact.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Rampage;2367533 said:
I broke the knuckle on my index finger when i was 18 and didn't miss a day of work because of it.

When you're doing "that". Step away from the vanity............or was it your nose in the heat of "Battle"?


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the kid 05;2367541 said:
ran my foot over with a 5xxx pound forklift missed 1 day. Some people just have pain tolerances while others dont
like Romo.....

c'mon you left that one wide open:D

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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AKATheRake;2367546 said:
3rd Point:

I'm a unionized marble setter. I broke, that's right broke, the outside part of my right hand under the pinkies knuckle. Had my other 4 fingers also wrapped in this plastic cast the doctor had custom made for me. I was working the following Monday laying 32" x 32" x 1 1/2" thick marble on floors and walls. Not just had to hold it but place it without more than a 1mm joint andmake sure it was leveled. I'm not trying to sound like a tough guy but heck I'm unionized, still worked for my $35.50/hr after my package and you want to tell me about taking a snap from center? This guy makes countless times what I make.

I suppose you're going to say "well that was your decision" and yes it was. I could have collected work comp and relaxed but I just wuldn't be were I liked to be. This is Romo's decision, I respect it both ways whether he plays ornot but he and you homers have to understand that in this sport you nare going to get some grief for not playing with a bad pinkie whether it's legit or not. My plastic cast was half the plastic Romo's is and a 6 week healing process came out to 4. Give me crap for questioning, don't call me stupid because you lack vocabulary and tact.

You were still able to do your job. Romo wasn't.

That's the difference. Doesn't matter how much money you or he make.


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tomson75;2367515 said:
Ahh...a avatar attack. Is that what you call "insight'?

You've now joined an elite club of complete morons that have nothing of value to say, no argument worth countering...so they attack unicorns and rainbows. Brilliant!

Oh, and is this not suggesting Romo is worried about his job?:

Hmmmmm......I think so.

That was easy.

No actually I'm implying he won't like losing the spotlight for 3 weeks if no one talks about him, especially if a washed up QB can win games in the same system he plays. Think about that one? You like unicorns no problem, I complimented you on them but you insist on saying I insulted you while you use the words "stupid" and "moron". Never once have I used any of those words to describe you. Wow, you read the words unicorn and homer and you just go banana's.


The Cult of Jib
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Not everyone can play through pain.

That's ok.

Romo's a good QB, still


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Chocolate Lab;2367553 said:
You were still able to do your job. Romo wasn't.

That's the difference. Doesn't matter how much money you or he make.

Money aside my point is that I continued doing my job when everyone, the doctor, foreman, my colleagues and my family told me to ride the pine. I didn't because I wanted to be out there with my colleagues, the mind has an amazing way of getting you to do things. I knew I couldn't injure it more but the pain was the worst thing to deal with and in the start it did effect my productivity until I got used to it.

My overall point is the mental aspect, if he really wants to go out there he will be out there. There are guys playing with spinal problems. I'm not saying he should play, I'm saying people in this sport and who watch it are going to say he's soft. They have the right to question it,this isn't paper work or admin work, this is tough guy football. So quit the ridiculous name calling like "stupid" or "dumb" for something that is very typical of this sport. That in my mind is just the above 2 words. Don't be surprised that other in your fan base, across the league or in the media call him soft. This whole team is soft not just Romo.