1. If Goff sucks, all it proves is that you don't need to spend any money for a QB to get the SB and Dak should have been there long ago. Further, Goff at least went to SBs and didn't choke when he shouldn't have choked, unlike Mr. Deer-in-the-Headlights Dak Prescott..
2. The Rams traded for Stafford and won a SB and were right back in the play-offs just last year, despite having to off-load a bunch of contracts.
3. The facts are Stephen re-signed guys like Gallup, FOR DAK. Just like they went out and got Amari FOR DAK, they released him FOR DAK. Their decisions, including the "texas West-Coast" were made to simplify things for the IQ behind Center. They have been baby-sitting this guy his whole career here.