I Think Romo Is Being Soft


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And I thought the "Ware's sacks are hurting this team!" thread was stupid.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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bbgun;2367573 said:
And I thought the "Ware's sacks are hurting this team!" thread was stupid.

oh **** I missed this one linkage please


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cowboys5;2367188 said:
why should i care what any of you think.. in other words how do i make myself look like a fool when i dont know anyone on this board.

anywayss we wont make the playoffs and im sure that will make many of you happy

Why do you post here then? Why are you a member? Do you read other peoples post. I mean, if u do, why, you don't care.:confused:


What's it going to be then, eh?
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RainMan;2367531 said:
Just imagine the hell that would break loose if he guts it out, shows how macho he is, and then fumbles seven times.

He was fully healthy and fumbling a couple of times a game.

I just don't understand this. It makes zero sense.

But, these are trying times. And we will see imbeciles from now until the end of this incredible ordeal of a season talking about things they think they know but don't. It won't stop.

I can only imagine the offseason threads if we finish at .500, saying "what if Romo had just gutted it out?".


Messenger to the football Gods
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AKATheRake;2367572 said:
Money aside my point is that I continued doing my job when everyone, the doctor, foreman, my colleagues and my family told me to ride the pine. I didn't because I wanted to be out there with my colleagues, the mind has an amazing way of getting you to do things. I knew I couldn't injure it more but the pain was the worst thing to deal with and in the start it did effect my productivity until I got used to it.

My overall point is the mental aspect, if he really wants to go out there he will be out there. There are guys playing with spinal problems. I'm not saying he should play, I'm saying people in this sport and who watch it are going to say he's soft. They have the right to question it,this isn't paper work or admin work, this is tough guy football. So quit the ridiculous name calling like "stupid" or "dumb" for something that is very typical of this sport. That in my mind is just the above 2 words. Don't be surprised that other in your fan base, across the league or in the media call him soft. This whole team is soft not just Romo.

Maybe cause your job didn't entail 300+ pound athletes gunning for you every 45 seconds. You got breaks, lunch, talks at the water cooler, flirting with the secretary, meetings, etc., etc.

Carry on...........


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Seven;2367583 said:
Maybe cause your job didn't entail 300+ pound athletes gunning for you every 45 seconds. You got breaks, lunch, talks at the water cooler, flirting with the secretary, meetings, etc., etc.

Carry on...........

I love armchair toughguys who try to relate their broken appendages to this discussion. It is really enriching to the debate.

Unless you have played professional football and have broken a finger, please shut up.


Well-Known Member
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bbgun;2367573 said:
And I thought the "Ware's sacks are hurting this team!" thread was stupid.

I think Wares sacks help this team but we're at a forum where we all can discuss anything about our team and the guy was looking for other point of views as to whether Ware focusing on sacks was hurting this team. Well a very knowledgeable individual came up with an overwhelming statistic proving otherwise. It was found to be that Ware has led the league last year and this year in yards lost behind the line of scrimmage on running plays indicating Ware is also stopping the run. Now that gent didn't call him stupid but enlightened us all with that information.

In my opinion, that thread asked an outside of the box question that received a superior answer that we all benefited from. When we call people and their threads stupid and dumb we only belittle this site, our fan base and our ability to reason. I ear some of you guys get real aggressive with people at times but I certainly hear some very intelligent rational and insight. I like the latter better and it makes my experience here better. Hope you folks share the same sentiment. We are all entitled to our own opinions but there is a more effective way to express them. You don't know who has a disability here, is a young person under 18, what peoples backgrounds are. Why degrade one another over hear say? Inform one another.


Well-Known Member
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cowboys5;2367125 said:
well we will lose these next two games and be 4-5 going to landova​

which we will lose making us 4-6 and then we would have to go perfect which we wont because i doubt we will beat pitt, eagles, giants​

Are you for real???

Romo had his chin busted open in Cleveland, blood running down his neck and soaking his jersey, took 13 stiches after the game.

Did he come out of the game then????...............NO

Against the Cardinals he was knocked down 19 times and kept getting up. I dont care what level you play at, if you get knocked to the ground 19 times and keep getting up for more..............YOU HAVE BRASS BALLS!!!!!

Real easy to sit behind a keyboard and talk about how a QB is soft as you watch the game on Sunday from your lazy boy.

Do some of you guys even bother to watch the games????


New Member
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AKATheRake;2367546 said:
First point:

Ok here we go. Suddenly he can't take a snap from center because he says so but Jerry and Romo both said as well he was taking snaps from center. So when is this hear say worth whatever you want it to be.

2nd Point:

Romo told Saragusa and was on inside the huddle last night saying that if this was a playoff game he would play.

