If Dallas wins next 2 games you will all be back on board with the team***Merged***


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be back on board with the team, and it will make the Carolina game exciting.
Dallas 4-6 playing what may be a undefeated team in Dallas.
At that point Dallas needs to beat them too, to make a statement.

Now this is all contingent with winning in TB and Miami, but Dallas is I think better on the road,
and of course Tony may be back for Miami game.

So This next game in Tampa is huge, and I think Matt knows this is his last start, so he will want to win,
and I think they all now just want to win one, and TB is not a gimme or easy win, but doable.

With our coaches I dont have a lot of confidence, but i think the players may take it upon themselves
to win this one.

I predicted a loss the last 2 games, but I am now predicting a win for the cowboys, one that could be
the start of a win streak.
5-6 at this point things would be looking different ?

I like the way you think... Maybe the team plays its best game of the season without Romo on Sunday. One game at a time right? It's a huge game


Junior College Transfer
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His math isn't any better than his grammar.

Another JC remedal student who dont understand compartive/figurative analysis though the above is quite true off me, a DMX gangsta that dont follow the madding crowd, Herb.


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be back on board with the team, and it will make the Carolina game exciting.
Dallas 4-6 playing what may be a undefeated team in Dallas.
At that point Dallas needs to beat them too, to make a statement.

Now this is all contingent with winning in TB and Miami, but Dallas is I think better on the road,
and of course Tony may be back for Miami game.

So This next game in Tampa is huge, and I think Matt knows this is his last start, so he will want to win,
and I think they all now just want to win one, and TB is not a gimme or easy win, but doable.

With our coaches I dont have a lot of confidence, but i think the players may take it upon themselves
to win this one.

I predicted a loss the last 2 games, but I am now predicting a win for the cowboys, one that could be
the start of a win streak.
5-6 at this point things would be looking different ?

They not and will lose tomorrow 2-7. The end


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Maybe look at what they have to do to get to 9-7 before making lame statements? Both havethe Patriots left. 1 loss each. That means the Giants have to go 4-2 outside of the Patriots and Eagles 5-2 outside of the Patriots. They also both play each other which is another guaranteed loss for one of them. What makes you think either of them are going to pull that off? 8-8 wins this division for somebody, but just keep throwing out your blanket statement without looking at facts if thats what serves your purpose.

You don't even know what you're talking about. A hypothetical projection IS NOT A FACT!!!
Second, what makes you think Dallas can get to 8-8? The Cowboys have to play Green Bay on the road (if we're not getting pressure on Sam Bradford, what makes you think we'll get pressure on Aaron Rodgers?). We have to play Buffalo on the road, and that's not a gimme. We have to play Washington on the road, and they're a division rival that gives us trouble. We have to play an undefeated (well, now they are) Carolina team.

The Giants are ahead of us 2 games. And while I believe the Patriots will beat the Giants, it's not out of the realm of possibility that the Giants could beat New England, seeing how they defeated them in the Super Bowl twice.

No, I'm not throwing out blanket statements. I'm giving scenarios and possibilities, which aren't facts. At least I know a fact when I see one. :D
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You don't even know what you're talking about. A hypothetical projection IS NOT A FACT!!![/SIZE]
Second, what makes you think Dallas can get to 8-8? The Cowboys have to play Green Bay on the road (if we're not getting pressure on Sam Bradford, what makes you think we'll get pressure on Aaron Rodgers?). We have to play Buffalo on the road, and that's not a gimme. We have to play Washington on the road, and they're a division rival that gives us trouble. We have to play an undefeated (well, now they are) Carolina team.

The Giants are ahead of us 2 1/2 games. And while I believe the Patriots will beat the Giants, it's not out of the realm of possibility that the Giants could beat New England, seeing how they defeated them in the Super Bowl twice.

No, I'm not throwing out blanket statements. I'm giving scenarios and possibilities, which aren't facts. At least I know a fact when I see one. :D

Preach LOL I explained all this last week but too many delusional fans on here


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You don't even know what you're talking about. A hypothetical projection IS NOT A FACT!!!
Second, what makes you think Dallas can get to 8-8? The Cowboys have to play Green Bay on the road (if we're not getting pressure on Sam Bradford, what makes you think we'll get pressure on Aaron Rodgers?). We have to play Buffalo on the road, and that's not a gimme. We have to play Washington on the road, and they're a division rival that gives us trouble. We have to play an undefeated (well, now they are) Carolina team.

The Giants are ahead of us 2 games. And while I believe the Patriots will beat the Giants, it's not out of the realm of possibility that the Giants could beat New England, seeing how they defeated them in the Super Bowl twice.

No, I'm not throwing out blanket statements. I'm giving scenarios and possibilities, which aren't facts. At least I know a fact when I see one. :D

The FACTS you are ignoring is what these other teams have to do to get to 9-7 which is what I said wouldn't happen. The original post you quoted stated the Cowboys had 2 losses to play with, to which you responded some nonsense about the other teams rolling over, which is a blanket statement. 8-8 is not rolling over. Its a result of both of those teams schedule. I also never said anywhere the Cowboys would win 8 games.


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The FACTS you are ignoring is what these other teams have to do to get to 9-7 which is what I said wouldn't happen. The original post you quoted stated the Cowboys had 2 losses to play with, to which you responded some nonsense about the other teams rolling over, which is a blanket statement. 8-8 is not rolling over. Its a result of both of those teams schedule. I also never said anywhere the Cowboys would win 8 games.

