I would not pay Micah or CeeDee


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I think the premise of my idea is pretty clear.

I may be ignorant that you cant get off salary easy in the NFL due to guaranteed money and bonuses or whatever having to be paid by the selling team.

But I dont think talking about getting off of risk is asinine in a thread about money.

You dont want to sell low...would rather try and rehab the value even if the return would be garbage even if rehabbed.

I think you could possibly end up with a non-playable player and would be interested in talking about an exist strategy. You dont see it that way.

I think getting a 6th now is better than rehabbing and MAYBE getting a 3rd...or if he is struggling getting nothing.

Seems like the trade compensation in the NFL is trash these days...so I am willing to have a conversation about getting off of salary since the benefit of rehab seems marginal to me and risky.

I dont want to trade Diggs by any means. But people want to talk about money and players. Im pin pointing a player that has risk attached to him. You dont see it that way.


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Nobody's trading a bundle for CeeDee or Micah since both would be a sign and trade. Just have to let them play out their contracts, accept the compensatory picks and move on.
Why would it be a sign and trade? Aren’t they both under contract? The new team would negotiate a new contract after acquisition.


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Also I can’t recall one of our star players openly make references about being traded. He made his joke about DQ, and his Steelers trade comment the other day. Just odd.
Funny how a player applying pressure in contract negotiations is considered bad. Tons of propaganda throwing shade at the player being selfish or toxic.

Total double standard.

Existence is disappointing.


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Why would it be a sign and trade? Aren’t they both under contract? The new team would negotiate a new contract after acquisition.
I think his suggestion is that no team is giving up assets to trade for a player that will become an unrestricted free agent soon.

Giving up multiple picks for a player that is only under contract for a short term is risky. The player, once a free agent, can leave the team that just paid assets for him because he is unrestricted.

A sign and trade, assuming they have that in the NFL, means the player would be under a new, longer term contract before being acquired. This is eliminating the risk of the player leaving when unrestricted. They are no long an unrestricted free agent soon...they are under a long term contract. Which is worth trading your assets for.


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Funny how a player applying pressure in contract negotiations is considered bad. Tons of propaganda throwing shade at the player being selfish or toxic.

Total double standard.

Existence is disappointing.
You don’t find it odd? Have you ever heard of any our star players joking about being traded? I don’t recall it. I find it odd, IMO.


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I think his suggestion is that no team is giving up assets to trade for a player that will become an unrestricted free agent soon.

Giving up multiple picks for a player that is only under contract for a short term is risky. The player, once a free agent, can leave the team that just paid assets for him because he is unrestricted.

A sign and trade, assuming they have that in the NFL, means the player would be under a new, longer term contract before being acquired. This is eliminating the risk of the player leaving when unrestricted. They are no long an unrestricted free agent soon...they are under a long term contract. Which is worth trading your assets for.
These players are on rookie contracts the teams can still exercise tagging them. If you’re going to trade them you do it while you have control of the situation. If you signed them you don’t give the other team the opportunity to negotiate with the player.


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You don’t find it odd? Have you ever heard of any our star players joking about being traded? I don’t recall it. I find it odd, IMO.
The dude's heart is in Pennsylvania. But he is after money.

I think the Cowboys would have intel on if this guy was really wanting to be in Pennsylvania and would act accordingly.

I think he is applying pressure on the Cowboys to make him happy because if not...he loves home.


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I think I get it...your wanting to play him this year and see if he can rehab his value instead of selling low now.

What happens if he isn't fast and isn't tackling this next year and seems to be struggling overcoming the injury?

Are you saying you rather eat is contract and hope instead of selling low?

Again...I don't think it's easy to get off some salary in the nfl...so your take might be technically right.

I'm saying, and I'm not trying to be right, if this was nba the guy would be moved due to the risk if a team was in a cap crunch with other stars needing to be paid. And again...it's a different sport with different rules. I'm talking about getting off of risk and salary if it was possible and helped the team. I'm not talking about Diggs being in an impact position or how sought after that position is...though they factor. I think if we assigned weights to these factors you and I might disagree on their importance.