3rd Point:

I'm a unionized marble setter. I broke, that's right broke, the outside part of my right hand under the pinkies knuckle. Had my other 4 fingers also wrapped in this plastic cast the doctor had custom made for me. I was working the following Monday laying 32" x 32" x 1 1/2" thick marble on floors and walls. Not just had to hold it but place it without more than a 1mm joint andmake sure it was leveled. I'm not trying to sound like a tough guy but heck I'm unionized, still worked for my $35.50/hr after my package and you want to tell me about taking a snap from center? This guy makes countless times what I make.

I suppose you're going to say "well that was your decision" and yes it was. I could have collected work comp and relaxed but I just wuldn't be were I liked to be. This is Romo's decision, I respect it both ways whether he plays ornot but he and you homers have to understand that in this sport you nare going to get some grief for not playing with a bad pinkie whether it's legit or not. My plastic cast was half the plastic Romo's is and a 6 week healing process came out to 4. Give me crap for questioning, don't call me stupid because you lack vocabulary and tact.

rebutle to 2nd point:

if this were the playoffs, Romo(being the competitor that he is) would play. however, this isn't even the second half of the season yet. therefore, he needs to heal.

rebutle to 3rd point:

whoopty friggin doo. you layed some marble with a broken hand(and probably had some help). you can use other parts of your body to help with that. throwing a football uses 100% of whichever hand you throw from. you simply can't use any other part of your body to compensate a fractured pinky in this aspect.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Beast_from_East;2367588 said:
Are you for real???

Romo had his chin busted open in Cleveland, blood running down his neck and soaking his jersey, took 13 stiches after the game.

Did he come out of the game then????...............NO

Against the Cardinals he was knocked down 19 times and kept getting up. I dont care what level you play at, if you get knocked to the ground 19 times and keep getting up for more..............YOU HAVE BRASS BALLS!!!!!

Real easy to sit behind a keyboard and talk about how a QB is soft as you watch the game on Sunday from your lazy boy.

Do some of you guys even bother to watch the games????

In a way, I can even excuse the soft talk last week because we were all told he could put on his best Favre face and play with two broken limbs while also in a coma, because as we all know that's his hero and he got that phone call.

But the facts have been thrown out there the last few days. He has done pretty much everything he could to play. He cannot set up and throw. That simple. It is not a matter of fortitude. It is a matter of execution. There is more to the position than simply looking good throwing the football.

If someone wants to be truly angry at a party responsible, blame the trainers who cannot come up with a miracle splint so he can grip the ball almost immediately after the snap. As it stands, he has to adjust the ball AND go through his progressions. It would take too much time, especially how our OL is blocking. That is the issue right now. It is not the pain.


Makin' It Rain
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Alexander;2367586 said:
I love armchair toughguys who try to relate their broken appendages to this discussion. It is really enriching to the debate.

Unless you have played professional football and have broken a finger, please shut up.

Yep. Your average joe can haul their broken leg to work and sit at a desk all day. Heck, I'm working with such a person right now.

And a hand injury might make it a little harder to type, but most will find a way to cope.

Not quite the same in the world of professional sports.


Well-Known Member
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cowboys5;2367173 said:
favre played with a messed up thumb and that is way harder to grip a ball with a messed up thumb​

You convienently left out the fact (or you simply didnt know) that Farve's thumb injury WAS ON THE NON-THROWING HAND!!!!

Kinda makes a difference.



What's it going to be then, eh?
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RainMan;2367591 said:
Yep. Your average joe can haul their broken leg to work and sit at a desk all day. Heck, I'm working with such a person right now.

And a hand injury might make it a little harder to type, but most will find a way to cope.

Not quite the same in the world of professional sports.

I can even appreciate that the "unionized marble setters" who can break their fingers and function. God bless you all.

But it has very little relation to the actual reality of what we are discussing.


The Cult of Jib
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Alexander;2367586 said:
I love armchair toughguys who try to relate their broken appendages to this discussion. It is really enriching to the debate.

Unless you have played professional football and have broken a finger, please shut up.

I fractured my finger (by punching a brick wall) and went golfing the following day.

It hurt. And I was mentally "compensating" the pain by adjusting my grip mid swing...

Needless to say, the ball went everywhere, except straight (unless I was pitching, chipping, or putting).

On its own accord, it didn't hurt too badly. But as soon as I tried gripping a club and swinging.... bad things happened.

Fortunately, beer solved the issue after awhile.

Though..... I suppose.... one could argue, if I hadn't drank beer the night before, my finger wouldn't have been fractured in the first place.

