If the Jints get Plax, we've lost the war....

NO you can leave pal...
And no sorry I'm not overly crazy or confident about trhe way our club has been handled..seeing we haven't won a playoff game since friggin 1996! Seeing our drafts are disgraceful as well as our UFA pickups ..as well as hiring a 63 yr old coach who just got taken to the cleaners by his ex-wife for 2 Homes and $18 Mill cold hard cash....who looked about as enthused on the sidelines last season as a patient waiting to get an enema ....
WakeUp Chuck...
lets see i never knew a team was suppsoe to always win and have the best drafts ever (speaking that drafts are more ofa lottery pick than anything) i never knew that we ahd to go to the playoffs all the time to be respected with what we do. ANd i never knew that the past alwasy ment for such disgracful and immature talk by a single person who calls himself a cowboys fan.
Badattitude said:
You're from the south, I wouldn't expect you to know much.

well i guess since i'm from the south i'm just friggin idiot huh even though i spen 15 years of my life in the nort i'm just this lowly moron cause i live in the south. yea buddy us peopel down here in the south are jsut idiotss sittin on a stool i recken, and your just a blazin genius sittin next to us huh. man go JO somewhere,
Badattitude said:
You're from the south, I wouldn't expect you to know much.

:ref:Flag on the play!!! Unsportsmanlike posting...
Badattitude said:
Yeah, after all the crap that has been hurled at me....You hypocrite.

Actually I'm not. If you'd ready any of my posts in this thread, up until that point, I hadn't taken a position one way or the other about what's been tossed around by you, to you, for you, nor against you. But at least you're consistent in what you bring to the board. If it makes you feel better to get personal and call people names and insult where they're from and whatnot, cool beans. No sweat off my nose, cuz it's all about the :star: for me...
peppersquad said:
I cant say I disagree with the dude.

We havent gotten a playmaker yet. Hopefully we get 2 in the draft, but MAYBE 1 is more likely.

awwwww, SadApptitude found a friend.
well he does have some points. we are lacking a puss rusher and unfortunately FA this year was thin in that category. theres no bert berrys or jevon kearses this time around. so im guessing we look the draft and maybe pick up spears at #20. we actually need youth on the d-line believe it or not.

so this years draft im hoping for a starting de, olb, and fs. i say take the best available player at each. if merriman is there at #11 we snag him, then hope and pray either erasmus james, spears, or pollack is there at #20. 2nd round we'll simply take the best available fs. then spend the remainder of our draft trying to find a good RT and speedy WR.
Woody'sGirl said:
Actually I'm not. If you'd ready any of my posts in this thread, up until that point, I hadn't taken a position one way or the other about what's been tossed around by you, to you, for you, nor against you. But at least you're consistent in what you bring to the board. If it makes you feel better to get personal and call people names and insult where they're from and whatnot, cool beans. No sweat off my nose, cuz it's all about the :star: for me...
NO, that's just it, I don;t wanna get personal , nor did I .,.until I got slammed with uncalled for insults bu Angry KoolAiders....
Hey fact remains...no playoff win in 10 seasons No GM....out 2 and 2 together.
Bad, you are not even a Cowboys fan, so what up with all this "WE" are going to lose this war junk?! Why does it bother you so much eh? If you like to b1tch and moan, go for it. I just am curious of your intentions since you obviously don't bother posting on your own team's forum and gravitate to the Dallas Cowboys. If you like to convert, just do it and get it over with! LOL
hardcorebob said:
Bad, you are not even a Cowboys fan, so what up with all this "WE" are going to lose this war junk?! Why does it bother you so much eh? If you like to b1tch and moan, go for it. I just am curious of your intentions since you obviously don't bother posting on your own team's forum and gravitate to the Dallas Cowboys. If you like to convert, just do it and get it over with! LOL
Dude, I'm more of a Cowboys fan than anyone on this board...I've been with this team for nearly 30 years ..and my father since Day1 ...when he was stationed in Fort Bliss....
Don't tell me about the Dallas Cowboys....I'll embarrass you.
can you please quit whining bad, evidently you are not a true cowboy fan, all you know to do is bad mouth everything they do.
please, if all your going to do (bad) is badmouth the cowboys please do it in a pinkskins forum. you must not like the cowboys if your going to complain about everything they do! get a life, be happy jj is a winning owner!!
Badattitude said:
Dude, I'm more of a Cowboys fan than anyone on this board...I've been with this team for nearly 30 years ..and my father since Day1 ...when he was stationed in Fort Bliss....
Don't tell me about the Dallas Cowboys....I'll embarrass you.

There are a few fans here who have been around longer than 40 years. Longevity doesn't make you more or less of a fan. You just have more memories.

CBZ has been around since their inception and I've got a few on you as well.

I'm bored.
HeHateMe said:
Most likely the "NWO" reference is for the "New World Order" of the former WCW (World Championship Wrestling).

It was a wrestling faction of "bad boys" who thought they were tough.

Thats what youre dealing with.

Thank for the info...that's great. BadAttitude is a wrestling nut. That explains a lot. He's simply been hit over the head with a metal folding chair by one of his little buddies too many times.
I guess I'm missing it here. Burress does not equal TO. I would go a little further and add that while TO did well in Philly last year, that's only one year. I would also add that they didn't win the championship. Lastly, Burress aint TO. To mention the two together makes this discussion moot. Burress has never caught 100 balls. He has had one really good season of 78 catches and 1325 yards with 7 TDs in 02. In 01 he had just an ok season. 66 grabs, 1008 yards and 6 TDs. Last year, only 35 catches and 698 yards in 11 games. The year before, 60 catches, 860 yards in 16 games. Perhaps he may some day become as good as Owens but in my mind, there is a big difference between TO and Burress.

TO has always been a pain in the arse but he has also always been one of the hardest working guys in the NFL. Burress his an attitude. He has never worked hard and he's known for this. Comparing the two is a reach. More then that, it's an insult to TO and that is something I would never have thought I would hear myself say.

Get over the man love for Burress. He's not TO. He's an OK WR with some nice natural ability that manages to under achieve. The league is filled with guys like that IMO.
Badattitude said:
Don't tell me about the Dallas Cowboys....I'll embarrass you.

Where will you find the time? Looks to me like you pretty much stay busy doing that to yourself.

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