If the Cowboys have to est a bunch of salary/guaranteed money regardless...and it doesn't make sense to move him due to that money....I'm with you. I don't know the exact rules in the nfl. But if it was possible to offload him without much financial hit and get some picks now...it's worth talking about
Why sign a long term deal to an injured player?

Unless it is undervalued because of the injury.

Or just just sign a 1 year deal.


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LA does it. Philly does it. KC had to let Hill walk. You can churn rosters to great effect in this league. We just don’t have a front office with the expertise and vision to do it.
This. It’s because Jerry and company love their guys sooooo much. We will over pay and then the star player becomes an average guy and bam we can’t trade them without being on the losing end because of the contract we gave them.


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The dude's heart is in Pennsylvania. But he is after money.

I think the Cowboys would have intel on if this guy was really wanting to be in Pennsylvania and would act accordingly.

I think he is applying pressure on the Cowboys to make him happy because if not...he loves home.
That’s not what I asked. I didn’t anything about “home”. I said he’s mentioned it twice now which included DQ (tongue in cheek joke) and the Steelers comment. I am not referring to destination. A player who has been on the team for 3 years has now openly (tongue in cheek) suggested being traded. When have you ever heard a Cowboys star player suggest that? I can’t recall one.

Look bro, He is going to get paid top dollar probably record setting money for a non-QB there is no disputing that. Those supposed tactics that you’re suggesting seem desperate if that’s what you’re using to negotiate. Pay me more money or trade me? Ok well he’s in his prime and would fetch a boatload of picks.


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That’s not what I asked. I didn’t anything about “home”. I said he’s mentioned it twice now which included DQ (tongue in cheek joke) and the Steelers comment. I am not referring to destination. A player who has been on the team for 3 years has now openly (tongue in cheek) suggested being traded. When have you ever heard a Cowboys star player suggest that? I can’t recall one.

Look bro, He is going to get paid top dollar probably record setting money for a non-QB there is no disputing that. Those supposed tactics that you’re suggesting seem desperate if that’s what you’re using to negotiate. Pay me more money or trade me? Ok well he’s in his prime and would fetch a boatload of picks.
I dont get it. Ignore me I guess.


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I dont get it. Ignore me I guess.
Hey man I’ve seen you post this a couple of times, and on a side note are you good? Like is everything going ok? Bruddha, I’m just posting thoughts that come up when I read things that’s it no reason to ignore you. If I’m not explaining clearly that’s on me.


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Just my opinion. You could likely get two firsts for Micah if you trade him now. Maybe a 2nd and 3rd for cd. That would give us 7 picks in the top 100 for 2025 draft. You could do a lot with that. Save all the money. 35m for cd, 35 for Micah, 55 m dak. That’s 125,mil for three players. Even if you’re pushing the money down the line. That’s way too much cap space to spend on 3 players that can be replaced.
You don't have to. Stop going to their games, stop buying merchandise, etc. I don't.


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You guys don’t want to pay anyone. This isn’t baseball where you can be the Athletics and win with a bunch of no names. You have to have elite players at certain positions to win. Elite players gets paid.


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You guys don’t want to pay anyone. This isn’t baseball where you can be the Athletics and win with a bunch of no names. You have to have elite players at certain positions to win. Elite players gets paid.
Well when we had them on their rookie deals how did that work out?


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So far today I have seen comments that say

"Im not for paying players on past production"

and many comments saying

"Guys stop playing after getting paid"

a lot of player blaming and pro-slavery undertones

weird how this board is over run by these avatars and no one defends the reasonable posters...the only people getting reinforced are the pro-hate posters.


No one talking about running game or playoff coaching preparation...its all on the players.


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Just shame the players...

rinse, repeat

keep hate alive

its great for existence

hate for profit


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Make it make sense man lol.

That's how it works when 2-3 player are going to obliterate your cap. Frankly I'd be starting a rebuild, we aren't winning with this current group of players. I'd move on from Dak too.


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You build a team through great players. A team is 53. Why they hell are you wanting to trade your 1-2 players???

You build around them
You build a team through great players and GOOD players. We won't have the cap for those good players soon...