Vicious cycle. Beer giveth. And it taketh.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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AKATheRake;2367572 said:
Money aside my point is that I continued doing my job when everyone, the doctor, foreman, my colleagues and my family told me to ride the pine. I didn't because I wanted to be out there with my colleagues, the mind has an amazing way of getting you to do things. I knew I couldn't injure it more but the pain was the worst thing to deal with and in the start it did effect my productivity until I got used to it.

My overall point is the mental aspect, if he really wants to go out there he will be out there. There are guys playing with spinal problems. I'm not saying he should play, I'm saying people in this sport and who watch it are going to say he's soft. They have the right to question it,this isn't paper work or admin work, this is tough guy football. So quit the ridiculous name calling like "stupid" or "dumb" for something that is very typical of this sport. That in my mind is just the above 2 words. Don't be surprised that other in your fan base, across the league or in the media call him soft. This whole team is soft not just Romo.
Once again, though... You were able to do your job. Romo wasn't. He said that with that cast on, it took him two or three full seconds to adjust the ball to where he could throw it. That would be impossible in a timing based offense. Just because he could play catch with Jerry doesn't mean he could handle the ball the way an NFL QB has to.

And if he didn't play with a cast, he -- unlike you -- could hurt the hand worse. If that hand got hit and the fracture became displaced, he'd be done for the year.

I don't know why you're telling me this is a tough game when you're the one thinking the player is a wimp. These guys are the toughest mofos anywhere... The average person has no idea how much pain they tolerate in order to play.


Well-Known Member
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Seven;2367583 said:
Maybe cause your job didn't entail 300+ pound athletes gunning for you every 45 seconds. You got breaks, lunch, talks at the water cooler, flirting with the secretary, meetings, etc., etc.

Carry on...........

LOL, really talks at the water cooler? Never seen one on site. (2) 10 minute breaks, 30 minute lunch to be exact. Work with a few 300 pounders but no they aren't gunning for me. No I'm not an NFL QB either nor will ever have that illustrious opportunity. However, I'm usually 700 feet in the air on a scaffle holding marble and granite slabs that weigh 80 lbs easily and don't come with anything to grip. I do wish the secretary was up there with me, could make for a real romantic situation being able to see the city from that view. Since I'm right handed how tough would it be to work with a broken right hand in those conditions? Remember, the company doesn't make money with me out there laying one stone a day.

You neglect to outline the point I was making. Romo's injury isn't just physical, it's mental also. He isn't mentally ready to go out there with these circumstances. It's his right and choice. People are going to call him soft though and I don't understand why so many Cowboy fans sound surprised at this ad want to insult people. Heck even get tothe point of telling people about their jobs. Could you please tell me more about my work please? In regards to Romo's, he's an athlete that is in the entertainment business, people pay to see him and know about his life. Don't be so futile because he isn't. Vince Young was getting there though. Their choice and their right to do with what they want in their career. Our choice and right to question. It'snot aright to abuse other people verbally. You catching me here or do I seem about 700 ft upwards?


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Alexander;2367590 said:
In a way, I can even excuse the soft talk last week because we were all told he could put on his best Favre face and play with two broken limbs while also in a coma, because as we all know that's his hero and he got that phone call.

But the facts have been thrown out there the last few days. He has done pretty much everything he could to play. He cannot set up and throw. That simple. It is not a matter of fortitude. It is a matter of execution. There is more to the position than simply looking good throwing the football.

If someone wants to be truly angry at a party responsible, blame the trainers who cannot come up with a miracle splint so he can grip the ball almost immediately after the snap. As it stands, he has to adjust the ball AND go through his progressions. It would take too much time, especially how our OL is blocking. That is the issue right now. It is not the pain.
IT IS THE PAIN! he can't grip the ball cause it hurts too much. it takes him 2-3 seconds to grip it cause of the PAIN!


What's it going to be then, eh?
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AKATheRake;2367599 said:
You neglect to outline the point I was making. Romo's injury isn't just physical, it's mental also. He isn't mentally ready to go out there with these circumstances. It's his right and choice. People are going to call him soft though and I don't understand why so many Cowboy fans sound surprised at this ad want to insult people. Heck even get tothe point of telling people about their jobs. Could you please tell me more about my work please? In regards to Romo's, he's an athlete that is in the entertainment business, people pay to see him and know about his life. Don't be so futile because he isn't. Vince Young was getting there though. Their choice and their right to do with what they want in their career. Our choice and right to question. It'snot aright to abuse other people verbally. You catching me here or do I seem about 700 ft upwards?


You don't even acknowledge the points that are being made.

YOU brought up the tough thing. YOU think YOUR experience means anything. YOU are pretending like you know he has a "choice" and that it is all "mental".

In other words, you are wasting everyone's time.