There are 3 more losses coming for sure

Bucs, Panthers, Packers. So the best we can do is 7-9


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Even if the Cowboys win their next 2 games their fate is in the hands of the Giants, Eagles and Commanders. Catching Washington won't be difficult they're only one game ahead of us but if the Giants and Philly win their next 2 games we'll be in the same sinking boat we are now with fewer games left to catch up. If the Giants were to get a spilt in their next 2 games the Cowboys will only make up one game if they win their next 2 with 6 games remaining.

With Philly having the Dolphins, Bucs and Lions the next 3 weeks they have an chance to get on a run so regardless if the Cowboys were to start stringing some wins together the Giants and Philly have to start losing or it will be too little too late. Every time either one of those teams wins a game they put the Cowboys one step closer to elimination.The Cowboys are in a position where they have to win and the other teams have to lose to make up any ground which is why a 2-6 team has never made the playoffs.

The Giants and Philly have a strangle hold on the Cowboys especially with Carolina and Green Bay on their schedule. Those are going to be very difficult games to win even with Romo. The Cowboys will have their best opportunity to make up some ground on the Giants on Sunday with them facing NE. If they were to pull off an upset and the Cowboys lose to the Bucs even those Cowboy FANS living in a complete fantasy world will give up all hope.

Again a glass half empty take. Yout shtick is always the same pessimistic outlook.


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The FACTS you are ignoring is what these other teams have to do to get to 9-7 which is what I said wouldn't happen.
The original post you quoted stated the Cowboys had 2 losses to play with, to which you responded some nonsense about the other teams rolling over, which is a blanket statement. 8-8 is not rolling over. Its a result of both of those teams schedule. I also never said anywhere the Cowboys would win 8 games.

First, how is it a FACT what other teams have to do to get to 9-7??? That's not a fact because it involves possibilities. Possibilities aren't facts. They're projections. They're guesses. They only become facts when they happen.

Second, you say it won't happen. But that's not fact either because it hasn't happened. Do you even know what you're talking about? :huh:

Third, how is saying a team isn't going to roll over a nonsense statement? It's not. The Giants and Eagles are trying to win the division just like the Cowboys are.

Fourth, do you know what a blanket statement is?
A blanket statement is a generalization - something that covers everything, like a metaphorical blanket. There is an implication when using "blanket statement" that it may be an over-generalization.

Obviously, my statement CAN'T be a blanket statement because you take exception to it. And if you take exception to it, then it doesn't cover everything.

Your statement assumes that things will break right for the Cowboys and things will break bad for the Eagles and Giants. And I'm saying to you that the Giants and Eagles aren't going to just lie down and let the Cowboys take the division. And the Giants are two games up on the Cowboys. If the Giants win another game, and we win, they will still be two games ahead of us. If they win and we lose, we'll be three games behind with fewer games to make up.

That's not nonsense. If anything, it makes good sense. Maybe making good sense is a sign of nonsense to some.

Be that as it may, you really need to consult a dictionary for the proper definition of the word fact and the phrase blanket statement because they don't mean what you think they do. Just saying. :)


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And the main point is still being overlooked

"WE ARE CHASING THREE TEAMS NOT ONE" Which means if we win tomorrow and the skins, eagles, and giants all win, NOTHING CHANGES with us being closer to the end of the season

Giants -6-4


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
The literal and figurative worlds exscape you don't they?

I am guessing you did not go to Rice or Princeton but in fact, Jack, you are the guy 2 seats ahead off me in JC remedal food-supply distribution class who make loud gastrointestinal noises.

Hey gift me a high-5 for the hurt our high-energy football 22 put on Wharton County Junior College. We bad.

You're talking stupid and I dont have time to play this fake "I don't speak English" game with you. So sure whatever.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Again a glass half empty take. Yout shtick is always the same pessimistic outlook.

I'm always being realistic while your shtick is to always look for positives in every negative situation regardless how dire it is. So do you see a silver lining to being 2-6 and riding a 6 game losing streak? How full can the glass be at 2-6 with Romo still out? I posted prior to the Seattle game that if the Cowboys could win that one and the Philly game they could very easily turn their season around at 4-4.

Did you miss those posts or did they not fit with your agenda of me always taking the negative view? Feel free to pump some sunshine on the Cowboys current situation. There must be some silver lining you can come up with in the middle of the teams longest losing streak in 26 years.


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95 other teams have been sitting at 2-6 thinking the exact same thing.........if we win next week, we can get on a roll and still make the playoffs.

How did it work out for those 95 teams?..................................0-95

Just adding some perspective to the task in front of us.

Pretty sure an early 70's Bengals team did it. But I get your point. This coaching staff needed to figure out a way to win 2 stinkin games without Romo....and they failed.


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Pretty sure an early 70's Bengals team did it. But I get your point. This coaching staff needed to figure out a way to win 2 stinkin games without Romo....and they failed.
yeah they did! and now we find out if they can win this last one.!
WE find out a lot today, but it only matters if cowboys can win.
If they lose there will still be a tiny bit of hope, but hard to hope for playoffs.
I think giants lose, and hopefully NO and Miami can help us out.